Kashmiri Literature
Recent papers in Kashmiri Literature
The research attempts to unearth the enunciation of meaning in the coalescence of form and content, and moreover, it investigates how the chaos has aptly been depicted in the amalgamation of different forms of... more
This essay argues for moving beyond the binary of ‘cosmopolitan’ and ‘vernacular’ in our understanding of language and expressions of space in early medieval South Asia. Drawing attention to a classic literary representation of regional... more
An introduction to Kashmiri poet Nighat Sahiba's work with translations of three poems from Kashmiri to English.
In this paper, the author offers an insight into the making of the making of the Kashmir conflict and the emerging independence movement that has consumed many thousands of lives in the Kashmir region. The filing of cases dating back 3... more
A small excerpt from a chapter on the historical evolution of Kashmiri. The work, therefore also this chapter, is still being edited.
The Paper is an attempt to locate the exact cultural locus of English poetry in Kashmiri society considering that the local newspapers and online magazines have mushroomed in the last few years since Bekaar Jamaat (Idle Company) emerged... more
An extensive comparative study between the two seers, Emerson and Iqbal brings forth many similarities. This paper adds to the corpus of comparative study between Iqbal and western philosophy and an unexplored dimension is also studied in... more
There are some questions and issues that have been hotly debated by critics of Kashmiri Sufi poetry. Reviewing the contemporary scenario of criticism of Kashmiri Sufi poetry one acutely feels the problem of hermeneutical despair. We have... more
The paper is about the various events that happened when the Kashmiri Pandits were thrown out of their homes after the brutal killings of prominent KPs. They are still living the life of exile in their own country. This paper has the... more
Recent literary representations of Kashmir conflict have been ideologically bifurcated along national/religious/regional lines. Most literary narratives cater to socio-political constituencies which their authors represent, symbolizing... more
This study analyses an illustrated Shahnama of Ferdowsi from Kashmir, datable to the middle of the 1240s A. H. / ca. 1830 A. D, coinciding with Sikh rule over the country. It will be seen that the manuscript forms a group together with... more
This paper primarily engages with Kashmir Pandit narratives that have transpired after the community was evicted from the Kashmir Valley in the 1990's. The outbreak of armed struggle for Azadi in Kashmir in the 1990's led to the complete... more
A brief essay on my mother with translation of five poems from her book Nagar and Vairagya
In twelfth-century Kashmir, the Sanskrit poet Kalhaṇa composed a chronicle of kings. This text has recently become the site of renewed debates about the relationship between history and literature in pre-modern South Asia. From these... more
Hybridity is an outcome of consistent movement and interaction of two different aspects of human existence. The forces of nature when confluence each other cause hybrid existence bringing the traces of both into it. It may by and large... more
A Bacchanal in Heaven and Additional Specimens from Maṅkha- The volume contains five Sargas (2-3, 14-15, 25) of Maṅkha’s Śrīkaṇṭhacarita (c. AD 1144), re-edited in Sanskrit and accompanied by an annotated German translation on facing... more
Diasporic Writings: Narratives across Space and Time explores the area of Diasporic Studies which is still being theorized and shaped. Not only is this writing creating a new genre, it is also rewriting standard history as it gives... more
Khabar is HLF's latest initiative to keep in touch with its supporters and to reach out to new audiences. Through this online medium, we hope to bridge physical distances and recreate the true spirit of sahitya.
This article argues that expressions of postmemory-a form of relationship that a generation has with its antecedants, as proposed by Marianne Hirsch-are writ large in the descendants of the Kashmiri Pandits who fled from the Kashmir... more
The East Asian region is the most economically dynamic in the world. China, a major nuclear power and possessing the largest army in the region, is experiencing explosive economic growth coupled with an increase in military modernization;... more
This volume studies the representation of religion in South Asian Anglophone literature of the twentieth and twenty-frst centuries. It traces the contours of South Asian writing through the consequences of the complex contesting forces of... more
This chapter contrasts forms of storytelling within Mirza Waheed’s fictional novel The Collaborator and conventional human rights reports published by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International People’s Tribunal of... more
Hybridity is an outcome of consistent movement and interaction of two different aspects of human existence. The forces of nature when confluence each other cause hybrid existence bringing the traces of both into it. It may by and large... more
This project aims to study the complex situation regarding the unstable and quite questionable state of 'identity' of Kashmir, especially in recent years. The socio-political condition of Kashmir resides in a state of liminality and... more
Present article traces the uprootedness and acute sense of exile in Agha Shahid Ali's poetry
Translation of the Meanings of the Quran in Kashmiri
For many scholars of South Asia, the first half of the second millennium has been understood as a period of major change and transition. Whether understood as the consequence of violent conquest, vernacularization, patronage shifts to new... more
Present article traces the sense of nowhereness and alienation in Agha Shahid Ali's Poetry.
Abstract In the context of the Indian subcontinent, politically and economically "Kashmir" is a significant region. Kashmir has been involved with the politics of the subcontinent since ancient times as a Vital Organ. Foreign powers... more
Kashmiri is an Indo-Aryan language spoken predominantly in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India and in some parts of Pakistan. Some phonological and morphological features of this language make it peculiar among Indo-Aryan languages.... more
A quarterly literary journal in Kashmiri edited by Omkar Koul and published by AIKS in Devanagari script