Habitat loss
Recent papers in Habitat loss
Context Amphibians are declining worldwide and land use change to agriculture is recognized as a leading cause. Argentina is undergoing an agriculturalization process with rapid changes in landscape structure. Objectives We evaluated... more
Changes in the status and distribution of Wisconsin's double-crested cormorant (DCCO) breeding population during the 20th century closely approximate a similar pattern throughout the Great Lakes and generally along the Atlantic coast:... more
Translocations are becoming increasingly popular as appropriate management strategies for the genetic restoration of endangered species and populations. Although a few studies have shown that the introduction of novel alleles has reversed... more
The Cape Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodion pumilum) is an endemic South African species that is currently threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation of its natural habitat through urbanization and agriculture. To conduct studies that will... more
. Forest bird diversity in Mediterranean areas affected by wildfires: a multi-scale approach. -Ecography 25: 161-172. Fire is a key mechanism creating and maintaining habitat heterogeneity in Mediterranean landscapes by turning continuous... more
The disappearance of large vertebrates in the tropical belt may be the next biological insult of the global extinction crisis. Large predators and their prey are at particular risk in Asia, where they are threatened by poaching and... more
Most of the available data on declining populations of amphibians pertain to frogs and, to a lesser extent, salamanders. In keeping with their generally less understood biology, the population trends and conservation status of caecilian... more
Habitat fragmentation and diversity loss due to increased conversion of natural habitats to agricultural uses influence the distribution and abundance of wildlife species and thus may change the ecology of pathogen transmission. We used... more
The indirect effects of climate on species interactions were initially surprising, but ecological models that account for ecosystem decline have long underestimated their ubiquity and strength. Indirect effects not only yield "unexpected... more
Human impacts on the natural environment have reached such proportions that in addition to an Ôextinction crisisÕ, we now also face a broader Ôbiome crisisÕ. Here we identify the world's terrestrial biomes and, at a finer spatial scale,... more
Habitat Reintroduction Tourism A B S T R A C T Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are threatened by habitat loss, habitat fragmentation by infrastructure and human settlements, and have been hunted to local extinction in large areas of their... more
Abstract: Oceania is a diverse region encompassing Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, New Zealand, and Polynesia, and it contains six of the world's 39 hotspots of diversity. It has a poor record for extinctions, particularly for... more
During the last 50 years, the distribution and abundance of many European butterXy species associated with semi-natural grasslands have declined. This may be the result of deteriorating habitat quality, but habitat loss, resulting in... more
Repairs to legal drains in the United States may be regulated to protect adjacent wetlands under Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, commonly known as the Clean Water Act (CWA). However, few studies have examined... more
Human intervention in the hydrologic basin of the Colorado River has eliminated water discharge and sediment supply to the river's mouth and its delta. After ∼95 years of applying strong flow control policies, the previous sedimentary... more
Millions of raptors and other Neotropical migratory birds are constrained to a narrow geographic corridor during migration through Veracruz, México. Over many years of work, a clearly identifi ed list of problems has defi ned the agenda... more
Harris JM and Goldingay RL, 2005. Distribution, habitat and conservation status of the eastern pygmy-possum Cercartetus nanus in Victoria. Australian Mammalogy 27: 185-210.
Human activity during the Anthropocene has transformed landscapes worldwide on a scale that rivals or exceeds even the largest of natural forces. Landscape ecology has emerged as a science to investigate the interactions between natural... more
The relative influence of habitat loss vs. habitat fragmentation per se (the breaking apart of habitat) on species distribution and abundance is a topic of debate. Although some theoretical studies predict a strong negative effect of... more
Coastal prairies are the primary winter destination for two dozen species of migratory grassland birds and losses of this habitat have proven detrimental to their populations. As a result, some of Partners in Flight's (PIF) highest... more
Habitat fragmentation is one of the principal threats to primates. Studies of primates in fragments usually conclude that fragmentation negatively affects some aspect of their biology or ecology. Nevertheless, the definition and... more
European intertidal salt marshes are important nursery sites for juvenile fish and crustaceans. Due to the increasing threat of habitat loss, the seasonal changes of salt marsh fish communities need to be understood in order to appreciate... more
Introduction 262 Sensitivity of reef fishes to predicted climate changes 263 Sea surface temperature 264 Ocean acidification 267 Ocean circulation 268 Cyclones and extreme weather 268 Sea level rise 269
The Kashmir markhor, Capra falconeri cashmiriensis, is classified as endangered throughout its range because of habitat loss, unsustainable hunting and competition with domestic livestock. We investigated environmental factors influencing... more
With rapid global urban growth, the proximity between urban and protected areas will increase. We identify four categories of nations, based on the proportion of people in urban areas, the amount of protected area, and the 1995 and... more
The Segura River Basin is one of the most arid and regulated zones in the Mediterranean as well as Europe that includes four hydrologic river types, according to their natural flow regime: main stem rivers, stable streams, seasonal... more
Animal-mediated pollination is essential for both ecosystem services and conservation of global biodiversity, but a growing body of work reveals that it is negatively affected by anthropogenic disturbance. Landscape-scale disturbance... more
Soybeans represent a recent and powerful threat to tropical biodiversity in Brazil. Developing effective strategies to contain and minimize the environmental impact of soybean cultivation requires understanding of both the forces that... more
Native populations of the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), a microendemic salamander from Central Mexico, have seen alarming decline in the last decades owing to habitat loss caused by urban growth. The last remnant of its distribution is... more
Abstract Papua New Guinea (PNG) sustains some of the world's most biologically and culturally rich forests. Like many tropical nations, PNG is changing rapidly as it attempts to develop economically, but corporate misdealing and weak... more
We examined the response of vascular plant species richness to long-term habitat loss and fragmentation of Estonian calcareous grasslands (alvars). The current number of habitat specialist species in 35 alvars was not explained by their... more
This paper presents a comprehensive spatial model for exploring the interaction between road transportation and environment. The potential negative impacts of transportation on environment can be listed as degradation of air quality,... more
Forest fragmentation and habitat loss are two of the main drivers of wildlife population declines. Animals exposed to habitat disturbances must develop behavioral strategies to adapt to novel, rapidly fluctuating socioecological... more
The Neotropics harbor between 30-50% of the world's herpetofauna. However, little is known about the ecology and natural history of many species, making conservation strategies difficult to plan. After reviewing published papers on world... more
In common with other farmland species, hares (Lepus spp.) are in widespread decline in agricultural landscapes due to agricultural intensification and habitat loss. We examined the importance of habitat heterogeneity to the Irish hare... more
Marine biodiversity worldwide is under increasing threat, primarily as a result of over-harvesting, pollution and climate change. Chondrichthyan fishes (sharks, rays and chimaeras) have a perceived higher intrinsic risk of extinction... more
Humans are making increasing demands on natural ecosystems. One recent study has concluded that our species is consuming or diverting some 40% of the net photosynthetic productivity of our planet. Many habitats are being converted to... more
Aim: Understanding how habitat loss and overhunting impact large carnivores is important for broad-scale conservation planning. We aimed to assess how these threats interacted to affect jaguar habitat (Panthera onca) between 1985-2013 in... more
We used a spatially explicit population model that was generalized to produce nine ecological profiles of long-lived species with stable home ranges and natal dispersal to investigate the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on... more
Dans les sociétés occidentales modernes, les personnes exclues du logement de droit commun sont très minoritaires mais leur nombre a augmenté ces dernières années. Elles se retrouvent dans diverses situations d’habitat : hébergements chez... more