Grain Boundaries
Recent papers in Grain Boundaries
High-temperature creep tests were conducted on polycrystalline copper of commercial purity in order to investigate the inter-relationship between the extent and the rate of grain boundary sliding (GBS) and the development of internal... more
Alumina bicrystals with low-angle and near-⌺3 <0001> tilt grain boundaries were fabricated using diffusion bonding to study the dislocation structures in alumina grain boundaries. The resulting grain-boundary structures were investigated... more
p~c Mopoftv b~dt fo tt" CONOCdOf a Of ,M~mou is e.tmmd to *wage I ftwxm pW rospon. uýinii i hm titi nr wie i wa mm"t~VW ow"MI ,U dw 0giNvu gaiwvl amd mutita"i Ut. d4M tlemadmp.gadrwihe COisclofi at rdOmi46n. $amd wmoaW.W "udtigW bme exrom... more
Nanostructuring metals through nanograins and nanotwins is an efficient strategy for strength increase as the mean free path of dislocations is reduced. Yet, nanostructures are thermally often not stable, so that the material properties... more
The objective of this review article is to provide a concise discussion of atomistic modeling efforts aimed at understanding the nanoscale behavior and the role of grain boundaries in plasticity of metallic polycrystalline materials.... more
The current components associated with the grain boundaries of diffused p/n junction polysilicon solar cells made on nand ptype Wacker substrates are analyzed and experimentally identified. New electrical methods for determining the... more
Thanks are due to Peter Qumbsch, who assisted in the preliminary planning of the symposium; to Christine Townsley, who provided invaluable administrative support at UCSB; to Margherita Chang and Lisa Fischer, who assembled the table of... more
The predominance of phenomenological power laws in creep of crystalline materials indicates that the dislocation mechanics of inelastic deformation of crystalline materials has not yet been fully understood. We review the progress towards... more
Ferritic–martensitic dual phase (DP) steels deform spatially in a highly heterogeneous manner, i.e. with strong strain and stress partitioning at the micro-scale. Such heterogeneity in local strain evolution leads in turn to a spatially... more
The development of an intergranular stress corrosion crack initiation site in thermally sensitized type 304 austenitic stainless steel has been observed in situ in high temperature oxygenated water using digital image correlation of... more
Františ ek Nový a ,M iloš Janeč ek b ,R obert Král b ,B ranislavHadzima a
This paper reports on grain boundary (GB) roles in lead-free tin halide perovskite thin films. Nano scale spatial mapping of charge separation efficiency in methylammonium tin halide (MASn(I 1−x Br x) 3 , MA=CH 3 NH 3) thin films were... more
Cellular automata are algorithms that describe the discrete spatial and temporal evolution of complex systems by applying local (or sometimes longrange) deterministic or probabilistic transformation rules to the cells of a regular (or... more
High temperature superconductivity (HTS, discovered in 1986) remains an active area of research worldwide, because its higher T c and, thus, more economical cryogenic cooling have raised the prospects for electric power application. The... more
The effect of Mn content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of two ultrafine grained0.2%C–Mn steels has been investigated. The ultrafine grained microstructure was produced by use of largestrain warm deformation and subsequent... more
Grain boundaries (GBs) are planar lattice defects that govern the properties of many types of polycrystalline materials. Hence, their structures have been investigated in great detail. However, much less is known about their chemical... more
Hydrogen embrittlement of a precipitation-hardened Fe-26Mn-11Al-1.2C (wt.%) austenitic steel was examined by tensile testing under hydrogen charging and thermal desorption analysis. While the high strength of the alloy (>1 GPa) was not... more
We study grain boundary embrittlement in a quenched and tempered Fe–Mn high-purity model martensite alloy using Charpy impact tests and grain boundary characterization by atom probe tomography. We observe that solute Mn directly... more
Dielectric Ceramics (DRs) have revolutionized the microwave wireless communication industry globally. The three key properties of ceramic dielectrics that determine their functionality at microwave and millimetrewave frequencies include... more
The risk of hydrogen embrittlement (HE) is currently one important factor impeding the use of medium Mn steels. However, knowledge about HE in these materials is sparse. Their multiphase microstructure with highly variable phase... more
The densification behaviour, microstructural development and mechanical properties of a 5 vol.% silicon carbide dispersed alumina nanocomposite were studied by incorporating six different oxide dopants (1 wt.%). It was found that MgO, Y 2... more
Here we report our recent progress in the development, optimization, and application of a technique for the three-dimensional (3-D) high-resolution characterization of crystalline microstructures (3D EBSD; EBSD tomography). The technique... more
Grain boundaries play an important role in determining the mechanical properties of metallic materials. The impedance of dislocation motion at the boundary results in a strengthening mechanism. In addition, dislocations can pile-up, be... more
We report the fabrication of polycrystalline silicon piezoresistive cantilevers with submicron width and thickness for static force measurements, using electron beam lithography (EBL) and silicon micromachining. For cantilevers with... more
A physical-based analytical ON-state drain-current model was developed based on a mobility model including both grain boundary barrier-controlled carrier conduction and gate voltage dependent mobility degradation. Mobility variation along... more
The microstructural and compositional evolution of intergranular carbides and borides prior to and after creep deformation at 850 C in a polycrystalline nickel-based superalloy was studied. Primary MC car-bides, enveloped within... more
The polycrystalline ceramic samples of Pb 1−x Sm x (Zr 0.55 Ti 0.45 ) 1−x/4 O 3 (x = 0.00, 0.03, 0.06 and 0.09) were prepared by solid-state reaction technique at high temperature. Electric impedance (Z) and modulus (M) properties of the... more
Mechanical spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique that is very well suited for studying the dynamics of singularities such as structural defects in solids. It has been successfully applied in solid state physics and materials science... more
Two approaches in materials physics have proven immensely successful in alloy design: First, thermodynamic and kinetic descriptions for tailoring and processing alloys to achieve a desired microstructure. Second, crystal defect... more
Niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) was added to cobalt spinel ferrite (CoFe2O4) powders for the first time, at varying amounts of 0, 5, 10 and 15 wt%. The purpose was to evaluate the effect of niobia on the crystalline phases, microstructure and... more
Microstructures of multi-phase alloys undergo morphological and crystallographic changes upon deformation, corresponding to the associated microstructural strain fields. The multiple length and time scales involved therein create immense... more
An overview on recent progress in grain boundary (GB) diffusion study is presented with emphasis on physical phenomena encountered in GB diffusion experiments such as the linear and non-linear segregation effects. Systematic... more
"We suggest a dislocation based constitutive model to incorporate the mechanical interaction between mobile dislocations and grain boundaries into a crystal plasticity finite element framework. The approach is based on the introduction... more
A quasi 2-D conduction model based on the thermionic emission of charge carriers over the energy barriers at discrete grain boundaries is formulated for a polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistor with an undoped body. Each grain... more
The creep-fatigue properties at 700°C of cast and wrought Udimet 720Li superalloy have been investigated. As expected, the introduction of a dwell time as low as 1s at maximum stress induces a creep-fatigue life debit compared to pure... more
Keywords: Charpy impact testo Toughnesso Ultrafine-grained materialso Intercritical annealingo Medium Mn steelo Brittle-ductile transitiono a b s t r a c t The effects of prior austenite (g) grain boundaries and microstructural morphology... more
Doping effect and vacancy formation on ionic conductivity of ZrO 2 ceramics doped with RENbO 4 (RE ¼ Yb, Er, Y, Dy) were investigated using X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscope and corresponding ionic conductivity were... more
This article focuses on four topics that demonstrate the importance of atom probe tomography for obtaining nanostructural information that provides deep insights into the structures of metallic alloys, leading to a better understanding of... more
Microstructural evolution and martensitic transformation characteristics of Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 and Co 44 Ni 26 Ga 30 high temperature shape memory alloys were investigated in as-cast and hot-rolled conditions as a function of heat... more
The development of strongly cube textured Cu based substrates is important in the cost effective production of long lengths of high temperature superconducting cables. The present paper reports textures (deformation and recrystallisation)... more
A series of nanocrystalline Fe–C alloys with different carbon concentrations (xtot) up to 19.4 at.% (4.90 wt.%) are prepared by ball milling. The microstructures of these alloys are characterized by transmission electron microscopy and... more
We investigated the hydrogen embrittlement of a Fe–18Mn–1.2%C (wt.%) twinning-induced plasticity steel, focusing on the influence of deformation twins on hydrogen-assisted cracking. A tensile test under ongoing hydrogen charging was... more