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      TechnologyBritish HistoryHistory of TechnologyModern British History
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      ArchitectureThe Industrial RevolutionGothic architectureNeoclassical architecture
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      French RevolutionEighteenth Century HistoryThe Industrial Revolution18th Century
Many developing nations wish to have the opportunity to industrialise and fear committing to global climate agreements will reduce that opportunity. They assume that to achieve industrialisation and modernisation requires fossil fuels.... more
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      Technology AssessmentThe Industrial RevolutionWhole Systems DesignEnergy and Climate Change
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      Artificial IntelligenceLogisticsWork and LabourThe Industrial Revolution
Resumo: Este artigo tem o intuito de analisar a contribuição dos imigrantes alemães na criação da indústria têxtil catarinense a partir do século XIX e seus avanços ao longo dos anos. Neste mesmo período, a Europa, em especial a... more
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      BrazilThe Industrial RevolutionTextile TechnologyTextile industry
Each industrial revolution caused changes in several fields, including the human resources in organisations. The aim of the paper is to theoretically summarize the main findings about changes in the requirements on human resources from... more
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      Human ResourcesThe Industrial RevolutionIndustrial RevolutionSlovakia
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      Historical SociologyThe Industrial RevolutionSocial and Economic History
Provision of safe, reliable, and affordable care while improving performance and efficiency remains a challenge in the healthcare sector. This study, therefore, reviews the previous researches on the effect of six sigma and industrial... more
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      Six SigmaThe Industrial RevolutionHealthcareSustainability
Scholarly 'puzzles' about reality are an outcome, not of inherent existential contradictions, but of faulty theories employed by intellectuals. Or by no theory at all. Orthodox histories of the rise and fall of civilisations contain many... more
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      ChinaChina studiesThe Industrial RevolutionScientific Revolution
What follows is an excerpt titled “Ouverture” from: B. Stiegler & N. Donin (November 2004) Révolutions Industrielles de la musique, Cahiers de médiologie nº3 / IRCAM, Fayard, pp. 6-17.
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The future society may be and most likely 1. A society without human labor 2. A society of free activities and free time 3. A company dreamed of by Heinz von Foerster, Henri Atlan and Ilya Prigogine Part 1: Development issues of developed... more
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      GeneticsArtificial IntelligenceEpistemologySpatial cognition
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      Economic HistoryBritish HistorySocial HistoryThe Industrial Revolution
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      HistorySociologyEnglish LiteratureEarly Modern History
Review of Deirdre McCloskey's "Bourgeois Dignity."
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      Economic HistoryHistory of IdeasHistory of CapitalismThe Industrial Revolution
"Artistry and Industry: The Portraiture of George Peter Alexander Healy, 1830-1865." What do antebellum portraiture and industrialization have in common? In a word: Healy. George Peter Alexander Healy (1813-1894), a little-studied... more
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      PortraitsPrint CultureNineteenth-century ArtPortraiture
Resum L'objectiu del present treball és desgranar les circumstàncies i caracte-rístiques de la renovació de la maquinària destinada a la producció monetària de la fàbrica de Jubia des de l'antiga tècnica de cilindres a la nova de volants,... more
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      Economic HistoryGalician StudiesMonetary historyThe Industrial Revolution
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      Nutrition and DieteticsOrthodonticsFood and NutritionThe Industrial Revolution
Whether we like it or not, the world is currently experiencing a series of extremely disruptive technological changes, with tremendous effects on our social and private lives, the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. The whole world is... more
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      The Industrial RevolutionPrecariatIndustrial RevolutionSustainability
This paper examines the legislation on the cotton textile industry and its motivations during the Industrial Revolution. Since the seminal article by North and Weingast (1989), the relationship between institutions and long-term economic... more
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      British ParliamentThe Industrial RevolutionMotivationCotton Industry
Although largely absent from modern accounts of the Industrial Revolution, watches were the first mass produced consumer durable, and were Adam Smith’s pre-eminent example of technological progress. In fact, Smith makes the notable claim... more
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      Division of laborAdam SmithThe Industrial RevolutionEconomic and Social History
When considering whether the technology of the Hellenistic Period was advanced enough, if allow to further evolve, to initiate an Industrial Revolution in Antiquity, one should also assess whether the arguably (latent) Industrial... more
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      Music HistoryVitruviusPoggio BraccioliniThe Industrial Revolution
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      Women's StudiesD. H. LawrenceThe Industrial RevolutionIndependence
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      History of Science and TechnologyEconomic HistoryGlobalizationEarly Modern History
This article uses over 450 pauper inventories from Essex and Norfolk to examine domestic production and consumption in the homes of paupers. It finds that as the dependent poor obtained more consumer goods from the 1770s, their households... more
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      Consumption and Material CultureThe Industrial RevolutionDomestic ProductionIndustrious Revolution
As it was the case of all preceding revolutions Industry 4.0 brings changes to the organisational systems which result in the changes of requirements related to relevant human resources. Historically anchored organisational systems have... more
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      Human ResourcesThe Industrial RevolutionIndustrial RevolutionEducational system
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      The Industrial RevolutionIndustry 4.0Future of Banking & IT
LACKO, Miroslav. Robotnícke kolónie na Železníku - zabudnutý industriálny skvost [Workers' Lodgings in Železník - A Forgotten Industrial Jewel]. In: Z dějin hutnictví 42 - Rozpravy Národního technického muzea v Praze 219 (2012), pp.... more
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      Economic HistoryIndustrial HeritageLabour historyCentral European history
Seaside environments in the early nineteenth century were environments of profound instability, strangeness and tension. Lurking behind the façade of pleasure and gaiety were the festering anxieties and conflicts of a nation thrown... more
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      Jane AustenThe Industrial RevolutionRegency EnglandCharles Dickens
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      Economic HistoryThe Industrial RevolutionEuropean Economic History
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      AccountingThe Industrial RevolutionIndustry 4.0Endüstri 4.0
Περιγράφοντας το βιομηχανικό Μάντσεστερ στα 1835 ο πολιτικός στοχαστής Alexis de Tocqueville σημειώνει: «Ένας πυκνός, μαύρος καπνός καλύπτει την πολιτεία. (…) Μέσα από αυτόν τον δυσωδέστατο βορβορότοπο πηγάζει ο μεγαλύτερος ποταμός της... more
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      European StudiesSocial EconomyThe Industrial RevolutionEconomical History Studies
Les historiens ont montré que la philosophie utilitariste et libérale du XVIIIe siècle visait à reprogrammer l'humain en sujet calculateur, en homo oeconomicus, contre les morales traditionnelles du don, du sacrifice ou de l'honneur. Ce... more
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      Environmental HistoryThe Industrial RevolutionHistory of Risk
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      Industrial EconomicsThe Industrial RevolutionApplied Economics
tarım toplumundan sanayi toplumuna geçişte yaşanan kopukluklar, işçileşme ve uzmanlaşma ile kente adapte olan köylünün kentlileşmesi, burjuvazinin oluşumu, kentin dışına itilen işçi sınıfı ile banliyöleşmenin ve gecekondulaşmanın... more
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      Social SciencesSpace and PlaceThe Industrial RevolutionSanayileşme
In this new opening chapter of the 4th edition of IMMIGRANT AMERICA, we analyze three distinct phases spanning the last century and a third: (1) the Great European Waves of the period from 1880 to 1930, which accompanied the American... more
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      HistorySociologyEuropean StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
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      Critical TheoryPolitical EconomyPolitical TheoryGenealogy
What determines the transition of a society from one level of development to another? One of the most fundamental causes is the global technological transformations. Among all major technological breakthroughs in history the most... more
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      The Industrial RevolutionHistory of Early Modern England
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      Labor EconomicsLabor lawThe Industrial RevolutionChild Labor
Resumo: Este artigo aborda as consequências da revolução industrial na indústria têxtil europeia, em especial nos novos instrumentos de fiação, tecelagem e costura surgidos do século XVIII até metade do século XIX e na indústria do... more
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      HistoryThe Industrial RevolutionTextile TechnologyFashion
In this study, the gaps between challenges and opportunities in TVET and EE have been identified with the required skill sets of IR 4.0 with present system of education by Systematic Literature Survey (SLS). Primary and Secondary data was... more
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      The Industrial RevolutionEntrepreneurship EducationPerceptions of Vocational Educators regarding TVET in Economic developmentTVET AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
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      Cold WarNationalismNationalism And State BuildingSecond World War
This course is a short history of the world from prehistoric humans to current global civilizations.
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      Global HistoryThe Industrial RevolutionWorld ReligionsColonization
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      Dialects of EnglishSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeThe Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution had marked the beginning of the age of machine. It shaped the world we are living in. The industrial activity brought tremendous changes in almost every sphere of life. The textile industry which was one of the... more
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    • The Industrial Revolution
Background and examples of Great expositions held between 1798-1900.
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      HistoryThe Industrial RevolutionFree TradeCraft Guilds
Innovative production and social dynamics in Kazan regions from 1855 till 1917 year (Krestovnikoffs brothers chemical factory/
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsThe Industrial RevolutionIndustrial revolution in the UK
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryMarxismBritish History
Welcome to the "Ways In" section of this Macat analysis. This is an introductory section, summarising the most important points of this work in one 10-minute read. Macat's Analyses are definitive studies of the most important books and... more
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      History of IdeasMarxismCapitalismSoviet Union (History)