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In this paper we develop an algorithm to generate a course Time table using fuzzy algorithmic approach satisfying certain constraints. With an example we show that how these constraints are satisfied.
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      GeneticsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceRNA
fuzzy learning algorithms require only a single pass through the training set. This produces a computationally efficient method of learning. The effectiveness of the fuzzy learning algorithms is compared with that of a feedforward neural... more
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      Fuzzy set theoryBack PropagationFuzzy SetsFuzzy Systems
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringProject ManagementConstruction Management
Fuzzy Logic has been proposed for information representation and manipulation in databases, being the current tendency to study mechanisms of flexible querying to traditional databases. SQLf has been one of the efforts in this tendency.... more
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      MathematicsRelational DatabaseArtificial IntelligenceFuzzy Logic
In this paper, we describe an intelligent signal analysis system employing the wavelet transformation towards solving vehicle engine diagnosis problems. Vehicle engine diagnosis often involves multiple signal analysis. The developed... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceTechnologyMachine Learning
""Origin–destination (O–D) matrix estimation methods based on traffic counts have been largely discussed and investigated. The most used methods are based on Generalised Least Square estimators (GLS) that use as input data a starting O–D... more
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      Transportation EngineeringOperations ResearchFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theory
Recommender Systems are a class of applications which are used to overcome the problem of information overload. They use the opinions of members of a community to help individuals in that community identify the information most likely to... more
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      Computational ModelingFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theoryPersonalization
 Abstract-Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (FAHP) are two methods both used for Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Consistency Ratio (CR) is checked for all data sets fed into both these... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy SetsMulti Criteria Decision MakingAnalytic Hierarchy Process
Risk is defined as the probability of a specific adverse event occurring within a specific period, while Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) is the development of a quantitative estimate of risk based on engineering evaluation and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringRailway TransportMalaysiaFuzzy Sets
Career guidance for students, particularly in rural areas is a challenging issue in India. In the present era of digitalization, there is a need of an automated system that can analyze a student for his/her capabilities, suggest a career... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy rule-based modelingFuzzy SetsTheoretical Frameworks/Methodologies
Industrial control systems are nowadays exposed in environments with rapid and unstable parameter changes and uses measuring equipments with critical output sensitivity. In the case of thermal gas analyzer, measurement errors are... more
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      Thermal EngineeringThermodynamicsNumerical SimulationsSimulation (Computer Science)
Let R be a commutative ring with unity. In this paper we introduce and study Fuzzy Quasi regular ring as generalizations of (ordinary) Quasi regular ring. We give some basic properties about these concepts.
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    • Fuzzy Sets
It is often remarked that politicians’ private lives are becoming feature of political communication in many advanced industrial democracies. However, there have so far been no genuinely comparative studies examining the personalised... more
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      FolkloreComparative PoliticsMedia StudiesSocial Sciences
The evolutionary based computational approach has been matured into an extensive collection of concepts and techniques with the hype in the complexities of the problems which could not be easily dealt by the classical approach. The... more
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      Software EngineeringEvolutionary ComputationFuzzy LogicFuzzy Sets
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      Computer ScienceComputer Science EducationFuzzy SetsPhilosophy of Computer Science
Quantifying or, more generally, estimating the severity of the possible consequences of occupational accidents is a decisive step in any occupational risk assessment process. Because of the lack of historic information (accident data... more
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      PsychologyConstruction MaterialsOccupational HealthFuzzy Logic
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      Cognitive PsychologyAnthropologyFuzzy SetsLanguage
Fuzzy models are regarded as linguistic modeling structures with well-defined functional blocks off inlput and output interfaces along with a processing module. The paper examines the functions of these modules and specifies the relevant... more
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      Computer ArchitectureFuzzy LogicFuzzy SetsTopology
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      Expert SystemsFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theoryFuzzy Sets
Prototype Theory offers one of the most accepted models for semantic memory organization. Lexical availability trials provide investigators with a faster and easier means of observing this cognitive organization, since lists of available... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFuzzy SetsCognitive LinguisticsLinguistics
The fundamental equations governing the operation of a dc motor are straightforward and are well presented in most undergraduate curricula, usually in a required energy-conversion or electrical-machinery class at the junior level. The... more
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      EngineeringEducationFuzzy LogicFuzzy Sets
We consider a finite, aperiodic, time homogenous, absorbing Markov chain on a fuzzy partition, for which each time an absorption occurs there is a resetting of the chain according to some initial (replacement) distribution. The resulting... more
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      Finite Element MethodsFuzzy set theoryFuzzy SetsMarkov Processes
Bow-tie analysis is a fairly new concept in risk assessment that can describe the relationships among different risk control parameters, such as causes, hazards and consequences to mitigate the likelihood of occurrence of unwanted events... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFuzzy SetsRisk assessmentUncertainty
The theory of dual numerical means of random and experienced variables is briefly described in the framework of the new theory of experience and the chance that arises as an axiomatic synthesis of two dual theories — the Kolmogorov theory... more
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      SociologyProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingExpert Systems
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Artificial IntelligenceFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theoryFuzzy Sets
The roles of business angels (BAs) are especially important in view of both decreasing the levels of formal venture capital investment and growing the average amount of individual deals. Angel investors typically invest at an earlier... more
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      EconomicsFuzzy SetsTechnological Innovation and Economic DevelopmentMCDM
The difficulties associated with translating a set of scores into letter-grades are discussed. A novel method for automating this process, the Fuzzy Grading System, is developed and compared to traditional practices. Letter-grades are... more
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      EngineeringEducationFuzzy LogicAnthropometry
A restrained dominating set S ⊆ V (G) in a graph G is said to be restrained nonsplit-[1, 2] dominating set, if for every vertex v ∈ V − S, 1 ≤ |N (v) ∩ S| ≤ 2 and < V − S > is connected. The minimum cardinality of restrained nonsplit-[1,... more
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      Graph TheoryFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theoryFuzzy Sets
Axiomatic design gives a design map to designers in order to establish a scientific basis, which improves design activities. In the classical axiomatic design (AD) approach, the relationships between functional requirements (FRs) and... more
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      Fuzzy set theoryProduct DesignFuzzy SetsMathematical Sciences
Fuzzy logic is a form of many valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any real number between 0 and 1. By contrast, in Boolean logic, the truth values of variables may only be the integer values 0 or 1. Fuzzy logic has... more
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      ManagementMobile RoboticsFuzzy SetsMobile Robot
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      Quality ImprovementFuzzy SetsSupply ChainMultidisciplinary
Two classes of metrics are introduced for spaces of fuzzy sets. Their equivalence is discussed and basic properties established. A characterisation of compact and locally compact subsets is given in terms of boundedness and p-mean... more
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      Fuzzy SetsPure MathematicsCompact CityFuzzy Metric Space
This paper is based on the following assumption: that there exists a fuzzy tree structure and a distance between fuzzy trees which provides the basis for fuzzy decision-making. The paper provides the following: (1) a new definition of the... more
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      Graph TheoryDecision Support SystemsFuzzy SetsMultidisciplinary
Material handling equipment selection problem (MHESP) is an important decision making area for the companies, since it has a direct effect on manufacturing and service productivity. In this study, an integrated fuzzy multi-criteria... more
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      Decision MakingFuzzy SetsSix SigmaMulti Criteria Decision Making
The aim of the work was to map and analyse benthic habitats in the Polish zone of the Baltic Sea using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The habitats definitions were analogous to those proposed in the HELCOM classification,... more
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      Earth SciencesStatistical AnalysisFuzzy SetsBiological Sciences
Recommender systems have grown to be a critical research subject after the emergence of the first paper on collaborative filtering in the Nineties. Despite the fact that educational studies on recommender systems, has extended extensively... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLiteratureQuantity SurveyingRecommender Systems
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      Machine LearningSpeaker RecognitionFuzzy LogicFace Recognition
The main strengths of collaborative filtering (CF), the most successful and widely used filtering technique for recommender systems, are its cross-genre or 'outside the box' recommendation ability and that it is completely independent of... more
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      GeneticsFuzzy SetsWeb PersonalizationCollaborative Filtering
Specific applications of fuzzy logic in project management are relatively few in comparison to other application areas. The criteria of project cost, project time, and project quality may be considered as project management internal... more
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      Decision MakingProject ManagementFuzzy LogicDecision Support Systems
This paper continues our research in fuzzy plane geometry. Previously, we studied fuzzy points and fuzzy lines. Now we investigate fuzzy circles and fuzzy polygons. We show that the fuzzy area of a fuzzy circle, or a fuzzy polygon, is a... more
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      Fuzzy SetsPure MathematicsGeometryFuzzy Set
Recommender Systems are a class of applications which are used to overcome the problem of information overload. They use the opinions of members of a community to help individuals in that community identify the information most likely to... more
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      Computational ModelingFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theoryPersonalization
Fuzzy logic is now a wide field of study and different tools have been developed over the last 10 years. Its implementation in food quality control for the food industry has been highlighted by several authors that have focused on... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy Logic ControlFuzzy SetsPure Mathematics
Windows of opportunity and product life cycles have been shortening in recent years, placing pressure on firms to stay competitive. Many firms have responded to this pressure by setting goals of reducing new product development (NPD)... more
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Ոչ հստակ բազմությունները հանդիասնում են սովորական բազմությունների տեսության ընդլայնումը։ Եթե սովորական բազմությունների տեսության մեջ նշվում է հստակ կանոն,որով կարելի է պարզել՝ տվյալ տարրը պատկանում է այդ բազմությանը թե ոչ, ապա ոչ հստակ... more
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    • Fuzzy Sets
For a long time, one of my dreams was to describe the nature of uncertainty axiomatically, and it looks like I've finally done it in my co∼eventum mechanics! Now it remains for me to explain to everyone the co∼eventum mechanics in the... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
The construction industry is plagued by occupational risky situations and poor working conditions. Occupational risk assessment (ORA) on workplace sites is the first and key step to achieve adequate safety levels, particularly to support... more
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      EngineeringRiskFuzzy SetsPublic Health
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      Fuzzy set theoryFuzzy SetsMembership Functions
We report on a fuzzy logic-based language understanding system applied to speech recognition. This system acquires conceptual knowledge from corpus data and organizes such knowledge into fuzzy logic inference rules. The system parses... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy SetsSpeech RecognitionParsing
Transformation in procurement technique aims to create a sustainability development and innovative outsourcing strategy. It can increase the probability of project success with quality and give an added value in money and contract times.... more
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      Fuzzy SetsDSS