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The admittance of individuals into a chivalric order was an important tool of late medieval diplomacy which contributed significantly to the reinforcement of political and cultural ties between the order’s leader and admitted member and... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBosniaChivalry (Chivalry)
Most genocides are marked by the rewriting of history, but Serbian forces distinguished themselves by unmaking the landscape itself.
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      Cultural HeritageEvolution of urban fabricsFormer YugoslaviaSocial Reconstruction
Zoom talk scheduled for 25 February 2021, sponsored by the Fulton School of Liberal Arts Public Humanities Program at Salisbury University (17.30 EST; 22.30 GMT; 23.30 CET)

Registration link:
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval EuropeOttoman BalkansSoutheastern Europe
PREDGOVOR NIKOLAJA LEVAŠOVA ,13 januara 2011 godine : " Ova knjiga je postala Hima heroja iz proslosti, čija imena su osudjena na zaborav, kao Isidora, ili sećanja iskrivljena o Radomiru i Magdaleni. Svetlana je uspela da vrati dobro... more
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      BosniaSerbianSerbian historyBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literature
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
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      Cultural StudiesBosniaIslamic StudiesMuslims in Europe
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      Ottoman StudiesOttoman BalkansEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireBosnia and Herzegovina
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
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      Cultural StudiesBosniaIslamic StudiesMuslims in Europe
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      Bosnia and HerzegovinaHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bojan Stojnić, Verica M. Stošić, Banjalučki ljekari u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji, Udruženje arhivskih radnika, Arhiv Republike Srpske, Banjaluka, 2017, str. 233.
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      Social History of MedicineHistory of Bosnia and HerzegovinaModern and Contemporary History
This chapter examines the stances of the League of Communists of Bosnia-Herzegovina (SKBiH) during a pivotal phase in the crisis of Yugoslavia. The focus is placed on the events unfolding around the two final Congresses of that party, the... more
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      History of YugoslaviaHistory of Bosnia and HerzegovinaCommunist PartiesBreakup of the former Yugoslavia
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      Cultural StudiesOttoman HistoryIslamic StudiesHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
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      Balkan StudiesOttoman BalkansRoman roadsRoman provinces
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      Medieval HistoryBosniaMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Art
Tracing the influence of institutional Islamic Public Administration in Europe, the chapter looks at the four European Muslim-majority countries, Turkey, Albania, (the Federation of) Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. All are successor... more
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      Islamic LawPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementOttoman History
Rad je dio turističkog preglednika "Gradačac: Grad Zmaja od Bosne" kojeg je izdala Općina Gradačac i sastavni je dio projekta "Upravljanje rizikom od mina i društvenoekonomski razvoj u zajednicama ugroženim minama u Bosni i Hercegovini u... more
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      Local HistoryBosniaBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnian History
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      History of Bosnia and HerzegovinaAustria-HungaryGavrilo PrincipYoung Bosnia
Book Review of František Šístek (ed.), Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe: Representations, Transfers and Exchanges (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books 2021) by Dejan Jović REFERENCE: Jović, Dejan. "František Šistek (ur):... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistorySocial and Cultural AnthropologyNationalism
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      HistoryIslamic HistoryHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Приказ књиге: Есад Куртовић, Из хисторије банкарства Босне и Дубровника у средњем вијеку (Улагање новца на добит), Историјски институт, Посебна издања, Књига 59, Београд 2010, стр. 173.
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      BosniaBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnian HistoryBosna
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistoryBosniaHabsburg Studies
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      BosniaMedieval BalkansBosnian HistoryHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Knjiga „Bosanski muslimani u Drugom svjetskom ratu“ britanskog historičara Marka Attile Hoare izvorno je objavljena na engleskom jeziku još 2013. godine, a sada je dostupna i u bosanskoj verziji zahvaljujući izdavačkoj kući „Vrijeme“ iz... more
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      HistoryBosniaYugoslaviaSecond World War
Summary The life and work of Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus; from 306 to 337 AD) is one of the most researched topics when it comes to ancient historiography. Thanks to the famous Edict of Milan... more
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      HistoriographyRoman LawLate AntiquityLatin Epigraphy
Following the reform of Sharia courts of 1883, foundations for the new role of Sharia law and judiciary in the legal order of post-Ottoman Bosnia and Herzegovina were set. However, it was never fully clarified in the literature whether... more
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      HistoryComparative LawLegal HistoryColonialism
Posjednik (Gluhi Do, XV v.); pristalica mletacke vlasti. ASVe, Senato Mar, 1442.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLegal HistoryBosnia
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyCeltic StudiesBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryBosniaEgyptian History
The paper proposes a notion of the state of war in which key role is played by a motivated loss of one's discursive-moral status ("dediscoursification"), which prevents effectively the parties from discoursing on the topic of their... more
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      Political PhilosophyPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesPolitical Science
Stjepan II Kotromanic was the first Bosnian ruler that extends his rule to the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The paper treats this important and crucial part of Bos nian medieval history that took place in 1326. In addition to the course of... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBalkan HistoryBosnia
Full version of the book.
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEnvironmental History
The presence of regular Yugoslav military forces in central Podrinje and their participation in the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina have been evident from the very beginnings. As there were no significant forces of the Yugoslav... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryGenocide StudiesWar in Bosnia
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      BosniaBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnian HistoryHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
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      Medieval HistoryBosniaMedieval BalkansBosnia and Herzegovina
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      European HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryBosnia
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The original letter of Duke Stjepan Vukčić Kosača, issued on the 1st of March 1455 in Ključ, which regulated the possible relations between him and his potential bride Barbara of Liechtenstein, is today preserved in the Princely... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Druga polovina XIX stoljeća obilježena je reformama pravnog sistema Bosne i Hercegovine. Prvi rezultati u moderniziranju prava postignuti su u okviru osmanskog reformiranog (tanzimatskog) zakonodavstva, da bi nakon austrougarske... more
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      Civil LawLegal HistoryLand LawEuropean Legal History
The cult of Mithras has been present for three centuries in Herzegovina. Its significance for classical history and civilization is reflected through the fact that it continued to exist in the territory of today's Herzegovina after Roman... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryOnomasticsLate Antique Archaeology
Tri naselja slavonskog dijela Brodskog Posavlja smještena uz Savu — Slavonski Kobaš, Slavonski Dubočac i Slavonski Brod — igrala su stoljećima važnu ulogu u životu toga prostora. Ta je važnost proizlazila prvenstveno iz njihova položaja... more
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      Ottoman HistoryBosnia and HerzegovinaHistory of Bosnia and HerzegovinaSlavonia
U rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji, ali i suvremenim građanskopravnim sustavima pojmom commorientes (komorijenti, suumirući) označavaju se osobe umrle u istoj nesreći ili drugoj opasnosti, nalazeći se međusobno u pravnom položaju relevantnom za... more
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      Roman LawEuropean Legal HistoryEuropean private lawCivil Code
Osmanlı İdaresinde Balkanlar, I, editörler: Alaattin Aköz , Slobodan Ilić, Doğan Yörük, Danko Leovac, Konya: Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020. Balkan pod osmanskom vlašću, I, ur. Alaattin Aköz , Slobodan Ilić, Doğan Yörük, Danko Leovac, Konya:... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBalkan History
Über die seit der Okkupation erfolgte Aufschließung des Condominiums Bosnien und Herzegowina durch mehrere Bahnlinien (sämtlich Schmalspur) zzgl. der Waldbahnen. Mit konstruktiven Details des verwendeten rollenden Materials (z.B.... more
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    • History of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Apstrakt: Uspostavom socijalističkog režima dolazi do temeljitih političkih, privrednih, društvenih, kulturnih i drugih promjena u Bosni i Hercegovini. Prva decenija nakon Drugog svjetskog rata obilježena je obnovom ratom porušene zemlje,... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryUrbanismIndustrialization
Doktorski rad / Doctoral Dissertation, 2020 Slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać bio je do osmanskog osvajanja 1592. jedan od najvažnijih urbanih, a time i sociopolitičkih centara onodobnoga hrvatskog prostora. Izvanredno pozicioniran uz... more
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      HistoryBorder StudiesBalkan StudiesUrban History
Autor je u svom prikazu ratnih i političkih događaja u Drugom svjetskom ratu pošao od toga da u BiH žive tri naroda s različitim tradicijama, političkim shvaćanjima i s različitim položajem u toku rata 1941. – 1945. Time je napustio... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistoryYugoslav historySecond World War
Tekst je objavljen kao pogovor knjizi "Drevna Bosna" (Matica bošnjačka, Novi pazar 2017) Muamera Zukorlića. Zukorlićeva knjiga prat etnogenetski razvoj balkanskih noroda, vjersku sveprisutnost na tom prostoru, državotvornost Bosne,... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan History
Izdavač TDBB, Istanbul 2021. ISBN 978-605-2334-09-6
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      HistoryBosnia and HerzegovinaHistory of Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosna I Hercegovina