HSE Engineering
Recent papers in HSE Engineering
ОПЫТ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ ОБЪЕКТИВНОГО КОНТРОЛЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ СИСТЕМ РАДИАЦИОННОЙ ЗАЩИТЫ ПЕРСОНАЛА ПЕЧНЫХ ОТДЕЛЕНИЙ. При добыче урана методом подземного скважинного выщелачивания (ПСВ) бóльшая часть рудного тела с сопутствующей... more
This Technical HSE Manual has been developed to manage HSEQ aspects of an industrial organization in all of its operations in order to protect the employees, contractors, environment and the community against accidents and injuries. This... more
Nella memoria vengono presentati i risultati di uno studio quantitativo di rischio d'area riferito alla Centrale Termoelettrica a Ciclo Combinato AEM SPA di Cassano d'Adda, limitatamente agli eventi incidentali con perdita di contenimento... more
Laporan Proyek Selesai berisikan : 1. Gambaran umum proyek 2. Persyaratan Sistem Manajemen K3L sedangkan persyaratan Sistem Manajemen K3L terdiri dari: 1. Kebijakan K3L (Termasuk bukti dan Sosialisasi) 2. Perencanaan (Hirach dan... more
The construction industry which has also given birth to other industries such as the manufacturing industry and offshore industry has seen various been affected by health challenges. This book x-rayed are the potential biohazards that... more
Je tiens à remercier ma promotrice Mme F. BENRAHOU pour sa présence efficace et sa disponibilité.
صنایع دریانوردي و فراساحل بعنوان صنایعی استراتژیک و مبتنی بر قوانین بین المللی هستند. در چند دهه اخیر با ظهور تکنولوژي هاي جدید و ساخت وسائل و تجهیزات مورد نیاز در زنجیره حمل و نقل، تحولاتی شگرف در قوانین و مقررات ایمنی و بهداشت بین... more
In the world of industrial safety, it is common that faced with the need to cover different areas jointly, support is required with consultants, trainers, etc. Unfortunately, we do not always end up implementing the good solution after... more