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      DivinationGreek Oracles and DivinationMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldAncient magic and divination
Dr Angela Voss - What is the Daimon? An Exploration of the Oracular Intelligence. Divine Molecule Talks at Tyringham – Part II Exploring Entheogenic Entity Encounters, a private symposium, Tyringham Hall, September 2015 (curator and... more
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      PsychedelicsGreek Oracles and DivinationReenchantmentOracles
Please do not use the preview of the excel files; download and use them on your computer. animal ankle bones ("astragaloi") have 4 sides, each taken with a numerical value of 1/3/4/6 by the ancient Greeks, represented here by the symbols... more
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    • Greek Oracles and Divination
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Despite much argument we still do not know where the Greek hexameter came from. But so many ancient Greeks did, or thought they did. Pausanias the periegete can lead us on the trail to an answer, and introduces us to some... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Oracles and Divination
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsLate AntiquityGreek Archaeology
In Thucydides’ history of the Peloponnesian War there are fourteen references to oracular responses published not only by the oracles but also by several diviners during the war period. Although certain people under the influence of the... more
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      ThucydidesGreek Oracles and DivinationAncient Greek HistoryMagic and Divination in the Ancient World
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationHomeric poetryAncient Greek EpigraphyHomeric studies
this working paper concerns the figurative examination (short version)
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      Historical LinguisticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesSanskrit language and literatureSanskrit
This article tackles an Apollinian oracle cited in the Tübingen Theosophy. These verses, which are ascribed to Apollo by this Christian compilation of pagan prophecies, gather Hermes Trismegistus, Moses and Apollonius of Tyana; all of... more
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      Hermes Trismegistus and HermeticaGreek Oracles and DivinationTheosophyAncient Judaism
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
Attending, as a student, the excavation of the ancient Gymnasium at Delphi by Vangelis Pendazos in 1992, I was particularly impressed by the palaestra, which, from a wrestling bout for the physical encounter of athletes, was gradually... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyThe Classical TraditionGreek Oracles and DivinationTravelling artists
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationOrpheusOrpheus, Orphism, Orphic literatureLESVOS ARCHEOLOGY
The sole extant primary source on the Persian invasion of Greece, Herodotus, cites over 50 oracles from the Delphic seer in his work, which at one time comprised more than a quarter of all extant oracles from Delphi. This article seeks... more
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationHistory of HistoriographyHerodotus
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      Greek LiteratureGreek MythGreek Oracles and Divination
Il racconto onirico è fondato sull’accostamento di due domini distinti e relativamente indipendenti – sonno e veglia – connessi da relazioni di natura diversa e separati da confini più o meno permeabili. All’interno di una più generale... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerHagiography
Lebadeia, the chief town of modern Boiotia, Central Greece, harbored in antiquity the very famous sanctuary of Trophonius, among the best documented of ancient Greek oracles. The definition of the alsos (pl. alse), "sacred grove," will... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureInitiation Practices (Anthropology)Mysteries (Greek Religion)Ancient Greek Religion
Al iniciar el análisis de la figura de Edipo y de su familia se plantean inmediatamente cuestiones metodológicas, puesto que dentro de la mitología han sido uno de los personajes más importantes, tanto antiguamente como en la actualidad.... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek MythGreek Oracles and Divination
Después de los acontecimientos en que se ven envueltos Atreo y Tiestes, el centro de interés pasa a los hijos de Atreo, protagonistas de los hechos que tienen lugar antes de la guerra de Troya y principalmente en el transcurso de ella:... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek MythGreek Oracles and Divination
A very popular form of ancient divination relies on reading the signs delivered by the human body, such as quivering or skin irregularities. A treatise attributed to Melampous lists predictions and psychological interpretations drawn from... more
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      DivinationPortraitureGreek Oracles and DivinationMagic and Divination in the Ancient World
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorGreek city-state
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      Greek LiteratureGreek MythGreek Oracles and Divination
It is known from ancient sources that “laurel”, identified with sweet bay, was used at the ancient Greek oracle of Delphi. The Pythia, the priestess who spoke the prophecies, purportedly used “laurel” as a means to inspire her divine... more
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      History of MedicineRitualReligion and ritual in prehistoryAncient Greek Religion
In S. Hodkinson & D. Geary (eds), Slaves and Religions in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and the Modern Americas. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2011, pp. 244-27. This paper attempts to track down the figure of the slave-as-consultant... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek Oracles and DivinationAncient Slavery
La Lycie, territoire situé au sud-ouest de l’Anatolie, avait, durant l’Antiquité, la particularité de receler de nombreux oracles. Ceux-ci fonctionnaient selon divers vecteurs divinatoires, c’est-à-dire que la parole divine — en... more
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationAncient LyciaOracles
A regular Greek priestess's sphere of influence reached only as far as the temenos walls of her sanctuary. The authority of the Pythia, or Priestess of Delphic Apollo, on the other hand extended much further into areas such as religion,... more
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      PaganismAncient Greek ReligionGreek MythGreek Oracles and Divination
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      Greek ReligionGreek Oracles and DivinationGreek religion (Classics)Dodona's oracle
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      Second SophisticPlutarchAlexander of AphrodisiasGreek Oracles and Divination
An exploration of the magical use of mirrors.
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      Apotropaic DevicesDivinationPilgrimageMagic
This article is about the presence of Alexander the Great in Babylon in 331 and 323 BC. Five Babylonian texts are edited and discussed (among which fragments of astronomical diaries and the "Dynastic Prophecy", a precursor of prophecies... more
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      Ancient HistoryObservational AstronomyHellenistic HistoryDivination
This paper - first published in German, in Herdfeuer (2020) 56 - presents, as an important finding for the history of Germanic religion, in the Christian Middle Ages, an analysis of the praise poem, Carmen de Imagine Tetrici, by the... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesDivinationAltered States of Consciousness
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      EgyptologyClassicsGreek LiteratureDemotic
Both literary and archaeological evidence indicates that the playing of board games was a widespread and culturally significant phenomenon of the Roman world. In spite of their common presence, ancient board games have been paid little... more
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      Game studiesGreek Oracles and DivinationPisidiaBoard Games
A review of Helmut Seng and Giulia Sfameni Gasparro (eds.), Theologische Orakel in der Spätantike (Bibliotheca Chaldaica 5; Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8253-7685-7), and Helmut Seng, Luciana Soares Santoprete,... more
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      ClassicsPatristicsRitualEarly Christianity
A journey into the world of divination and premonition. From the Sumerian texts to the Indian epics, to the Hebrew Bible up to the literature of the twentieth century and the daily life of today. Methods, experiences, hypotheses on the... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyAncient ReligionGreek Oracles and Divination
En el año 1979 se define por primera vez el término enteógeno, refiriéndose a aquellas drogas utilizadas en contextos rituales que favorecía el contacto con los dioses. Ese mismo año se publica Road to Eleusis, el primer trabajo que... more
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      Ancient HistoryShamanismAncient ReligionGreek Oracles and Divination
This work on the Piacenza Liver (previously published May 9, 2006 on Etruscan Phrases, is based upon three different photos – showing different angles – and a common transliteration found on the internet. Through the three... more
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      Italian StudiesDivinationAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
This paper sets out to investigate and challenge the claims of competition between oracular sanctuaries, and suggests an alternative way to think about the divinatory ‘market’. First, it looks at the material and literary evidence for... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek Oracles and DivinationReligious HistoryReligious Studies
La consideración por parte de Posidonio como “mentira” o “invención” fenicia (ψεῦσμα Φοινικικόν) de ciertos elementos del relato sobre la fundación de Gadir recogido por Estrabón (3.5.5.) genera dudas sobre si el oráculo de Melqart... more
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      PhoeniciansGreek Oracles and DivinationPorphyryCarthage (History)
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      History of AstrologyPhilo of AlexandriaCiceroGreek Oracles and Divination
It is known from ancient sources that “laurel”, identified with sweet bay, was used at the ancient Greek oracle of Delphi. The Pythia, the priestess who spoke the prophecies, purportedly used “laurel” as a means to inspire her divine... more
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      DivinationAncient Greek ReligionAncient myth and religionGreek Oracles and Divination
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      History of ChristianityDivinationEarly ChristianityEarly Christian Apocryphal Literature
The Oracle of Delphi - Nestled into a rock faced mountainous hillside beneath two white-stained limestone cliffs on the south-western spur of Mount Parnassus, the ancient city of Delphi appears to have had its modest beginnings around... more
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      Sociology of ReligionAnthropologySpiritualityPsychology of Religion
Surprisingly, the interaction between Milesian and Megarian colonisation in the 7th/6th centuries BCE has rarely been addressed. Krister Hanell, in his comparative study on Megara and her colonies, published in 1934, already came to the... more
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      Ancient HistoryMigration StudiesAncient Greek ReligionGreek Oracles and Divination
Le principali tecniche della divinazione antica 1. Il mondo in un fegato Ossa oracolari cinesi Il fegato di Piacenza 2. Il segno e il prodigio Il sistema KIN 3. Un battito d'ala Le Tavole Iguvine 4. La sorte e le sorti La dea Fortuna... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek Oracles and DivinationMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldAncient magic and divination
Zusammenfassung Der gallische Göttername Belenus existierte in dieser Gestalt niemals in einheimischem Zusammenhang; lediglich eine keltische Gottheit Belinos läßt sich mit einiger Sicherheit postulieren, und dies auch nur im Gallischen... more
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      Ancient HistoryIndo-european language reconstructionCeltic StudiesAncient Indo-European Languages
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
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      Ancient HistoryGreek Oracles and DivinationChristian ApologeticsHellenistic and Roman Asia Minor