Hand Papermaking
Recent papers in Hand Papermaking
An essay on the under-recognized feminist legacy in socially engaged hand papermaking and contemporary art practice.
The aim of this consultancy was to introduce a more eco-friendly way to make paper by hand for several handpapermaking projects that were supported by Y-Development, a NGO in Chiangmai, Thailand. This way they could continue to sell their... more
The water hyacinth is an aggressive plant, which has been a terrible nuisance on almost all continents for more than 100 years. The problem has now grown to such proportions that governments are at their wits end. There isn't one method... more
The papermaking industry of at least 500 years old has survived in spite of heavy competition, in spite of industrialisation, in spite of religious and national warfare, in spite of their own resistance to change and in spite of global... more
For the special issue of Hand Papermaking on "Paper in Performance," this short essay primarily discusses paper works by Shiraga Fujiko (1928 - 2015), an early female member of Gutai, the Japanese avant-garde art collective active in... more
This paper proposed phytoliths as promising for identifying and distinguishing sources of fibre in Chinese handmade papers. For an initial methodological exploration, two types of Raw Xuan (unprocessed Xuan paper) and the two plant... more
The article deals with the Chinese tradition of burning difÍerently made paper as "paper ofÍerings" for gods and spirits' The author explains the religious background and the meaning and function of the so called "offering papers". He... more
This study investigates the earliest surviving Tibetan paper, from the Dunhuang cave library, using paper fibre analysis combined with codicological, palaeographical and textual information. The hypotheses tested by this method concern... more
Today, 50 years ago the Hmong in northern Thailand produced their own bamboo paper. The majority of the Hmong arrived from Laos in the 1970s and soon stopped the production of bamboo paper. Instead they started to purchase saa paper from... more
Made of recycled clothes, slaughtered animals, and felled trees, Bibles in Renaissance England were filled with visible traces of ecological matter, remainders that remind one that words on a page are thought fused with—and inflected... more
In the spirit of Hand Papermaking Magazine's thirtieth anniversary, this essay examines the personal and professional development of Margaret Mahan as a "next generation" book arts practitioner. Mahan explains the genesis of Peace Paper... more
The main subject of this thesis is papermaking in the Islamic world within the period from Classical Era to Self-Examination Period and the paper typology study carried out with the paper specimens from the collections of Suleymaniye... more
Comparative Analysis of Technical Developments in Papermaking during the Safavid Era (10th, 11th and 12th century AH) Paper has been closely associated with manuscript illumination over the course of history, playing a prominent role in... more
Grasping the wooden handle of a dozukime saw with both hands, I make a rip-cut into a block of eastern white pine, leaving behind a 1/64-inch wide kerf. I am cutting a dovetail: a wood joint developed over five-thousand years ago by the... more
A reflection on the papermaking process and practice of artist Hong Hong.
In this paper the author makes an attempt to analyze and categorize the illustrations to “Precious Notes on Papermaking” (“Kamisuki Chohoki”, ed. 1824) according to their function. The researcher also tries to find prototypes for some... more
Handmade paper from India. Kagaj: yesterday, today and tomorrow I know that handmade paper can never supply the daily growing demand for paper.
Veteran soldiers who choose to confront a culture of militarism occupy a challenging subject position. They cannot rely on the institutional and public respect generally reserved for veterans who do not question their military service.... more
Papermaking as an activity area at the Technikon Witwatersrand (TWR) was initially introduced to equip fine art students with the basic knowledge and skills required to produce their own handmade papers, primarily for printmaking... more