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In recent years, the idea of ‘swarming’ – that is, simultaneous multidirectional attack or maneuver by large number of independent or semi-independent small units – became a subject of a heated debate. Some believe this is the future of... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)War StudiesLebanonInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)
The first act of Chechen suicide terrorism occurred on June 7, 2000 and was carried out by two young women. This inaugurated the migration of suicide terrorism from other conflict zones, into the Chechen conflict. How suicide terrorism as... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical ViolenceSuicide Terrorism
The book discerns the rise and survival of Vladimir Putin as leader of Russia. The book will be relevant for those interested in Balkan and East European politics. To add, the book also reveals the secret relationship between the two... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesInternational RelationsBalkan Studies
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      TerrorismHuman RightsStrategic StudiesApocalypticism
Tracing the political development of the Chechen Republic since its secessionist movement in the 1990s, this essay illustrates that the Islamic republic has been gradually pacified and stabilized by unpeaceful means: Authoritarian... more
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      Russian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesHuman RightsRussian Foreign Policy
Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or “Islamic States” (henceforth Daesh) is officially one of the most important and complex threats for the modern world, especially after June... more
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      History of GeorgiaIsisRussia's war with ChechnyaChechnya
This article examines recent developments in Chechnya with a particular focus on its leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, whose influence has long surpassed the borders of the republic and whose further provocative behaviour and uncontrolled actions... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesRussian PoliticsCaucasus
Статья посвящена введению в научный оборот нового источника по истории Дагестана и Чечни XVII-XVIII вв., которое условно можно назвать продолжение «Тарих Аргвани». Вместе с тем, в данном источнике описываются и события, не имевшие прямого... more
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      XVIII centuryCaucasusHistorical SourcesDagestan
Today, it is hard to believe that some ten years ago Grozny lay in ruins. The broad avenues, the well-lit streets with carefully sculptured flower beds, the impressive contours of the shiny skyscrapers, dominating the city center, along... more
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      Cultural StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesSociology of ViolenceViolence
An abbreviated version of this review essay will be published in the peer-reviewed journal Iran and the Caucasus (Brill) in one of its issues this year; its editorial board has given permission for the current extended version to be... more
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      Russian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesConflictRussian Politics
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      Military HistorySoviet HistoryAfghanistanPost-Soviet Regimes
Abstract. The article examines the historical preconditions for the attainment of sovereignty by princedom Simsim at the background of internal fighting in the Golden Horde state. As well, there are uncovered previously unknown aspects... more
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      CaucasusChechnyaGolden HordeChechens
This article offers a comprehensive explanation of why Chechen and other North Caucasian jihadists join the Syrian civil war. It also details the ongoing split in the ranks of North Caucasian jihadists; their complex relationship with the... more
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      Russian StudiesCaucasusInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Russian Studies (in Area Studies) and the Caucasus
Situación de Chechenia en la última década, marcada por un contexto histórico de gestación del conflicto. Este trabajo hace un análisis de los datos aportados principalmente dentro el campo de estudio del ámbito español en relación a los... more
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      Civil WarRussian HistoryThe Chechens In The North Caucasus RegionCaucasus Politics
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      CaucasusRussian HistoryNorth CaucasusGeorgia
Статья посвящена теме зарождения и развития идеологии русскоязычного джихадизма, предшествовавшей той стадии джихадистского движения, которая связана с ближневосточными событиями последних нескольких лет. В статье развивается идея, что... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismRadicalizationIslamic StudiesPost-Soviet Studies
Les opérations engagées contre la Tchétchénie en 1994 à la suite de la déclaration d’indépendance de la petite république, loin d’obtenir le résultat escompté au vu du déséquilibre des forces, ont ouvert un conflit d’une complexité et... more
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      War StudiesCaucasusRussiaChechnya
Arguably, most traditional societies conform to a predominant religion, state, emperor, nation, ethnicity, or to a predominant collection of tribes and clans; multi-clan or other mixed groups with residential unity and self-identification... more
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      Russian StudiesKinship (Anthropology)CaucasusThe Chechens In The North Caucasus Region
This 2004 essay revisits the nearly three hundred year history of conflict between Chechnya and Russia, which has left little room for friendly relations. Yet examples of good neighbourly conduct, mutual understanding and a wish to live... more
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      Russian StudiesCaucasusPost-Soviet StudiesNorth Caucasus
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Country of Origin (COI) report.
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      Russian StudiesHuman RightsEuropean Immigration and Asylum LawMigration Studies
Неужели эти земли нашей могилой станут?» Чеченцы и ингуши в Казахстане (1944-1957 гг.) 
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      Russian StudiesForced MigrationMigration StudiesRussian History
357 collaboration between political anthropology and political science. Social scientists working on Central Asia have sometimes shown the blurring of boundaries between state and society and how the state and its elites are far from a... more
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      The Chechens In The North Caucasus RegionCounter terrorismChechen warChechnya
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      Political Violence and TerrorismThe Chechens In The North Caucasus RegionSalafi-jihadist groupsal-Qaeda
VOLUME I - FROM REVOLUTION TO WAR "Freedom or Death!" With this slogan in 1991 Chechnya proclaimed independence. A people of a million souls, led by General Dzhokhar Dudaev, challenged the authority of the Soviet Union. This book traces... more
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      TerrorismContemporary HistoryWar StudiesNegotiation
Je remercie également M. Olivier Forcade dont le cours de licence 3 m'a donné l'envie de poursuivre mes études dans le domaine de l'histoire des relations internationales et qui m'a donné la possibilité de travailler sur un sujet aussi... more
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      TerrorismRussian Foreign PolicyRussian HistoryUS Foreign Policy, US-Russian relations, Geopolitics of South Caucasus
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      Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)North CaucasusY chromosomeDNA genealogy
Исследование содержания материалов российских СМИ, анализ полученных результатов, круглый стол с участием ведущих российских журналистов, приложения. Руководитель проекта - Питер Хлебников, редактор - Андрей Рихтер. Предисловие Дафни... more
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      Russian mediaWar ReportingChechen warChechnya
Ты задела многих людей за самый болезненный нерв, коснувшись лжи, с которой они живут, и потому теперь они ненавидят тебя. (Из письма Карла Ясперса Ханне Арендт от 25.VII.1963.)
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureRussian PoliticsCivil Society and the Public Sphere
This article seeks to reveal the specific features of the social environment in the North Caucasus that have generated insurgency across the region. It identifies a blend of Salafi-jihadism and ethno-nationalist separatism as the... more
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      Russian StudiesCaucasusInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Post-Soviet Studies
Islamic Architecture and Mosque Design as Articulations of Identity in Contemporary Chechnya Mike Walker ABSTRACT: Part of the Soviet Union’s program of unifying its citizenry and replacing the divergent forces of religion with the... more
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      Russian StudiesArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural History
Konflikte abseits der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Analysen und Perspektiven einer jungen ForscherInnengeneration 2 SAFRAN Schlaininger Arbeitspapiere für Friedensforschung, Abrüstung und nachhaltige Entwicklung Diese Forschungsreihe des... more
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      PoliticsNationalismRussiaChechen war
Интервью Муслима Чеберлоевского, командира чеченского батальона имени Шейха Мансура, участника войн в Чечне и на Донбассе.
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      War StudiesThe Chechens In The North Caucasus RegionRussiaUkraine
День Победы — это не только официальные торжества, но и народный праздник. Точнее —набор разнообразных праздничных практик, ведь 9 мая отмечают от Берлина до тульской глубинки. В сборнике представлены результаты исследовательского... more
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesHistory and MemoryPostsocialism
We start with an attempt at qualifying the identity link between the individual, the traditionnal clan structure and the territory in Chechnya, and insist on its existentialism : the chechen identity exists because it’s practised... more
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      Russian StudiesGeopoliticsPost-Soviet StudiesNorth Caucasus
Notes based on HR reports (2000-2004) + discussions of the Workshop on "The perpetration of sexual violence in conflict zones", Hamburg Institute for Sozialforschung,  June 25-26 2010 . Direct link
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      Sexual ViolenceChechnya
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      Russian StudiesRussiaRussian / Soviet military and diplomatic historyChechen war
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      Soviet HistoryIntelligence StudiesPolitical ScienceCaucasus
Anton Shekhovtsov’s essay examines reasons and agendas behind the attacks of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov on France and President Emmanuel Macron. The author argues that Kadyrov’s anti-French rhetoric, which included an... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyIslamismFranceRussia
Sounds of War is a book on the aesthetics of war experience in Chechnya. It includes theory on, and stories of, compassion, dance, children’s agency and love. It is not simply a book to be read, but to be listened to. The chapters begin... more
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      NeuroscienceEmotionMusicInternational Relations
This book is about a region on the fringes of empire, which neither Tsarist Russia, nor the Soviet Union, nor in fact the Russian Federation, ever really managed to control. Starting with the nineteenth century, it analyses the state's... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryRussian HistoryRussian Studies (in Area Studies) and the Caucasus
The present article analyses the evolution of Sufism in Chechnya. The study of the Sufi community, by one of its members, contributes to an understanding of the changes that took place in Chechen society in the second half of the... more
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      Islamic StudiesSufismChechnyaQadiriya
This dissertation investigates how violence against a given territory or group of people becomes acceptable to leaders and their publics. Some wars are launched only reluctantly, and support dwindles once the high human costs are... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRussian StudiesSecuritizationWar on Terror
In 9067 BP (7117 BC, 8150 14C b.p.), a tsunami from the Gulf of Mexico flooded much of the Americas and Europe. In Ireland, it raced up the Irish Channel, destroyed the land bridge to Scotland and terminated the Early Mesolithic. In the... more
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      Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)TsunamiNeolithic Britain and IrelandNative American (History)
This 2006 essay is an attempt to provide for an unbiased account of some key features of the current debates, centering on imam Shamil and his perplexed relationships with the Chechens. The essay begins with a basic introduction into... more
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      CaucasusRussian HistoryNorth CaucasusSouth Caucasus
A Turkish citizen of Chechen origin, Haji Yusuf played a valuable role in the formation of the administrative and military institutions of the Imamate, the construction of fortifi cations, and communication with offi cials of the Ottoman... more
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      Russian Studies (in Area Studies) and the CaucasusNorth CaucasusCaucasian StudiesChechnya
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      Russian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyNorth CaucasusRussia
Even with Vladimir Putin having made, as it turned out retroactively, a strategic wager on the Kadyrov clan, it appears that Moscow has never (2006) abandoned its tried and true system of checks and balances. For instance, Bislan... more
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      Russian PoliticsCaucasusInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)North Caucasus
This paper serves a looking glass into the geopolitics of the late-1700s and present-day. A special historical and foreign policy comparison of Empress Catherine the Great and President Vladimir Putin's Russification policies in the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
The review article analyses several key publications on the Chechen conflict in the light of the portraits of Maskhadov and other prominent figures of the post-1991 Chechen insur-gencies, with a view on the inner controversies between... more
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      CaucasusThe Chechens In The North Caucasus RegionRussian Studies (in Area Studies) and the CaucasusNorth Caucasus