Habermas public sphere
Recent papers in Habermas public sphere
L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sui diritti d'autore. Sono vietate e sanzionate (se non espressamente autorizzate) la riproduzione in ogni modo e forma (comprese le fotocopie, la scansione, la memorizzazione... more
[EN] This paper briefly introduces the concepts of the public space by H. Arendt and J. Habermas, compares them and presents an analysis of the problems concerning the transformation of the public space. In this work, I try to demonstrate... more
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
Palestra apresentada sobre o livro de Habermas. Este trabalho mostra como foi a evolução da esfera pública e a formação do estado de bem estar a partir da Europa iluminista. (Lecture presented on the book of Habermas. This work shows how... more
This chapter reassesses 20th century surrealist automatism in relation to Rodolphe Töpffer's 19th century account of comic strip composition and production, in particular the impact of technological possibilities for autographic... more
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
Illuminismo, opinione pubblica, cultura e prospettiva di genere
Religious freedom, and the status of religion in the public square, is presently a matter of worldwide debate. However, it is necessary to clarify the terms of the debate. This dissertation will offer a challenging invitation to deepen... more
Jürgen Habermas has sought to set critical theory on firm normative foundations by drawing on thinkers outside the canon of Western Marxism. My basic thesis is that Hannah Arendt is a crucial but underappreciated resource for his... more
Das Idealbild der europäischen Stadt mit ihrer dicht gewachsenen Baustruktur und ihren öffentlichen Räumen steht als Synonym für 'Urbanität' und beeinflußt bis zum heutigen Tag das planerische Denken und Handeln. Eng verbunden damit... more
Program S3 Ilmu Filsafat, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesia Oktober 2008 Pendahuluan Jurgen Habermas adalah anggota generasi kedua Sekolah Frankfurt, yang merupakan figur paling terkemuka dan juga kontroversial, dalam dunia... more
[Published worldwide in print and e-book editions on Amazon on December 1, 2018. Here you find summary, table of contents, prefaces, introduction, recap and index of persons. Firs published in Germany in print in 2006 (487 p.) and in the... more
Ongoing discussion of this paper here: https://www.academia.edu/s/cf13d33860?source=link Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic... more
Son dönemlerde yapılan pek çok araştırma, inceleme ve üretilen yeni halkla ilişkiler modelleri temelde iki yönlü simetrik halkla ilişkilere vurgu yapılarak diyalog ve etkileşim kavramlarına dayandırılmaktadır. Hem akademik alanda hem... more
Il saggio tenta di rispondere alle seguenti domande: come cambiano le caratteristiche di un'opinione pubblica? In particolare, come si manifesta il passaggio da una sfera pubblica totalitaria ad una sfera pubblica pluralista e... more
Following widespread use of social media to raise awareness and aggregate public opinion during the EndSARS protests in Nigeria, this paper discusses the status of Twitter as the epitome of the Habermasian public sphere. The paper argues... more
Neste trabalho, faz-se a reconstrução de um “escândalo” mediático desencadeado a partir da divulgação, pelos telejornais brasileiros, no início de 1997, de imagens em vídeo que documentavam brutalidades cometidas pela polícia militar na... more
HAYATI Habermas, 1929 yılında Almanya'nın Düsseldof şehrinde doğmuştur. Babasının dönemin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası başkanı olması sebebiyle varlıklı bir aile içinde yetişen Habermas, gençlik dönemini maddi sıkıntı çekmeden geçirmiş olsa da... more
A study of the beginnings of the modern diary allows to qualify the current critique of an irrational and pervasive publication of the private in online journals. When – in the second half of the 18th century – the modern concept of the... more
The public sphere conception continues to hold center stage in debates and visions of radical democratic society, and Jürgen Habermas' work continues to be the most popular starting point for developing this conception. However, the... more
Taking ideas about interfaith communication among stakeholders in the British “God Debate” as an illustrative case, I propose that the translation metaphor, widely adopted across disciplines, might productively be replaced by a different... more
This article examines the place of botanical gardens in the public sphere, historically and currently, analyzing the variety of cultural dynamics shaping these locales. Botanical gardens are complex cultural sites where multispecies... more
With the publication of Faktizität und Gelrung, Jürgen Habermas reunites two principle concerns from his earlier writings into a comprehensive theoretical discourse on law. First, the democratic thrust behind Habermas' considerations... more
Ever since the advent of the Internet, political communication scholars have debated its potential to facilitate and support public deliberation as a means of revitalizing and extending the public sphere. Much of the debate has focused on... more
"[...] Je vais d’abord examiner la relation entre la théorie normative et la théorie empirique (I), puis expliquer pourquoi et comment nous devons comprendre le processus démocratique, une fois institutionnalisé dans les conditions d’une... more
This chapter seeks to re-interpret Iraqi politics after the US-led intervention of 2003 by examining the alternative discourses of democracy emanating from within Re-Colonial Iraq. It details the complex public sphere of the post-Saddam... more
Greklerin Prokroistis'i pek meşhurdur. Prokroistis, Atina ve çevresinde eşkıyâlık yapar, halk arasında türlü rivâyetler yayar, onları korkuturmuş. Karşısına çıktığı kişilerin ise kurtuluşu yok; onları, kaçırıp inine götürür, sonra da... more
¿Qué tiene qué ver la deliberación con la democracia?, ¿qué lugar ocupa o ha de ocupar la deliberación en los procesos democráticos?, ¿hasta qué punto la idea de democracia deliberativa supone un programa teórico capaz de renovar el... more
This essay will focus on Habermas's discourse ethics and the theory of communicative action. More specifically, it will examine Habermas's discourse theory of law and the relationship (interaction, differences and similarities) between... more
Özet Kamu, Kamusal Alan kavramları özellikle 1980 ile birlikte literatürde oldukça sıkça kullanılan kavramlar olmuştur. Kamusal alan, günümüz toplumunun farklılıklarla birlikte yaşayabilme idealine ulaşabilmesi adına oldukça önemli bir... more
The aim of this study then is to move beyond politically oriented discussion forums by also examining the communicative practices of participants within fan-based forums. The focus is on how participants talk politics in online informal... more
I examine the “science of human nature” of David Hume, Francis Hutcheson, Adam Smith, and other British moralists and writers, and show how this “science” is expression of the 18-century new way of looking at aesthetic and moral... more
Rational optimism and functional optimization are expressions that show two antagonistic positions in relation to the juridical phenomenon. The first one is supported by J. Habermas, and the second one by N. Luhmann. In this paper, I will... more
As we start our journey through the twenty-first century, we will continue to be faced with two divergent trends, the rise of the Internet and the steady decline in the public sphere, and in political participation in general. The hopes... more
The aim of this chapter is to see whether online discussion forums dedicated to popular culture (reality TV) provide a communicative space, content and style for politics that extends the public sphere. Given their typically casual,... more
This study examines gap—traditional reciprocal associations common in Central Asia. Gap is an unofficial, regular get-together of people of similar age bound by socially acknowledged ties. The study argues that gap represents a communal... more