History of Hermeticism
Recent papers in History of Hermeticism
on concepts of time and transcending time in Kabbalah and Hasidism
Презентация в рамках IV международной научной конференции ФЕНОМЕН АЛХИМИИ В ИСТОРИИ НАУКИ, ФИЛОСОФИИ, КУЛЬТУРЕ 7 октября 2021 года. Спикер: Двинянинов Борис Кириллович (Россия, Санкт-Петербург) Academic Hermetic Group... more
Ci sono storie note e meno note, ci sono storie sconosciute ma che meritano di essere raccontate; ci sono luoghi mitici e leggendari, come Rennes-Le-Chateau, che accendono le più sfrenate fantasie e altri di cui quasi niente si sa, ma che... more
«Hermetism» и «Hermeticism» - два термина, которые на русский язык часто переводят как «герметизм», тем самым убирая различия между этими понятиями. Из-за отсутствия разграничений в исследовательской терминологии, которая в том числе... more
Двинянинов Б. К. Синкретизм в Герметическом корпусе. Проблема отношения дуалистического и оптимистического гнозиса. 2009 Реферативная, но во многом актуальная работа по интерпретации Герметического корпуса и книг Высокого герметизма.... more
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Доктор Джон Ди (сборник) / Т. Ф. Дибдин, У. Флетчер Младший, Г. М. Хорт / Пер. с англ. и лат., коммент. Ю. Ф. Родиченкова; предисл. Б. К. Двинянинова; послесл. В.... more
Neste artigo desenvolvemos algumas ideias relacionadas com a prisca theologia, magia natural, astrologia e suas relações com uma atitude que designamos como dissimulação. Seu contexto consiste em Florença e a Itália da segunda metade do... more
the work of such luminary scientific figures as Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Boyle, Newton, and others. Although this new conception of the Scientific Revolution was, at first, controversial, it has since generated a great deal of... more
Перевод с французского: Игорь Калиберда. Источник: “Collectanea Alchemica”, manuscript, 1762, Wellcome, 4828, p. 406, Manuel pour les amateurs de l'I.
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Книга рун (Liber Runarum) / Пер. и коммент. Е. Кузьмина. — СПб.: Издательство «Академия исследования культуры», 2020. — 72 с. : ил. — (Серия Code Grimoire). ISBN... more
The distinctions between dream experiences, and events in the "real world," appear to be a logical dichotomy.-How do the premonitions in some dreams create a particular framework of "Time" as it appears to the dream senses, compared with... more
Двинянинов Б. К. Алхимия Гермеса Трисмегиста в герметических текстах поздней Античности // Феномен алхимии в истории науки, философии, культуре. IV международная научная конференция / Отв. ред., состав. и вс. ст. Б. К. Двинянинов, В. Н.... more
Thе article discusses ideas of the concept of “transmigration of souls” in antiquity on the example of three mystical-esoteric teachings: Orphism, Hermeticism and Pythagoreanism. The single branch of development of this doctrine, its... more
The Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn is one of the most famous and important organizations in the modern history of Western Esotericism. This article is related to the interesting aspect of study of its history: regional topics in worldviews... more
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
Abstractum: Synkretyzm religijny w tekstach chrześcijańskich, hermetycznych oraz papirusach magicznych greckich, na przykładzie problemu genezy zła Celem pracy jest omówienie problematyki związanej z synkretyzmem religijnym w... more
In diesem Artikel wird das Konzept der Occulture, das ursprünglich von Christopher Partridge definiert worden ist, diskutiert und aus der spezifischen Perspektive des Studiums moderner Kunst und Religion neu definiert. Es wird dargelegt,... more
Modern explorations of the religious context of early Christianity often neglect analysis of Hermeticism. This paper provides an introduction to the origins and nature of the pagan figure Hermes Trismegistus and the esoteric Hermetic... more
Cuando hablamos de disciplinas «esotéricas», entendidas éstas como reductos de sabiduría reservados a un círculo restringido y selecto de iniciados, nos referimos a una serie de materias de consolidada tradición, en particular la... more
Предисловие к русскому переводу трактата по алхимии (герметизму) французского адепта 17-го века: Лиможон де Сен-Дидье Александр-Туссен. Герметический Триумф или Победоносный Философский Камень. Перевод с французского Игоря Калиберда. —... more
This essay discusses a significant component of alchemical discourse in the early modern period, the relations between alchemy and myth. The literary genre of what has been called hermetic mythology, or, more recently, mythoalchemy,... more
La Révélation d'Hermès Trismégiste Édition définitive, revue et corrigée Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée avec la collaboration de Concetta Luna, Henri Dominique Saffrey et Nicolas Roudet. ISBN 9782251326740 ***... more
Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).
THE OCCULT WORLD (4 vols.). Edited by Christopher Partridge.
London-New York: Routledge, forthcoming in 2015. To be published in Vol 1.
London-New York: Routledge, forthcoming in 2015. To be published in Vol 1.
While the rise of Florentine Neoplatonism is usually associated with the philosophers Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Lodovico Lazzarelli also made important contributions to the forging of Christian Hermeticism. Like... more
CORRECTED COPY: The Ruby Tablet is a periodical featuring reprints of articles from esoteric magazines and journals from the past. The subjects covered in each issue are drawn from the esoteric genre such as Alchemy, Hermetic, Enochian,... more
- by Darcy Kuntz
- Gnosticism, Art, Alchemy, Magic
The research conducted by this paper has been largely updated and elaborated in my MA-thesis "Senses and Passions of Benvenuto Cellini"; you are more than welcome to check it out. // The article aims to rethink the several stereotypes of... more
This article examines a little-known and unstudied alchemical treatise, The Epistle on Alchemy (al-Risāla fī l-ṣināʿa) attributed to Aristotle, purportedly translated from Syriac into Arabic by the Nestorian bishop ʿAbdīshōʿ bar Brīkhā... more
Available from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Letters-Sage-Collected-Correspondence-Esotericists/dp/151776792X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1457657191&sr=8-2&keywords=letters+to+the+sage+bowen Thomas Moore Johnson, the Sage of the Osage, was a... more
Un exámen de la relación que tiene la hermenéutica de Gadamer con respecto a su propia versión de la historia nos permite ver el caracter de sus pretenciones. Así, el autor realiza un breve comentario de la recepción de la historia de la... more
In her book 'The Byrom Collection', Cape, 1992, Joy Hancox identifies what she believes are a number of drawings connected with the design and building of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. This research-note considers the geometry of two such... more
A cura di Lorenzo Bianchi e Antonella Sannino. I saggi qui raccolti affrontano in un ampio spazio diacronico – dal XI secolo fino alla prima metà del XVII – questioni legate alla magia naturale in Europa. Essi toccano diverse aree... more