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The municipality of João Pessoa and the south coast of Paraíba, admittedly, is a tourist destination for 3S (sand, sea and sun) market. It has a geomorphological, geological, pedological and hidrological heritage still little studied for... more
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      GeotourismBrasilGeoheritageJoão Pessoa
Globally, most active tropical glacial landscapes are found at elevations above 4000 m. Nonetheless, the presence of paleoglacial landforms in low latitudes, especially those formed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), persists in... more
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ABSTRAK Kawasan Karst Biduk-biduk merupakan sisi Timur Kawasan Karst Sangkulirang- Mangkalihat. Di tempat ini tinggal masyarakat Dayak Lebo, dan masyarakat Bugis. Masyarakat Dayak Lebo tinggal di pegunungan dan masyarakat Bugis tinggal di... more
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A b s t r a c t Pos Hendrop hot spring is one of the hot springs in Lojing Highlands, in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. The hot spring is located within the Main Range Granite and is among the hottest hot spring in Malaysia. The aim of... more
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      Water qualityTourismGeoheritageHot Spring
The geosciences need practitioners who possess an ethical conscience and the desire to act responsibly. Ethically responsible geoscientists will achieve success and satisfaction by carrying out excellent research and professional... more
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      Earth SciencesEthicsScience CommunicationClimate Change
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The preservation of geosites in the heritage framework is necessary at a time when urbanization, the exploitation of fossils and minerals are real threats to this irreversible heritage. This work is a contribution to the preservation and... more
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Due to the renewed interest for sites of geological interest, both in nature conservation and tourist sectors, numerous regional and national geosite inventories have been carried out in several countries during the last two decades. For... more
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Some geological studies were performed in the Rafflesia Trail, near Kampung Jedip, in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan. This area is famous for its Rafflesia and has become one of the tourism attractions in Kelantan. However, the recent... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ManagementAncient QuarryingGeoheritage
In the West Sudetes (SW Poland), volcanic activity of Oligocene and Miocene age has left a suite of landforms of considerable geomorphological interest. Besides being relevant to the subject of volcanology, they illustrate how volcanism... more
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Marès is a soft rock, generally pale-coloured rock, composed mainly of bioclastic calcareous sandstone which ranges in age from the Late Miocene to the Quaternary, although it dates predominantly from the Pleistocene. This rock was... more
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      Human GeographyGeoheritageLate MioceneInternal Structure
RESUMO A geodiversidade refere-se a diversidade de materiais abióticos, no estado sólido ou líquido, que se localizam na interface litosférica. Este substrato e seus recursos hídricos exercem importância como sustentáculo da vida, pela... more
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The following paper presents methodology of valoriza-tion of geotourism objects adapted to meet the expectations and needs of various groups of potential recipients: tourists (casual, witting, hobbyist), educators (school teachers,... more
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      GeographyPhysical GeographyEducationGeoheritage
O geopatrimónio inclui todos os elementos naturais abióticos (emersos ou submersos) que devem ser preservados devido ao seu valor patrimonial. O património hidrológico, pela sua enorme importância, não deve ser ignorado necessitando de... more
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The concept of ’natural heritage’ has become increasingly significant with the threat of dwindling resources, environmental degradation and climatic change. As humanity’s impact on the condition of life on earth has become more prominent,... more
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      HistoryGeologyTelevision StudiesMuseum Studies
Jeli district in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia, has many geological attractions with geoheritage values, including the beautiful geological landforms/landscapes, unique geological phenomena, and precious Earth materials. Systematic... more
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Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Univerzitet u Beogradu -Rudarsko-geološki fakultet "Jelen Do" Lime & Aggregates -Carmeuse Group Rudarski institut d.o.o. Beograd IBIS-INŽENJERING d.o.o. Banja Luka Geoing Group... more
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The geologic and geomorphological diversity of South Africa, the spectacular landscapes that result, and their internationally-important ecological and cultural/archaeological associations, all make the landscapes of South Africa prime... more
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      Cultural LandscapesGeoconservationGeodiversityGeoheritage
Esta obra tiene como objetivo servir como marco de referencia básico acerca de los conceptos relacionados con los geoparques. Incluye una descripción del Programa Internacional de Geociencias y Geoparques de la unesco así como el... more
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      UnescoGeoheritageMixtecaMixteca Alta
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      Cultural HeritageBiodiversityGeoconservationGeoheritage
Hydrological heritage is a relatively new concept in the field of geosite assessment. The principal aim of this study is to apply M-GAM (Modified geosite assessment model) for comparative analysis of the Krupaja spring and the Žagubica... more
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      GeotourismGeoheritageDescriptive StatisticsAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
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      Earth SciencesGeologyVertebrate PalaeontologyGeotourism
Geosites, or sites of geological and geomorphological interest, are not restricted to rural, open or outdoor areas. Valuable geoheritage examples can be found as well in urban spaces. An urban geosite can be defined simply as a site of... more
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tidak semua daya tarik wisata alam cocok dengan pola pengembangan pariwisata masal, yaitu pariwisata yang berusaha mendatangkan wisatawan sebanyak-banyaknya. Karena tinggi rendahnya daya dukung lingkungan akan sangat tergantung pada... more
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      Economic GeologyGeopark and geotourismGeotourismGeoheritage
Since the initial recognition and definition in the early 1990s of geotourism in the UK by a few academic geologists, and its emergence in Europe as a niche form of sustainable tourism, new stakeholders have become involved; the latter's... more
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The largest European cities are characterised by millennia of urbanisation. 'Man-made layering' over time has modified the original natural setting on which these cities have developed, but an expert eye can often still recognise the... more
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Solurile sunt reprezentate de cernisoluri sub 200 m d.MN, luvisoluri la peste 200 m d.MN, pe creste, platouri și reversuri de cuestă, cu prezența faeoziomurilor la diverse niveluri (Băcăuanu și al., 1980), unde nu se pot dezvolta solurile... more
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Apresenta-se um estudo de sedimentologia de duas sondagens com 5 m de profundidade, situadas no sector médio do estuário do Rio Alcabrichel, no litoral oeste de Portugal. Trataram-se laboratorialmente 409 amostras (2cm cada) e... more
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      GeomorphologyGeomorphological HazardsGeoheritageGeomorfologia
Geotourism consists of an activity that is located at the interface of nature tourism and cultural tourism, as it can develop in both natural and rural environments as well as in urban environments, disclosuring and promoting geodiversity... more
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This paper takes off from the point that geoparks and land are intertwined, and that land use planning can serve as a means to enable effective conservation and development of geoparks. The focus lies on how existing land use related... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningGeoheritage
Geomorfológico e Geoconservação, realizado na Universidade do Minho, em Guimarães, Portugal, pretende promover a pesquisa luso-brasileira em torno do Património Geomorfológico, componente maior do Geopatrimónio, mas abrindo espaço também... more
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      GeoconservationBrasilGeoheritagePatrimónio geomorfológico
Luxor city, Egypt
8 -11 November 2022
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      GeomorphologyClimate ChangeGeoarchaeologyGeoheritage
Jeli is a district in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia, which blessed with many beautiful geological landforms/landscapes, unique geological phenomena and precious earth materials. They are potential geological heritage of the area.... more
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Geoheritage is commonly defined as unique components of abiotic nature or as a part of cultural heritage stemming from the influence of rocks, minerals, water or landforms on the development and lifestyle of a human (Brocx, Semeniuk 007).... more
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      GeologyEthnographyGeoscience EducationGeopark and geotourism
The geoheritage of the Czech Republic presents a basis for geoconservation and geotourism activities which have a long tradition in the region. Sites of geological and geomorphological interest have been appreciated for a long time, and... more
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Geoheritage is an important part of natural heritage which must be preserved for the benefit of future generations. Many geological elements are of special interest for science, education or tourism. These are the subjects of research in... more
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      Geopark and geotourismGeotourismGeodiversityGeological Heritage
Madagascar natural heritage is known primarily for its outstanding biodiversity that are mainly protected by diverse natural conservation programs, which are predominantly restricted to the protection of fauna and flora. Recently,... more
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      Geopark and geotourismGeotourismMadagascarGeoheritage
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Este artigo propõe uma avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa do valor geopatrimonial de nascentes cársicas localizadas no bordo do Maciço Calcário Estremenho (MCE). Primeiro, identificaram-se as nascentes cársicas perenes principais, sendo... more
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      Karst GeomorphologyGeoconservationGeoheritageKarst
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      GeologyGeopark and geotourismGeotourismGeoconservation
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      Physical GeographyWaterEnvironmental SustainabilityGeoheritage
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaGeositesCretaceousGeoheritage
GOTH, B., CUNHA, L. e RAMOS, A. M. (2016) – Le geopatrimoine de l’île de S. Nicolau (Cap-Vert). Entre inventoire et stratégie de valorisation. Dynamiques Environnementales, Bordeaux, 37, pp. 115-130.
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      Cabo VerdeGeoheritageGeomorfologia
The Mixteca Altahas some of the most important traces of Mesoamerican culture and is characterized by a variety of conspicuous erosional features strongly related to traditional farming practices carried out for more than 3500 years.... more
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Grignon: Holy land of the Palaeontological Science. Defend it!– Abstract: Eight months ago the news regarding the move of Paris Faculty of agronomy AgroParisTech from Thiverval-Grignon began to concern the French community of geologists... more
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