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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsAfrican StudiesIslam in AfricaAfrica
The web of unexamined opinion about Islam in the West holds even when transposed into Africa and many Africanists, first and foremost Europeanists, have copied their script over from European learning, from what has historically been a... more
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      Islam in AfricaAfrican LiteratureIslamic StudiesHistory of Islam in Africa
Neste artigo, é analisado o desenvolvimento de traços de uma cultura intelectual islâmica na bacia dos rios Senegal e Gâmbia, a Senegâmbia, amparada pela valorização da escrita, produção e difusão de livros, e pelo caráter performático da... more
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      Early Modern HistoryAfrican HistoryIslam in AfricaIslamic Studies
Επίσης: Χασάν Β’ του Μαρόκου “Οι Αναμνήσεις ενός Βασιλιά” Σκιαγραφόντας την κουλτούρα του Μαρόκου μέσα από τον ηγέτη του, όπως αυτός παρουσιάζεται στο πρόσφατο βιβλίο “Hassan II La mémoire d’un roi” Also: Hassan II of Morocco “The... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesTourism StudiesMoroccan Studies
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      Islam in AfricaIslamic StudiesIslamHistory of Islam in Africa
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      Islam in AfricaEritreaHistory of Islam in AfricaEritrean History
In his book 'A demolidora das prazeres' ('A demolisher of the pleasures', 1993), the Mozambican Islamic scholar Shaykh Aminuddin Mohamad Ibrahimo deals, amongst others, with the Islamic concepts of death and life in the hereafter. He... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistory of Religion
This paper explores the conflict between Abdullahi dan Fodio and his nephew, Muhammad Bello, over the origin of their ethnic group, the Torobbe-Fulani. Initially open to his uncle's theories of an Arabocentric migration narrative, Bello... more
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      Islam in AfricaHistory of West AfricaIslamHistory of Islam in Africa
Numerous powerful empires emerged in the Sahelian and Sudanian Zone of West Africa during the Medieval Period. Their trade networks extended as far as India, the Middle East and Europe. Wealth was based on the export of gold, slaves, and... more
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      African StudiesAfrican HistoryIslam in AfricaHistory of Slavery
The article aims to monitor the political history of the Empire Ghana, starting with the founding, the factors of the establishment of the empire, whether natural, economic or religious, and then review the stages of its rule from the... more
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      GhanaHistory of Islam in Africa
The Somali nationalism has emerged as anti-colonial and cultural nationalism and its beginning was romantic and idealistic, aiming for the liberation of the Somali people under the rule of multiple colonial powers and uniting them in... more
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      PoliticsIslamic HistoryHistory of Islam in Africa
Event-oriented history-writing (histoire événementielle) is not dead and even quite necessary while working with big and fuzzy concepts (empire, territoriality, centre-periphery relations, etc.). This does not imply, however, a... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsOttoman HistoryMiddle East & North Africa
This study examines the testamentary waqf of Aḥmad b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Ghūl (1853-1919), a prominent merchant and communal leader in the cosmopolitan Red Sea port town of Massawa in Eritrea during the period of Italian colonial rule . We... more
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      Islamic LawIslam in AfricaIndian Ocean HistoryEast Africa
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesIslam in AfricaIslamic StudiesIslamic History
This paper discusses the politics of religious affiliation and inter-tariqa conflict in northern Nigeria from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, in the light of the competing agendas of the Sultan of Sokoto Abubakar III (d. 1988); of the... more
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      Islam in AfricaSufismNigeriaHistory of Islam in Africa
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      African HistoryIslam in AfricaHistory of Islam in AfricaAfrican medieval history
There has been a recent burgeoning of new scholarship related to the development of Muslim traditions of learning in West Africa. Much of this work has highlighted the important role played by an extended kinship network known as "the... more
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      Islam in AfricaHistory of West AfricaRitualMagic
[Please excuse typos in the text...] West Africa has been home to and contributed to the development of several important Islamic intellectual traditions, including logic (manṭiq), theology (kalām), Sufism (taṣawwuf), legal philosophy... more
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      African StudiesIslam in AfricaIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Education
الحضارة والمأساة فى تاريخ الاسلام - من الاندلس الى جنوب الصحراء والبعد الاسلامي في سياسة مصر الخارجية
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      African HistoryIslamic Contemporary StudiesEgyptian HistoryIslamic Studies
Mobilités humaines et trajectoires des monothéismes en Afrique - Actes du colloque organisé par l’institut œcuménique de théologie - Al Mowafaqa
Rabat, 21 et 22 novembre 2019
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      Islam in AfricaIslamic StudiesHistory of Islam in AfricaIslam in West Africa
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      Islam in AfricaIslamic StudiesHistory of Islam in AfricaIslamology
ʿAjamī (also Ajami or A{jami, hereafter Ajami) comes from the Arabic ʿajam, which originally denoted obscure or incomprehensible speech, unclear or improper Arabic, or non-Arab or foreigner. The term evokes a whole family of literary... more
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      Islam in AfricaAfrican LiteratureHistory of the Islamic WorldHistory of Islam in Africa
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      ReligionBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAnthropologyFrench History
Kate fleet, Gudrun Krämer, denis matringe, John nawas, and everett rowson With roger allen, edith amBros, Thomas BaUer, sheila Blair, Jonathan Bloom, ruth daVis, eve feUilleBois-pierUneK, maribel fierro, Konrad hirschler, alexander Knysh,... more
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      Islam in AfricaEritreaHistory of Islam in AfricaHorn of Africa
This article is a historical overview of two issues: first, that of the dynamics of Islamic religious transformations from pre-Portuguese era up until the 2000s among Muslims of the contemporary Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and to a certain... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryAfrican StudiesPortuguese History
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of ReligionIslam in AfricaHistory of West Africa
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      ReligionChristianityAfrican StudiesHistory of Religion
I The primary geographical focus for the historical study of Islam in west Africa, until recently, was the western and central Sudan. As the often-cited J. S. Trimingham wrote (1962:7) "The Guinea States in the south lie outside our... more
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      African HistoryGhanaHistory of Islam in AfricaAkan Studies
The transition from socialism to the neo-liberal model after the end of the civil war in Mozambique prompted a public debate about the meaning and memories of the liberation struggle. While the Frelimo party has been re-assessing and... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesGender StudiesWomen's History
paru dans « L’Islam des marges : mission chrétienne et espaces périphériques du monde musulman , XVIe-XXe siècles. » Ouvrage sous la direction de Bernard Heyberger et Rémy Madinier, Paris, IISMM-Karthala, coll. « Terres et gens d'islam... more
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      African StudiesAfrican HistoryAfricaCameroon
Although Islam has a long history in coastal northern Mozambique, the question of how Muslims manage family life there is little understood. Based on the analysis of historical, ethnographic and legal records, and a case study of a bairro... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesLegal HistoryAfrican History
This article examines two letters sent by the head of the Kunta family in the Azaouad region, al-Muḫtār al-Ṣaġīr al-Kuntī (d. 1847), to Aḥmad Lobbo (d. 1845) at the time of the Ḥamdallāhi imamate’s expansion into the Niger Bend during... more
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      Islamic LawIslam in AfricaHistory of West AfricaHistory of Islam in Africa
Sociological research on inequality has increasingly moved beyond the examination of inequalities as they presumably exist to explore the generic narrative processes that perpetuate that inequality. Unfortunately, however, this research... more
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      Critical TheoryEthnohistorySociologyEconomic Sociology
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionAfrican Studies
В центре данной работы стоят взаимоотношения власти и народа в их институциональном оформлении, а именно проблематика соотношения власти правителя, действующей общественной нормы и ее носителей. На широком конкретно-историческом... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyIdeology (Anthropology)
The life of Ayuba Sulayman Diallo (also known as Job ben Solomon) receives a fresh examination in this article, based primarily on his own writings. The son of an Imam from Bundu in Senegambia, Diallo was enslaved in 1731 and transported... more
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      Islam in AfricaHistory of West AfricaAtlantic WorldWest Africa
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionAfrican StudiesHistory of Religion
Despite the fact that the liberation war occurred in northern Mozambique, where a considerable number of Muslims lived, their contribution to the independence struggle has been little studied. This paper focusses on their participation in... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesPortuguese StudiesAfrican History
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      Islamic ArchaeologyEthiopian StudiesHistory of Islam in AfricaHorn of Africa
Islamic education penetrated the area now administratively referred to as Ghana, signicantly after the nineteenth century Jihad Movements in Northern Nigeria, primarily as an arm of Islamic proselytization. However, with the passage of... more
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      EducationIslamic EducationHistory of Islam in Africa
Este artigo visa analisar o conflito de Cabo Delgado sob prisma do jihadismo transnacional, uma ideologia e um movimento político que se apoderam de demandas e agravos locais, sobretudo contra o Estado, despoletando a insurgência ou... more
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      Islam in AfricaIslamic StudiesIslamHistory of Islam in Africa
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      Islam in AfricaWomen and Gender Issues in IslamHistory of Islam in AfricaShariah
Based on archival and fieldwork research, this paper outlines in its first part the history of the formation of various types of Muslim religious leaderships during pre-colonial and colonial periods. Islam in Mozambique, especially in the... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAfrican HistoryIslam in Africa
This article aims to tackle three fundamental dimensions in Abyssinia-Ottoman friction in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. First, whether the sixteenth-century friction was the product of Ottomans and/ or Portuguese involvement... more
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      African StudiesOttoman HistoryEthiopian StudiesAfrican History
Neste artigo, abordarei discussões iniciais de uma pesquisa em curso acerca do processo de islamização na África Ocidental, destacando a bacia dos rios Senegal e Gâmbia, como espaço de observação. Partindo de narrativas... more
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      History of West AfricaIslamic StudiesHistory of IslamIslamic History
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesIslam in AfricaAfrica
Using gender as the major line of difference, the paper examines the diversity within Islam in northern Mozambique, in which, despite strong historical ties to the Swahili world and waves of Islamic expansion, as well as attempts to... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesAnthropologyWomen's History
A symposium on Shari'ah on Trial: Northern Nigeria's Islamic Revolution, with review essays by Professor Elias Bongmba, Professor Corey Williams, and Professor Dianna Bell. Based on a live book symposium held in Lukasa, Zambia in August... more
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      Islamic LawLegal AnthropologyIslam in AfricaIslamic Studies
Sufi identity and rituals became widespread among local Muslims during the colonial era due to the expansion of the Shadhuliyya and the Qadiriyya orders. But the history of Sufism in Mozambique has been little explored. Portuguese... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAfrican HistoryIslam in Africa