Historical Ethnography
Recent papers in Historical Ethnography
What does it mean to make a life in an African city today? How do ordinary Africans, surrounded by collapsing urban infrastructures and amid fantastical promises of hypermodern, globalised futures, try to ensure a place for themselves in... more
The famous pilgrimage place, the monastery of Csíksomlyó had its own tradition of gingerbread making. The present paper presents the old gingerbread from Ciuc and the specific forms from the pilgrimage
Virgin Mary Does not Grow on Almond Trees This paper investigates a series of apparitions that took place in 1884 in Budakeszi, a German-speaking village near Budapest, and the long history of its effects. The apparitions of St. Mary-seen... more
The research paper is an ethnographic study of the Rabari community of Kutch. The available studies on Rabaris are based on narratives’ of life and history of Rabaris through the anthropological surveys conducted during the British... more
Technical history of the pottery from Székelyland (Romania), in hungarian language
La captura y procesamiento de ballenas es en Chile un “evento del pasado”, por lo que su estudio requiere el uso de herramientas metodológicas adecuadas, distintas a las tradicionales de la etnografía. El término “etnografía... more
The Cottage-Mouvement from the Háromszék Region
When news of an uncontacted ‘lost tribe’ began emanating from the island of Bohol in the southern Philippines, visitors were fascinated by the group's unique language and complex writing system, used today by some five hundred people in... more
The Resolution for a National Language Policy Programme 2014-2018 was adopted by the Slovene parliament in the summer of 2013, and was intended to set a common agenda in the area of state language policy. In this thesis, I investigate its... more
Resumen: La etnografía, como observación directa de la vida social y de las prácticas culturales de los grupos humanos, es un procedimiento científico de sarrollado a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo xix, concomitantemente en Eu ropa... more
Puszta is a widely known phenomenon that primarily denotes a deserted countryside and not the flat areas, vegetation, cattle grazing and some picturesque landscape items that are usually associated with. In Southern Transdanubia, a... more
Key founders of sociology such as Karl Marx and Max Weber, and key political/social theorists such as Alexis de Tocqueville, never considered social theory as separate from history and historical analysis. The prominent American... more
The traditional shore whaling or “whale fishing” began in the area of Talcahuano in the first half of the nineteenth century and then spread to the south of Chile, to Chiloe Island. In this paper we develop a historical ethnography of... more
Tobias’ benediction torn apart: Lay religious practice and historical ethnography The article is a reworked chapter of the author’s PhD thesis entitled Religion and local society in the second half of the 19th century: A... more
In a study published in 1969, Hermann Bausinger compares the situation of ethnog-raphy to a parallelogram: " the hypostatized object is always smaller in reality, and the compensatory construction is always larger " (Bausinger 1982: 9).... more
The study examines the church activities to develop homecraft in two settlements in Szeklerland (today Romania). The village of Magyaró was famous for its embroidery art, and Málnás had weaving traditions. In the first half of the 20th... more
El trabajo revisa la información existente sobre los grupos de canoeros nómades, denominados chonos, que recorrieron los archipiélagos situados al sur de Chiloé. Utilizamos como metáfora la figura de Pedro Delco, una de sus principales... more
The research paper is an ethnographic study of the Rabari community of Kutch. The available studies on Rabaris are based on narratives’ of life and history of Rabaris through the anthropological surveys conducted during the British... more
The paper is part of the Themenband on Johann Jacob Schudt, edited by Christoph Cluse and Rebekka Voß (Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge 40/2015). It deals with a Czech manuscript on Jewish mores, authored by Karel Jugl, a Catholic priest... more
The Roman Catholic Lower Clergy of the Mercy-Apponyi Domain. Historical Viewpoint and Ethnographic Interest. My work addresses the role of ethnography in the history of the lower clergy of the Mercy–Apponyi domain. As my experience... more
A multispecies ethnography of year-round stall-feeding of cattle in byre-houses illuminates problems and opportunities of exhibiting historical human-animal relationships in open-air museums. Although received wisdom claims modernization... more
By the 1890s, Siam (Thailand) was the last holdout against European imperialism in Southeast Asia. But the kingdom’s exceptional status came with a substantial caveat: Bangkok, its bustling capital, was a port city that was subject to... more
Why and how ethnography is a field of historical research ? Recent German recommendations to the theory and methodology of the ’historical site’ The author in his article summarizes the discourse within German ethnography on historical... more
[Free read-only from the link on the pdf. For free download from Cambridge Core, peer access code (works only for ten times) is B47471B5F42325ADDE2558CFB3FC95A2] This article is an historical ethnography of the popular conceptualizations... more
Das Papier plädiert für eine integrale historische Populärliteratur-forschung, die die Geschichte der Texte, Stoffe, Motive systematisch verknüpft mit der Geschichte der Umgangs- und Gebrauchsweisen. Seine These ist, dass es für eine... more
Horticulture and Slovak Grammar. The Parish Priest of a Minority Village in the First Part of the 19th Century The church documents sketch the life of parish priest Ignác Oravecz from Tárnok. He translated several volumes from German and... more
The history and the Hungarian class of the 1927 Transilvanian Ethnographic exhibition, Berlin
South-Slavic (rác) people in South-Transdanubia in the 17th-18th century from the perspective of historical ethnography
Viel ist bereits über den sogenannten LRA-Konflikt geschrieben worden, der von Mitte der 1980er Jahre bis in die 2000er Jahre hinein vor allem in Norduganda wütete. Doch trotz der beeindruckenden Menge an Veröffentlichungen, zu der auch... more
En Chile se construyeron siete plantas balleneras entre Iquique y Punta Arenas en el marco de la caza moderna de ballenas. En 1905 se construyó la primera y en 1956 la última. Desde 1983 ninguna de las plantas se encuentra activa. En este... more
This book provides a series of contemporary and international policy case studies analysed through discursive methodological approaches in the traditions of critical discourse analysis, social semiotics and discourse theory. This is the... more
La unidad cultural de Iberoamérica es un anhelo colectivo y al mismo tiempo la realidad más esquiva, un dilema permanente. Por utopía o por crudo interés mercantil, representa el sueño de todo editor de libros en lengua castellana. No así... more