Western Esotericism (History)
Recent papers in Western Esotericism (History)
This concludes a two-part paper that discusses three major aspects of modern Western esotericism: esotericism as a form of thought, esotericism as gnosis, and esotericism as discourse. Freemasonry is seen as a significant and influential... more
Scopo di queste pagine è fissare alcune premesse generali per una rilettura storica globale della psicosintesi. Per farlo è necessario adottare uno sguardo multifocale, in grado di evocare il contesto immediato e remoto dell’opera di... more
Pirofilo, un grande Adepto dei nostri tempi Difficile, se non impossibile, lasciare testimonianza adeguata di Pirofilo. Si potrebbero riempire pagine di parole nel tentativo di farlo. Ma sarebbe comunque riduttivo. Ad intraprendere il... more
More than any other object of historical and anthropological study, Islamicate occult science cuts to the quick of what it means to be modern, to be Western, to be scientific. Yet nowhere else are 19th-century colonialist metaphysics and... more
A brochure about "Esotericism and Far-Right Extremism" for the Vielfalt Mediathek, an information agency funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
David W. Wood. Book Review of Rudolf Steiner, The Fourth Dimension. Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Mathematics (trans. Catherine E. Creeger, Anthroposophic Press, 2001). Review originally published in the Newsletter of the Science Group... more
This work proposes to show that the Major Arcana of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot is a symbolic representation of “Maa’sah Merkavah” or “Workings of the Chariot.” The twenty-two painted cards that comprise the Major Arcana are associated... more
"Summa. Культурология, философия, религиоведение," 2015.
According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
La concezione del mondo dell’artista, calato in una realtà a lui aliena per diverso spessore qualitativo, emerge dai testi ed evidenzia il percorso della Quarta Via di Gurdjieff. Questo saggio intende proporre una riflessione... more
"One of the central questions in the study of modern Western Esotericism concerns the continued appeal of magic; how did magic survive “the disenchantment of the world”? An appealing explanation has been that the emergence of “occultist... more
library of Congress Cata loging number: 2016957099 isBn 0-978-8143-3630-4 (hardcover); isBn 978-0-8143-3631-1 (ebook)
We all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of... more
The Tamil Śaiva yogi Sri Sabhapati Swami (b. 1828) has had a substantial impact on nineteenth- and twentieth-century South Asian and Western occult movements, yet with a few exceptions he has been overlooked by authors writing on modern... more
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a 19th century English society engaged in the creation of a systematic form of western esotericism. Its founders created a synthesis of previous strands of esotericism and spiritual thought that... more
Uncorrected proofs of chapter on "Contemporary Ritual Magic" for The Occult World (Routledge, 2014), edited by Christopher Partridge.
The idea that there has been some kind of “esoteric” National Socialism has spread far and wide, particularly since the 1960s, becoming a significant topos in contemporary religious and political discourse. Not only the mainstream and... more
The pseudo-Aristotelian Hermetica (hereafter PsAH) are a group of texts surviving in Arabic that claim to record conversations between Aristotle and Alexander the Great. In these conversations, Aristotle instructs Alexander about the... more
Despite the centrality of the concept of God in Christian theology and Western philosophy for over two millennia, little attention has been given the concept of God in twentieth-century occultism in general, and in the writings of... more
This article traces the idea of neo-Gnosticism in a series of occult and new religious movements from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Specifically, the article examines the links between two controversial groups that... more
Carl Gustav Jung, Collected Works, Volume 12, Psychology and Alchemy
In the spring of 1946 L. Ron Hubbard and John W. Parsons performed a series of magical rituals with the aim of incarnating the Thelemic goddess Babalon in a human being. Hubbard’s cooperation with Parsons, known as the Babalon Working,... more
Le patronage d'Homère, Virgile et Ovide chez les alchimistes Communication non publiée, 1 ère journée des doctorants de l'Association francophone pour l'étude universitaire des courants ésotériques,
A few years before the beginning of the Second World War, the rapprochement between socialism and western esotericism would be outlined in France. This effort, produced around the Collège de Sociologie as a reaction to Fascism,... more
Конференция "Современные подходы к изучению религии", 13-14 декабря 2013 года: http://new.philos.msu.ru/uploads/media/13-14.12.2013_Programma_01.PDF