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The Anointing of the Sick is possibly the most underappreciated and understudied sacrament. In To Die Is Gain, Roger Nutt seeks to bring greater attention to and appreciation for the Anointing of the Sick. Beginning with an examination of... more
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      Liturgical StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)TheodicyCatholic Theology
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      Asian StudiesChinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyChinese Studies
In addition to unearthing elapsed practices and doctrinal foundations, Regeneration: A Complete History of Healing in the Christian Church recounts inspiring first-hand narratives of physical deliverance.
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      PentecostalismHealing and ReligionPatristics and Late AntiquityHealing
2012 _ This dissertation deals with the ritual and sacerdotal organisation of a Cuban mythical-ritual complex of Yoruba origin, articulated around two poles with complex and sometimes conflicting relationships: Santería, based on the... more
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      DivinationInitiation Practices (Anthropology)ReflexivityIfa-Orisa/Orisha Tradition in Africa and the Diaspora
Kenneth Hagin (1917-) represents and is widely accepted as the father of the Word of Faith Ministries1 though his mantle has largely fallen to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland who, through the magazine “Believer’s Voice of Victory,” promulgate... more
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentEarly Christianity
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      DivinationDramaPuerto RicoAnthropology of the Senses
An Integrative Deliverance Needs Assessment
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      Healing and ReligionSpiritual WarfareDeliverance from demonic influenceAngels and Demons
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      Healing processEthnomedicineHealing and ReligionCalabria
Corações queimados: A dor da memória nas narrativas de pacientes Bijagós

Este artigo é dedicado à memória de Pedro Banca,
prezado amigo e interlocutor de rara sensibilidade antropológica.
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      Medical AnthropologyMental HealthPain ManagementAnthropology of Health and Illness
Таблица воздействия на органы тела классических инструментов Музыка оказывает на нас определённое воздействие-в том числе, исцеляющее. Более того, каждый музыкальный инструмент "отвечает" за "свой" орган человеческого тела. Всё во... more
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      MusicEnergy HealingSelf-healingHealing process
From its beginnings 'Healing in the Atonement' has been one of the key platforms from which the Pentecostal movement has branded itself. Disease and suffering were tagged as consequences of the Fall and in need of redemption not unlike... more
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      PentecostalismHealing and Religion
There is a lot of discussion about prayer and healing. The right understanding of James 5.13-16 is necessary. What is the main thrust of this passage?
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      PrayerHealing and ReligionNew testament exegesisNew Testament Studies
In the predominantly Muslim context of Zanzibar, Pentecostal Christianity is slowly on the rise as a result of an influx of labor migrants from mainland Tanzania. A paramount feature in these churches is the provision of divine healing... more
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      Healing and ReligionZanzibarPentecostalism and Charismatics
Partiendo del principio protestante del "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes", que propuso Lutero , se plantean las implicaciones teológicas y eclesiales de este "sacerdocio universal", como la confesión de la "sanctorum communio". Se hace... more
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      Community PsychologyPsychotherapyMental HealthCommunity Resilience
Background.The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of the relationships between healers and their clients in Germany. Methods. An interdisciplinary research team performed semistructured interviews with healers and clients... more
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      ReligionHealth PsychologyMedical AnthropologyEmpathy (Psychology)
Das Thema Gesundheit und Krankheit hat durch die COVID19-Pandemie noch einmal mehr Bedeutung gewonnen, als wir es uns zu Beginn des Jahres hätten vorstellen können. Plötzlich müssen wir uns mit mikroskopisch kleinen Erregern, mit einer... more
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      Votive practiceHealing and ReligionVotive offeringsHealing cults
Le bien-être physique, mental et social des personnes au sud du Sahara est aujourd'hui reconnu comme un enjeu culturel de santé publique. Une action sanitaire déconnectée de la condition culturelle ne répondra pas de façon adéquate et... more
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      ChristianityHealth SciencesMedicineHealing and Religion
FULL TEXT!! This volume publishes for the first time an untitled anti-Hasidic manuscript, which the editors have called Reshit Hokhmah (The Origin/Beginning of Wisdom), from the Joseph Perl Archive in Tarnopol. The manuscript was copied... more
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      ReligionGnosticismNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
Si les mouvements charismatiques et Églises (néo-)pentecôtistes, surtout celles dites de la « troisième vague », se situent aux périphéries des lieux de décision du christianisme œcuménique et du monde théologique académique, ils n’en... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesCongo and Congolese Diaspora (Anthropology)Charismatic ChristianityHealing and Religion
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      ReligionChristianityTheologyLiturgical Studies
The festival dedicated to the healing saint Agios (Saint, m.) Gerasimos is celebrated on the Greek island of Kephallonia, of which he is the patron saint, on 16 August, the day after his death. Two years after his death in 1579, his body... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesDeath Studies
The temples of the Vale do Amanhecer (Valley of the Dawn) in Brazil and across the world are intended as 'spiritual emergency units' where mediums and their spirit guides provide patients with free assistance for health, relational,... more
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      Medical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEnergy HealingMedical Anthropology/ antropología médica
John Wesley's theology was a theology of mission. This becomes clear when we examine his theological orientation and four key Wesleyan themes: The image of God, prevenient (preceding) grace, salvation as healing, and the perfecting of... more
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      MissiologyMission StudiesHealing and ReligionHistory and Theology of Missions
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      Second SophisticVisions And DreamsDreams (Psychology)Asclepius
Luk, Tsing Tsing Crystal. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2017. 10798713. This thesis aims to conduct a comprehensive study on the theoretical and historical connection between Neidan... more
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      Comparative ReligionAsian StudiesDaoismInner Alchemy
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      Healing and ReligionTheology of Ministry/OfficeFuneralsWeddings
Not a very good piece of work but here for your perusal should you feel like it. God bless
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    • Healing and Religion
Lezing op studiedag 'Mijn God geneest', VU Amsterdam 10 november 2017. In deze lezing bespreek wordt de spanning besproken tussen het 'reeds' en het 'nog niet' bij Derek Morphew en Frank D. Macchia. Dat leidt tot de conclusie dat deze... more
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      Systematic TheologyHealing and ReligionPentecostalism and Charismatics
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      TheologyHealing and ReligionRevivalismSacred Space
A service for healing, though becoming increasingly common in Lutheran and other mainline Protestant circles, is actually quite new in Lutheran worship books. The rite, however, has a long history, and attention to that history can inform... more
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      History of SacramentsLiturgical HistoryHealing and Religion
Tomabechi Gizō (1880–1959), a chemical magnate and politician, was one of twenty shihan (Master-level) students trained by Usui Mikao (1865–1926), the founder of Usui Reiki Therapy (Usui Reiki Ryōhō). The final chapter of Tomabechi's... more
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      Japanese ReligionsEnergy HealingModern Japanese HistoryReiki
As a Muslim-majority region, Bengal is conspicuous by its absence from histories of the institutionalisation of Islamic medicine in South Asia. Bengal's invisibility in these histories is partly a result of exclusive scholarly... more
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      Veterinary MedicineHistory of MedicineSouth Asian StudiesFolk Medicine
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      GhostsSpiritualismSpirit Possession (Anthropology)Healing and Religion
A wide variety of Buddhist writings originating on the Indian subcontinent and elsewhere in South and Southeast Asia were translated into Chinese between the mid-second and the early eleventh centuries C.E. As this material was read,... more
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      Religion and medicineChinese history (History)Healing and ReligionSecularity
The article deals with the social significance of confessions among Kinshasa’s born-again Christians. Together with conversion narratives and former witches’ testimonies, confessions represent the main discursive rituals in the religious... more
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      ReligionSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaCongo, Democratic Republic of
At this very moment, while you are reading this sentence, millions of people (sincere and faithful Christians, included) are experiencing physical and emotional challenges and pain. Others are experiencing the emotional sorrow of watching... more
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      TheologyMiraclesCharismatic ChristianityHealing and Religion
Another of my most-requested pieces, this article gives a synthesis of the Italian ethnographic record of popular magic, healing and witchcraft in the 20th century.
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      Popular/Folk CatholicismWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Popular/Folk MagicWitchcraft, Religion and Magic
This paper gives an overview of anthropological and folklorstic approaches to belief, and proposes its examination as a response to specific contextual factors. It approaches belief as emerging from “participatory consciousness,” a state... more
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      Pagan StudiesPaganismBeliefsMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
I explore the connection between healing power and spirituality by attending to what a Lakota holy man (wicasa wakan) says about this sacred (wakan) power. I suggest that the encounter with this healing power – whether by the vessel, the... more
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      Native American StudiesIndigenous StudiesSpiritualitySacred (Religion)
The article draws attention to the continuing popularity of African traditional healing practices, and asks whether African churches and modern medical programs can continue simply to denounce or to ignore such practices. The need for a... more
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      MissiologyPhilosophy of MedicineMissiology and Mission TheologyAfrican traditional healing practices
Healing is an essential aspect of Amazonian mestizo shamanism. Not only is it one of the most commonly quoted motives for Westerners for participating in ayahuasca ceremonies, but most elements of an ayahuasca ceremony are aimed to heal... more
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      ShamanismHealing and ReligionAyahuascaShamanism and Shamanic Healing
This is chapter 1 of Medicine and the Saints: Science, Islam, and the Colonial Encounter in Morocco, 1877-1956. It was selected as the topic of the religion and culture web forum at the Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of... more
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      African StudiesMedical AnthropologyHagiographyMiddle East Studies
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      ChaplaincyPastoral TheologyHealth and ReligionHealing and Religion
John G Lake, founder of the Healing Rooms in Spokane, had 100,000 documented healings within just five years, making Spokane the healthiest city in the nation. This article analyses John G Lake's lasting impact both in North America and... more
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      ChristianityHealth SciencesSouth Africa (History)Health
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreEthnohistory
This paper argues that John Alexander Dowie invented a new form of faith healing spectacle in the 1880s that was substantively different to all previous forms of "Divine Healing". In order to construct his new faith healing public... more
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      History of ChristianityWorld HistoryAustralian HistoryPentecostalism
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      ShamanismAnthropology of ShamanismHealing and ReligionAyahuasca
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      ReligionHealing and ReligionGreek sanctuariesSanctuaries in Ancient Rome and Italy
HOLY WATERS: RELIGIOUS DEVOTION AND HEALING PRACTICES IN A BALKAN CONTEXT In this article I discuss the veneration of waters and the related healing practices in interdisciplinary context and in diachronic perspective in Balkan milieu. I... more
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      Folklore (Anthropology)Healing and ReligionAntiguityDragon
University of Oxford, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, on 17th-18th June (online and in-person). This workshop invites participants to unpack the ideas of movement, mobility, and being moved in healing practices. ‘Movement’... more
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      Medical AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyTransnationalismSocial and Cultural Anthropology