Small Mammals
Recent papers in Small Mammals
Whether predators can limit their prey has been a topic of scientific debate for decades. Traditionally it was believed that predators take only wounded, sick, old or otherwise low-quality individuals, and thus have little impact on prey... more
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurological disease caused by Sarcocystis neurona, an apicomplexan parasite. S. neurona is also associated with EPM-like diseases in marine and small mammals. The mechanisms of transmission... more
The abilities of species to use the matrix of modi®ed habitats surrounding forest fragments may aect their vulnerability in fragmented landscapes. We used long-term (up to 19-year) studies of four animal groups in central Amazonia to test... more
Amaç: 2007 - 2015 yılları arasında arazide karşılaşılan, hakkında kısıtlı da olsa veriler edinilen memelilere ilişkin bilginin paylaşılması mevcut çalışmanın amacını teşkil etmektedir. Bu veriler, fotoğraflar, kısmen düzenli olarak... more
In this study, we investigated the environmental factors driving small mammal (rodents and shrews) assemblages in permanent habitat patches in response to a gradient of agricultural intensification. Small mammals were sampled using a... more
The effects produced by emissions from coal-fired power plants, including mainly SO2, NO X and particulates, on natural populations and caged specimens of birds and small mammals were studied. The field-captured species used to evaluate... more
A meta-analysis approach was used to test for chromosomal speciation in rodents. Forty-one pairs of sister species, identified in the two most species-rich rodent families (Cricetidae and Muridae), were used as phylogenetically... more
Herein we document the first case of albinism in Black Mastiff bat Molossus rufus É. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1805. The specimen was collected in Iquitos City (Northwestern Peru); it was an adult male with ventral and dorsal white pelage,... more
Olduvai Bed-I Small mammals Taphonomy Palaeoenvironment
Butterflies, bees, parasites
This work updates the zooarchaeological and taphonomic data available for La Peña de Estebanvela (Ayllón, Segovia). Diverse subsistence strategies appear to have been followed, making use of a wide range of resources. Rabbits, goats,... more
Article history: Available online xxx a b s t r a c t
A survey of ectoparasites was carried out during Eco-Zoonoses Expedition in Bukit Aup Jubilee Park (BAJP), Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo from 5 th to 9 th June 2008. A total of nine individuals comprising two species of rodents were... more
We sequenced 965 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b from 102 woodmice ( Apodemus sylvaticus ) collected from 40 European localities. The aims of the study were to answer the following questions. (i) Did the Mediterranean... more
The need for quick, reliable, in situ tests of environmental mutagenicity is evidenced by i~creasing public concern about potential health effects of pollutants.
Fossil records are integral part of many evolutionary studies nowadays as these records combined with genetic data can be used to estimate speciation events. As there were 2 new species of Tupaia was recently discovered, a re-analysis of... more
First sighting record of Indian tree shrew A Anathana ellioti ellioti (Waterhouse, 1850) was made at Manudevi forest, 35 km North of Jalgaon, Maharashtra along the boundaries of Yawal Wildlife Sanctuary (21 o 18'32.2" N, 75 o 33'38.2" E)
La implementación de bebederos artificiales para fauna silvestre es una práctica de manejo comúnen regiones con escasez estacional de agua. En muchos casos los bebederos se instalan para beneficiar a especies de interés... more
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of human pressure and spatial structure of landscape on the occurrence of populations of small mammals in the environment of a large urban agglomeration. The investigations were carried... more
The Lulanda forest cover a portion of the Udzungwa mountains in Mufindi district, Tanzania, ranging from 1480 -1640 meters above sea level. The forest consists of three forest patches dominated by Parinari excelsa and a corridor between... more
Many studies have demonstrated the importance of terrestrial mammal fauna to ecosystem functioning and services. To date, however, few studies of mammal abundance in Trinidad and Tobago have been conducted. Our main objective here was to... more
Escape theory predicts that a prey should flee from an approaching predator at a point in which the cost of staying equals the cost of escape. We manipulated the cost of fleeing upon approaching human predators by providing the small... more
Le Chott de Djendli (3700 ha) appartient au complexe des zones humides Sud-constantinoises. L’étude menée de février 2006 à mars 2007 nous a permis la caractérisation bioécologique des éléments tant biotiques qu’abiotiques du site. Elle... more
The movement of vertebrates through 17 culverts under roads and railways in Central Spain was analysed over the course of an annual cycle. Passage was detected for amphibians, lizards, snakes, small mammals, rats, hedgehogs, rabbits and... more
ECOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES IN LAKE AYATA (OUED RIGH VALLEY: NORTHERN ALGERIAN SAHARA). **** ABSTRACT: Ayata Lake (155 ha) belongs to the complex of wetlands of Oued Righ Valley in Algerian Lower-Sahara.... more
In this study we investigated vegetation changes superimposed by grazing and their effect on small mammals in the Karoo (South Africa) on grazed farmland and an adjacent, 10-year livestock enclosure. Plains and drainage line habitats were... more
Farming landscapes Small mammals community Diversity Biomass A B S T R A C T Over the last decades, profound changes in agricultural practices in the world have led to modifications of land-use as well as landscape structure and... more
In this review, we compiled published results on biological interactions at different spatial scales in the Monte desert of Argentina and identified gaps in current knowledge. We presented evidence of competitive and facilitative... more