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This article argues that expressions of postmemory-a form of relationship that a generation has with its antecedants, as proposed by Marianne Hirsch-are writ large in the descendants of the Kashmiri Pandits who fled from the Kashmir... more
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      Trauma StudiesKashmiri LiteraturePostmemory, Transgenerational MemoryHistory and Postmemory
The paper focuses on the veneration of the goddess Artemis. Since written testimony mentions her aid in the battles against the Persians, I include pre-Persian archaeological evidence in my analysis in order to test whether the Persian... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCommemoration and MemoryAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek History
The article contains an analysis of the construction of the narrative of the Shoah, using motifs from the Book of Esther. Non‑fiction book: Code of Esther, 2013 (Le Code d'Esther, 2012), written by French journalists: Bernard Benyamin and... more
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      Cultural StudiesHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesOld Testament
The fall of the Berlin Wall not only anticipated the demise of Communism as a political symbol in the former Eastern Bloc and beyond, but it also meant for millions of citizens the loss of the reference points around which their identity... more
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      CommunismBulgariaLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityNational Identity
Past (Im)Perfect Continuous. Trans-Cultural Articulations of the Postmemory of WWII June 26-28, 2018 University of Rome, “La Sapienza” Deadline for accepting proposals for our conference, Past (Im)Perfect Continuous. Trans-Cultural... more
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      PostmemoryPostmemory, Transgenerational MemoryPostmemory TraumaHistory and Postmemory
Article was published in IFKnow 1 (2018).
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      ColonialismVictimizationPostmemory, Transgenerational MemoryEthiopian History
Deadline for accepting proposals for our conference, Past (Im)Perfect Continuous. Trans-Cultural Articulations of the Postmemory of WWII is drawing near... February 28! We look forward to your submissions! Confirmed keynote speakers... more
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      PostmemoryPostmemory, Transgenerational MemoryPostmemory TraumaHistory and Postmemory