Most downloaded papers in Gemology
The origins and identities of the gem minerals known in antiquity have been construed primarily from ancient literary sources. Some of the most important texts are not preserved in the translation of original manuscripts but are versions... more
Preface; History of the Collection; Abbreviations; General Introduction; The uses of Gems; The choice of designs on gems; The technique of gem engraving; The materials used for ancient gems; Appreciation and collecting of gems; Gem... more
Statistical correlations in flowrate fluctuations between wells from many fields appear to bear out the expectation that the hydraulic conductivities of faults and fractures in reservoirs can be influenced by geomechanical perturbations... more
Being nondestructive and requiring short measurement times, a low amount of material, and no sample preparation, Raman spectroscopy is used for routine investigation in the study of gemstone inclusions and treatments and for the... more
Shoreline and shelf-edge trajectories describe the migration through time of sedimentary systems, using geomorphological breaks-in-slope that are associated with key changes in depositional processes and products. Analysis of these... more
Egypt’s Red Sea island of Zabargad, also called St. John’s Island, is arguably the world’s most famous source of gem olivine, or peridot. Both the island and its eponymous gemstone were called “topazos” by ancient writers. Although much... more
The results of quantitative electron microprobe analyses and observations of gemmological properties and microscopic features are presented for 11 garnets of ancient Greek, Etruscan and Roman manufacture. In addition to chemical data, the... more
References (Bibliography on litho-, mineral-, crystal- and gem-therapy): p. 171-249.
Among the metal (gold and copper) and non-metal (minerals, rocks, pottery, pigments, bioobjects) artefacts in the Chalcolithic graves from Varna in Bulgaria are numerous beads of chalcedony (carnelian and agate) composition. To the three... more
Peter Paul Rubens is known to have collected gems as well as raw minerals. This chapter situates the artist's interest in stones in a wider historical context and argues for the influence on his painted oeuvre of his knowledge of cameos... more
Nephrite-yielding prehistoric cultures in Europe have been using nephrite artifacts usually as axes or as ritual objects (including amulets). The nephrite artifacts are traced in largest number known from Maurach. For certain prehistoric... more
A complete heavy ormamental set of an equestrian warrior (cataphractarius) was found during archaeological excavations from the rich Thracian necropolis at Chatalka, Stara Zagora region (Bulgaria) .
Over the past two years, the heat treatment of corundum involving lattice diffusion of beryllium (Be) at temperatures over 1800°C has become a major issue in the gem trade. Although initially only orange to orangy pink... more
This study provides the first quantitative geochemical, petrological, and mineralogical data on major rock types and minerals in the Kafubu area. Highly magnesian talc-chlorite ± actinolite ± magnetite metabasites hosting emerald... more
Greco-Roman culture classified a great variety of gems. Authors such as Theophrastus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder dealt with the subject. To now which gems were most highly valued in ancient Rome, it is essential to consult book 37 of... more
Studies of prehistoric (Neolithic to Chalcolithic period) artefacts from the territory of Bulgaria during the past decade revealed a lot of specific gem and decorative minerals and materials: nephrite, malachite, serpentinite, turquoise,... more
A simple explanation along with photos of different diamond grades. Including the 4 C's: Cut, Color, Carat Weight & Clarity. Plus the 5th C . . . . . . COST !
A common sense approach to diamonds for the every day person.
A common sense approach to diamonds for the every day person.
For about three decades, airborne electromagnetic (AEM) systems have been used for groundwater exploration purposes. Airborne systems are appropriate for large-scale and efficient groundwater surveying. Due to the dependency of the... more
This paper compares the resolution and efficiency of 2D resistivity imaging survey with eight electrode arrays by numerical simulations. The arrays analysed include the pole-pole (PP), pole-dipole (PD), pole-bipole (PB), Wenner-α (WN),... more
Archaeomineralogy (archaeological mineralogy, mineralogical archaeology) is an interdisciplinary science related to the study of archaeological and historical objects of a mineral and rock composition (Kostov, 2007a; Rapp, 2009). In... more
Aus den frühbronzezeitlichen Schichten von Troia, hauptsächlich aus den Phasen II Spät (ca. 2350-2250 v. Chr.) und III (ca. 2250-2200/2150 v. Chr.) stammen bekanntlich zahlreiche Objekte aus Edelmetall und Halbedelstein. Mehrere Forscher... more
The Preslav gold treasure (adornments from gold decorated with enamel, beads of gem minerals and pearls: diadem, bilateral necklace, medallions, several earrings and earcaps, rings, buttons, appliqués and other small finds) was found in... more
The Preslav gold treasure (adornments from gold decorated with enamel, beads of gem minerals and pearls: diadem, bilateral necklace, medallions, several earrings and earcaps, rings, buttons, appliqués and other small finds) was found in... more
Turquoise in the Life of American Indians. The mankind has known turquoise for more than ten thousand years. This is the only “live” mineral which can change its color with weather changes and the condition of its owner. Probably it is... more
Seminar Report on Quartz Mineral and the Vein Quartz Deposits of Sri Lanaka.
The Permian Ecca Group of the Karoo Basin, South Africa preserves an extensive well-exposed siliciclastic basin £oor, slope and shelf-edge delta succession.The Kookfontein Formation includes multiple sedimentary cycles that display... more
Tourmaline typically forms where crustal rocks interact with migrating hydrous fluids or silicate melts, and its isotopic composition provides a reliable record of the isotopic composition of the fluids and melts from which it... more
About 240 natural and man-made gemstone glyptics (artefacts) (seal gemstones and ceremonial stones) and jewelleries with gemstones in the I˙zmir Archaeological Museum belong to the Anatolian cavitations regarding to the Greco-Persian,... more
A review of the genetic classifications of jasper based on mineralogical data outlines three main types of jasper and related rocks: 1 -jaspers; 2 -jasperoids; 3 -jasper-like rocks. True jasper has a quartz composition and is of... more
This paper addresses the cultural translation of some exotica – selected valuable objects that were brought from the south Aegean or even more distant areas to Troy, Beşik-Tepe and Greek Macedonia mainly during the Late Bronze Age. The... more
What has natural history done for physics? The eighteenth century is an important source of answers to this question, since it witnessed the emergence of experimental physics and systematic natural history as distinct branches of science.... more
Sur plusieurs sceaux grecs d’époque classique, un héron est représenté en compagnie d’une femme. L’objectif de cet article est ainsi de fournir des éléments pour essayer de clarifier la signification de ce motif. Pour cela, il convient de... more
According to recent mineralogical determinations of prehistoric (Neolithic and Eneolithic) artefacts from Bulgarian museums a lot of nephrite objects have been identified (mainly represented by small axes and chisels, ritual scepter and... more
Vp-Vs relations play a key role in lithology and pore fluid prediction from both sonic and seismic data. Shear wave velocities are required as input to AVO modelling and analysis and for standard fluid substitution using Gassmann... more
Euler deconvolution and the analytic signal are both used for semi-automatic interpretation of magnetic data. They are used mostly to delineate contacts and obtain rapid source depth estimates. For Euler deconvolution, the quality of the... more