Historical Ethnography
Most downloaded papers in Historical Ethnography
La captura y procesamiento de ballenas es en Chile un “evento del pasado”, por lo que su estudio requiere el uso de herramientas metodológicas adecuadas, distintas a las tradicionales de la etnografía. El término “etnografía... more
When news of an uncontacted ‘lost tribe’ began emanating from the island of Bohol in the southern Philippines, visitors were fascinated by the group's unique language and complex writing system, used today by some five hundred people in... more
Resumen: La etnografía, como observación directa de la vida social y de las prácticas culturales de los grupos humanos, es un procedimiento científico de sarrollado a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo xix, concomitantemente en Eu ropa... more
El Gobernador de Chiloé, Juan Victorino Martínez de Tineo, procede en 1743 a despachar una expedición al mando del alférez de infantería Mateo Abraham Evrard, con once piraguas y ciento sesenta hnmbres, con víveres para seis mesesl , en... more
Puszta is a widely known phenomenon that primarily denotes a deserted countryside and not the flat areas, vegetation, cattle grazing and some picturesque landscape items that are usually associated with. In Southern Transdanubia, a... more
The traditional shore whaling or “whale fishing” began in the area of Talcahuano in the first half of the nineteenth century and then spread to the south of Chile, to Chiloe Island. In this paper we develop a historical ethnography of... more
The Resolution for a National Language Policy Programme 2014-2018 was adopted by the Slovene parliament in the summer of 2013, and was intended to set a common agenda in the area of state language policy. In this thesis, I investigate its... more
The paper is part of the Themenband on Johann Jacob Schudt, edited by Christoph Cluse and Rebekka Voß (Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge 40/2015). It deals with a Czech manuscript on Jewish mores, authored by Karel Jugl, a Catholic priest... more
Economic and social policies paved the way for inequality alleviation and wellbeing improvements in the lives of millions during the 2000s in Brazil. Drawing from ethnography conducted among recipients of the housing program “My House, My... more
Key founders of sociology such as Karl Marx and Max Weber, and key political/social theorists such as Alexis de Tocqueville, never considered social theory as separate from history and historical analysis. The prominent American... more
Resumen. Se realizó una etnografía histórica de los cambios surgidos tras la coloni-zación europea del Orinoco Medio, para comprender el desarrollo de distintas represen-taciones y dinámicas del espacio y del tiempo, incluyendo procesos... more
In a study published in 1969, Hermann Bausinger compares the situation of ethnog-raphy to a parallelogram: " the hypostatized object is always smaller in reality, and the compensatory construction is always larger " (Bausinger 1982: 9).... more
La unidad cultural de Iberoamérica es un anhelo colectivo y al mismo tiempo la realidad más esquiva, un dilema permanente. Por utopía o por crudo interés mercantil, representa el sueño de todo editor de libros en lengua castellana. No así... more
The research paper is an ethnographic study of the Rabari community of Kutch. The available studies on Rabaris are based on narratives’ of life and history of Rabaris through the anthropological surveys conducted during the British... more
A multispecies ethnography of year-round stall-feeding of cattle in byre-houses illuminates problems and opportunities of exhibiting historical human-animal relationships in open-air museums. Although received wisdom claims modernization... more
En el marco de una investigación interdisciplinaria sobre problemas de extrema pobreza, pudimos estudiar, en particular, un modo de vida, en el cual se establece una compleja red de relaciones entre un grupo humano con su ambiente... more
Das Papier plädiert für eine integrale historische Populärliteratur-forschung, die die Geschichte der Texte, Stoffe, Motive systematisch verknüpft mit der Geschichte der Umgangs- und Gebrauchsweisen. Seine These ist, dass es für eine... more
In this essay, Ali Sipahi describes how the Gezi Park protests of 2013 transformed his thinking about the 1985 massacres of Armenians in Harput, Turkey, analyzed in his CSSH essay, “Deception and Violence in the Ottoman Empire: The... more
This chapter presents the theoretical underpinnings of historical ethnography in the analysis of policy discourse and examines key methodological considerations in studies which take this approach. I begin by situating such research... more
En Chile se construyeron siete plantas balleneras entre Iquique y Punta Arenas en el marco de la caza moderna de ballenas. En 1905 se construyó la primera y en 1956 la última. Desde 1983 ninguna de las plantas se encuentra activa. En este... more