Global Crisis
Recent papers in Global Crisis
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
Abstrakt: Pasiguria e tanishme e ekonomisë ndërkombëtare përfaqëson një nga krizat më destruktive në shekullin e fundit, ndoshta me efekte aq shkatërruese sa asnjëherë më parë. Sistemi ekonomik i përgjithshëm ndërkombëtar, pothuajse të... more
The economic crisis which started to affect the world economy in 2008 has affected the sustainability and future course of all global phenomena, including foreign direct investment (FDI) carried out by multinational enterprises (MNE). In... more
Analysing trends in bank deposits between 2008 and 2012, this note argues that bank depositors by and large seemed to prefer to move their money to nationalised banks. Just like any investor, depositors responded to the crisis by moving... more
Energy and Economy are tightly bound to each other, primarily due to physical reasons. Indeed, energy is the unit measuring the quantity of transformation in a system, and the economic activities transform resources into useful goods and... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential impact of the 2008 economic crisis on foreign direct investment (FDI), especially in the new member states of the European Union. Particular attention is paid to the... more
Common humanity not common community: The solution to global crisis
Domestic tourism has proven to be an important driver of tourism industry globally. In Kenya, tourism industry is a critical economic pillar. Empirical evidence reveals that domestic tourism accounts for a huge amount of travel and... more
The first half of 2008 was marked by significant rises in commodity prices, with food price increases averaging 52 percent between 2007 and 2008. While the response to the wider situation is largely outside the scope of humanitarian... more
RESUMEN En el marco del giro proteccionista y la geoestrategia "americanista" y "antiglobalista" implementada por el gobierno de Donald Trump en Estados Unidos, bajo el programa reindustrializador del nuevo mandatario y las fuerzas... more
This paper critically evaluates the recent shift away from a “thin” reading of monetary exchange, which views money transactions as universally market-like and profit-motivated, towards “thicker” readings of exchange, which identify the... more
Under the current global economic circumstances, characterized by growing uncertainties and the endurance of financial crisis effects, the approach of endogenous factors that contribute to the economic growth and welfare improvement is of... more
This paper shows that the analysis of commodity chains (CC) can be fruitfully employed to respond to recent calls in the field of global/world history for a periodisation of globalisation. The place to be studied in this paper is... more
The future of Russian outward foreign direct investment and the eclectic paradigm: What changes after the crisis of 2008-2009? Az orosz tőkeexport és az eklektikus paradigma jövője: Mi változik a 2008-2009. évi válság után? This article... more
This article focuses on the evolutionary dynamics of the world economy after the Second World War to current day by reviewing the subject in evolutionary and holistic terms. In particular, its purpose is to examine the structuring of the... more
The monograph is devoted to the problems of the origins, development and present situation of statehood. It also provides the forecasts of political development in the coming decades. The book touches upon a wide range of issues and... more
No tiene sentido discutir si nos encontramos una crisis global, ya que la misma difícilmente podría ser más evidente. De hecho, dicha crisis es tan grave que, si todo sigue como va, la vida humana podría muy bien desaparecer del planeta... more
COP21 was widely hailed by environmentalists, politicians, and much of the media as “a landmark” and “turning point” in the struggle against global climate change. Yet, there was no binding agreement on emissions reductions, financing of... more
In questi anni il lavoro ha subito un profondo e repentino mutamento. Infatti, se tale mutamento ha radici negli anni Ottanta, lo scoppio della crisi economica globale può essere assunto come spartiacque nella sua storia. Nel settembre... more
This article looks at the situation of civil servants in interwar Romania, as a result of global economic and financial crisis, which led, during 1929-1933, to a significant deterioration in the level of wages and living standards for all... more
This monograph series presents case studies of approaches to complex problems which exist in human systems throughout the globe. The first issue of the monograph illustrates an approach for creating a structured understanding of the... more
El presente ensayo expone un conjunto de reflexiones sobre la educación, tomando en cuenta ideas de Edgar Morin y algunos intelectuales latinoamericanos. Es un ejercicio hermenéutico en correspondencia con una línea de... more
El presente trabajo fue realizado en el Seminario de Globalización, procesos de integración regional y el Mercosur, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, UNLP. Intentamos, de manera resumida, hacer un análisis sobre el rol que juegan las... more
"This commentary sketches the prospective role of The New Strategic Theory (espoused by the Communication Strategies Ibero-American Forum (FISEC)), and emerging communication theories of Latin America in revamping our approach to... more
In this article, based on the past/current local housing finance initiatives,market conditions, national housing policy and lessons from global financial crisis, we examine whether market based housing finance system may provide efficient... more
It has been more than a year since the coronavirus (COVID-19) engulfed the whole world, disturbing the daily routine, bringing down the economies, and killing two million people across the globe at the time of writing. The pandemic... more
Abstract In the process of global financial crisis, short sale transactions were banned at the countries having a developed capital markets to protect consumers and financial system. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and U.K.... more
It has been more than a year since the coronavirus (COVID-19) engulfed the whole world, disturbing the daily routine, bringing down the economies, and killing two million people across the globe at the time of writing. The pandemic... more
Work culture is an integrative component of the transformation process. At first sight, Hungarian work culture appears globalized, but many of the globalized or “westernized” characteristics remain superficial. The lack of a deeply-rooted... more
""This book addresses the viability of the EU economic and social model within and after the global economic crisis. It identifies four key issues which warrant further discussion: (1) the asymmetry of the legal and policy framework of... more
Even if fiscal policy measures of countries show similarities, these measures have an important role in depth of recession and depression, reestablishment of market confidence and determination of the duration of economic recovery... more
The recent Brazilian policy agenda has not been able to improve the business environment in order to increase the resiliency of micro and small enterprises over time. Business sustainability is particularly relevant in a global scenario... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Nuevos Escenarios para la Integración en América Latina recopila trabajos expuestos en la Conferencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales organizada por CLACSO, durante los días 6 al 9 de noviembre de 2012 en Ciudad de México.... more
This study, which was based on the Pragmatism research philosophy, sought to determine the extent to which the COVID-19 global pandemic had disrupted the school system in the SNNPR and the Oromia Regional States of Ethiopia. Both... more
How do external and internal adaptation pressures influence the transformation of the party-state system in China? How susceptible is the Chinese systemtransformation to those impacts? This paper deals with the sensitivity of the... more
By placing three books on global leadership in conversation with one another, I make a case for revitalising political leadership studies. Two questions are asked of each reviewed book: 1. What is the difference between leadership and the... more