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The Prague towns and with them the entire urban estate in Bohemia experienced a relatively quick decline in their political importance beginning with the ascent of the Jagiellonian dynasty up until the Battle of White Mountain. The space... more
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      Urban HistoryReformationPragueHistory of Early Modern Times
Η Βρετανία πρωταγωνίστρια των εξελίξεων του 18ου και 19ου αιώνα αποτελεί κατά κύριο λόγο τη χώρα που ταυτίζεται με το φαινόμενο της Βιομηχανικής Επανάστασης. Η Βιομηχανική Επανάσταση και στις δύο διακριτές της φάσεις αποτελεί μία... more
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      History of CapitalismEarly Modern economic and social historyThe Industrial RevolutionWorking-Class History
The article deals with the transformations of tableware vessels (ceramic, wooden, metal, glass) which took place in the late medieval Silesian towns in connection with various aspects, such as legal changes, colonization, urban... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyLate Middle AgesMedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia
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      Northern EuropeBaltic Sea Region StudiesNorwegian HistoryDanish History Распространение за последние два года онлайн конференций и рост числа выложенных в Сети видеозаписей научных докладов по истории, в частности по медиевистике, требует от научного сообщества... more
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      Middle AgesHistory of Early Modern Times
Studie byla publikována roku 1999 v knize Archaeologia historica (ročník 24) / The study was published in 1999 in the book "Archaeologia historica" (volume 24).
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Lids made of brick clay exist as archaeological finds for instance in some regions of Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Austria from the 12th until the 17th century. They were not produced by potters, but by brickmakers as a... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Brick and tile (Archaeology)
The renovation of the church of St. Domingo de Silos in the town of Prádena del Rincón (Madrid), carried out between 2010 and 2012, brought to light an unusual discovery – immured and decapitated statues of saints together with a pile of... more
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      ArchaeologyForensic AnthropologyBioarchaeologyPaleopathology
In this paper, the early modern miracle narratives of the Austrian pilgrimage site Maria Luggau are in the focus of attention. The overall collection consists of 1.111 reports (mainly from the 18 th century) of which 134 cases deal with... more
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionEarly Modern EuropeSocial and Cultural History
"This article is about a maritime archaeological site in the outer archipelago of the Åland Islands, Finland. The site is very complex in nature and consists of two islands: Rödön and Gloskär. The site is part of an ongoing research... more
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    • History of Early Modern Times
In: Ulrich Veit/Matthias Wöhrl (Hrsg.), Donnerkeil – Opfermesser – Thränengefäß. Die archäologischen Objekte aus der Sammlung der Leipziger Apothekerfamilie Linck (1670–1807) im Naturalienkabinett Waldenburg (Sachsen). Leipziger... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Museums
A comienzos de julio de 1599, el primer superintendente de la justicia militar del ejército de Flandes, don Fernando Carrillo (1595-1599, solicitó el concurso del gobernador interino de los Países Bajos, el cardenal Andrés de Austria... more
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesEarly Modern EuropeCivil-military relations
Wasted tan bark was used around 1385 AD in large quantities as filling material on the new built vaults of the town hall in Stralsund, NE Germany. In a multidisciplinary study the archaeological, archaeobotanical and zoological results... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyCrafts and TechnologyArchaologyHistory of Early Modern Times
Resumen: El anexo documental que hemos seleccionado para este dossier se compone de tres textos producidos en el último cuarto del siglo XVIII: las Instrucciones para los nuevos relojes astronómicos (ca. 1785-1790); el Informe del... more
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      History of Reading and WritingTranscriptionBellsHistory of Time
Дзярновіч, А.І. «Слоўнік палона-славенскі» Сімяона Полацкага і фармаванне славістычнай калекцыі Упсальскага ўніверсітэта [in] Сімяон Полацкі: светапогляд, грамадска-палітычная і літаратурная дзейнасць : да 390-годдзя Сімяона Полацкага... more
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      Russian StudiesSlavic LanguagesDictionaryHistory of Early Modern Times
The analyzed pipe collection cames from the research of the Management of the Renewal of the Wawel Royal Castle in Krakow, conducted from 1973 to 1976. This collection consists of 36 items of bowls being one of the components of the... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyEarly Modern Europe17th-Century Studies
A Magyar Királyság 16. századi szétesése azzal a következménnyel is járt, hogy új karrier-, illetve vagyonosodási lehetőségeket nyitott meg. A középkori Magyarország területén két egymással versenyző hatalomközpont szerveződött, ami... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPolish HistoryHabsburg Studies
The article is devoted to the publication of the late Middle Ages – Modern Times monuments of the burial mound, located on the Kuban river right bank. There is a description of the six similar dugouts with the stoves and a few pits... more
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      ArchaeologyCossacksHistory of Early Modern TimesDon Cossacks
publié dans "Les Européens : ces architectes qui ont bâti l'Europe (1450-1950)", dir. Olga Medvedkova, Peter Lang, 2017, p. 129-144
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      European StudiesArchitectureEarly Modern HistoryItalian Studies
For Lviv’s Ukrainians Ruska Street was the only “legal” place to settle in the town centre. As shown by the municipal books, after conflagrations in 1527 and 1571 the Ukrainian district consisted of 23 plots, on which stood mostly... more
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      Social HistoryHistory of Early Modern TimesHistory of Lviv
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReformation StudiesEarly Modern Europe
The article examines the tendencies of the secularization of the idea of sacrifice for faith, rooted in the Christian tradition, among the authors of the second half of the 16th – 17th centuries. Disgraced intellectuals, as well as... more
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      Self and IdentityPower (social)IntellectualsMartyrs
This contribution tries first and foremost a precise evaluation of the monographic study Hans-Werner Goetz, Die Wahrnehmung anderer Religionen und christlich-abendländisches Selbstverständnis im frühen und hohen Mittelalter (5.–12.... more
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      PerceptionLate Middle AgesMedieval StudiesProduction
Money Boxes from Archaeological Excavations in Krakow The article is an overview of a set of money boxes acquired in the course of excavations conducted in the Old Town of Krakow. The artefacts come from both intact objects (cesspits), as... more
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      History of Toys and PlayMiddle AgesHistory of Early Modern TimesCracow
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      Ceramics (Archaeology)Clay Tobacco PipesFrühe NeuzeitHistory of Early Modern Times
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval ArchaeologyPomeraniaPost-Medieval Archaeology
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      Economic HistoryCultural StudiesTechnologyTranslation Studies
die beiden polygonalen Türmchen, die zur Randbebauung des Hofes gehören sowie das heute stärker zerstörte Wohngebäude mit angebautem Treppenturm. Da es sich um eine ausschnitthafte Wiedergabe der Situation handelt, ist die mächtige... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
The article deals with a group of ceramic toys originating from the archaeological excavations of Poltava city of the Early Modern period. The results of researches of urban centers in Ukraine show an interesting material, which differ... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Post-Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of Early Modern Times
Review of an article about harbours and shipping in the Baltic Sea in Early Modern Times
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      Nautical ArchaeologyHistory of Early Modern TimesBaltic SeaAncient Ports and Harbours
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    • History of Early Modern Times
Let p ∈ (1, ∞), κ ∈ (0, 1) and w ∈ A p (C). In this article, the authors obtain a boundedness (resp., compactness) characterization of the Buerling-Ahlfors commutator [B, b] on the weighted Morrey space L p, κ w (C) via BMO(C) [resp.,... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyBrick and tile (Archaeology)
Статья посвящена испанскому придворному эмблематическому пространству XVI века. Анализ портретов представительниц испанской королевской семьи второй половины XVI века – дочерей, жён, сестёр, а также представительниц высшей испанской... more
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      Spain (History)AristocracyHistory of Early Modern Times
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyArchaeobotanyEnvironmental History
Der Burghof war ein Vierseitengehöft mit Längen von 33 Metern an der Wegseite und 38 Metern in die Tiefe. Am Weg lagen das Wohnhaus der Hofbesitzer, ein Torhaus und ein Landarbeiterhaus. Parallel dazu, an der Rückseite, war die Scheune.... more
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      History of Early Modern TimesRhineland
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      Medieval ArchaeologyBricksHistory of Early Modern TimesRoof Tiles