History of Ottoman Science
Recent papers in History of Ottoman Science
Salih Zeki, 19. yüzyılın sonları ile 20. yüzyılın başlarında yaşamış bir entelektüel olarak Osmanlı Devleti’nin son dönemlerine tanıklık etmiş ve modern dünyayı tanıma fırsatı bulmuş bir Türk aydınıdır. Darüşşafaka’daki başarılı... more
16th century is the golden era of the Ottoman science. That broad conclusion is also valid for mathematics. In that century Ottomans produced original treaties and commentaries more than ever. Unfortunately, all the Ottoman texts has not... more
During the human history, translation played a crucial role in the development of science, especially concerning medical and pharmaceutical knowledge. Although the early modern period in the Arab world was not characterized by systematic... more
This article received in 2018 the CIEPO (Comité International des Études Pré-ottomanes et Ottomanes) prize for the best article by an early-career scholar in pre-Ottoman or Ottoman studies. This study seeks to determine the extent of the... more
This paper is going to shed light on a rare Arabic pharmaceutical manuscript concerning simple medicaments entitle Tarjumān al-aṭibbā' wa-lisān al-alibbā (The Interpreter of Physicians and the Language of the Wise concerning Simple... more
II. Abdülhamid ve pandemi. 2019 yılının son çeyreğinden bu yana yaklaşık iki yıldır covid-19 yahut corona olarak bilinen virüsün ortaya çıkardığı salgın hastalık ile mücadele eden dünya, bugüne kadar buna benzer sayısız hastalık ile karşı... more
Published in A. Papadia-Lala, M. Efthimiou, P. Konortas et al. (eds), Ο Νέος Ελληνισμός: Οι κόσμοι του και ο κόσμος. Αφιέρωμα στην Όλγα Κατσιαρδή-Hering [New Hellenism: its worlds and the world. A Festschrift for Olga Katsiardi-Hering],... more
"Sadrazam Köprülüzâde Fazıl Ahmed Paşa'nın Hâmiliğindeki İlmî Faaliyetler," XVIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi (1-5 Ekim 2018, Ankara) Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler, IV. Cilt, haz. Semiha Nurdan - Muhammed Özler, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu... more
An extended review essay of Harun Küçük's book, Science without Leisure. It provides an alternative vision of the economics of the madrasa than that which Küçük suggests.
لماذا هُدم مرصد إسطنبول؟ لماذا بُني المرصد أصلاً؟ ما هي الضرورات العلمية وغير العلمية التي اقتضت بناؤه؟ هل بُني لأغراض تنجيمية كما هو شائع؟ وهل هُدم لأسباب تنجيمية كما هو شائع أيضاً؟ ماهي المصادر التاريخية المتوفرة عن المرصد، وماهي... more
Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, 12/1 (2017), 89-97 [afterword to special issue “Characterizing Astrology in the Premodern Islamic World,” ed. Shandra Lamaute and Elizabeth Sartell]
There is no word for the ‘supernatural’ in classical Ottoman, and one could argue that even the very notion is absent, since the notion of ‘nature’ is very near to that of ‘God’, and (as the latter is omnipotent) there is no extraordinary... more
Aca’ib: Occasional papers on the Ottoman perceptions of the supernatural 2 (2021). Available at https://doi.org/10.26225/xrd5-z830
In this work, Osmanli Seririyat Mecmuasi / Revue Médicale Ottomane published between 1910-1914 is studied and a detailed List of Contents is presented. Osmanlı Seririyat Mecmuası was a very important clinical journal with its editorial... more
5. Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Çalıştayı
TÜBİTAK MAM KARE (Kutup Araştırmaları Enstitüsü)
Arşivler Işığında Osmanlı ve Kutuplar /30 Kasım 2021
Ottoman and Poles in Light of Archives /30 November 2021
TÜBİTAK MAM KARE (Kutup Araştırmaları Enstitüsü)
Arşivler Işığında Osmanlı ve Kutuplar /30 Kasım 2021
Ottoman and Poles in Light of Archives /30 November 2021
This article examines the translation, circulation, and adaptation of the medical opinion of Spanish physician Nicolas Monardes (d. 1588) on tobacco in the Ottoman Empire. In addition to medical and encyclopedist authors, the spread of... more
İstanbul Mevleviliği adlı doktora çalışmasında farklı şekil kodlamalarında bulunup yeni ilişki nitelikleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda aile bağları, dostluk-tanışıklıklar ve -alanında ilk defa- şeyh-mürîd/münîb/muhib ilişkilerinin de... more
Résumé La présente étude traite de la contribution des photographes français au développement de l’art photographique dans l’Orient méditerranéen et des leurs collaborations avec les photographes locaux. Plus précisément, nous nous... more
Merâga Gözlemevi’nin kurucusu Nasirüddin-i Tûsî'nin Risâle-i Sî Fasl (Otuz Bölümlük Risale) adıyla meşhur olan el-Muhtasar fî İlm el-Tencîm ve Marifet el-Takvîm adlı eseri ilm-i nücum alanında yazılmış temel eserlerden biridir. Bu eser,... more
İmam Buhârî’nin el-Câmi‘u’s-sahîh’i İslam Dünyasında üzerine en çok çalışma yapılan eserlerin başında gelmektedir. Sahîh-i Buhârî’nin ulema arasında yaygınlığı zamanla toplumun geniş kesimlerine yayılmış ve Buhârî hatim meclisleri tertip... more
“Doğada Fâillik mi? Tanrı’da Seçicilik mi? 15. Yüzyıl Tehâfüt’leri Bağlamında İlliyet ve Determinizm,” in Osmanlı’da İlm-i Kelâm (Istanbul: İSAR, 2016), 349-409. “Felsefenin kelâmlaşması” dediğimiz klasik sonrası İslâm düşüncesi... more
Lucrarea propune o abordare nouă în istoriografia românească, și anume relația dintre muzică și puterea politică în Moldova și Țara Românească în secolele XV-XVIII. Mai exact, prin acest demers se încearcă relevarea modului în care domnul... more
Ali Münşi, mostly known as Bursalı Ali Münşi, is one of the most eminent physicians in the 18th century. He started his educational career at Bursa madrasas and continued by having tuition classes from many famous Ottoman physicians and... more
Kitapçı Karabet Keşişyan Efendi (1850–1911) Osmanlı matbuatına büyük katkılarda bulunmuş Ermeniler arasında başat bir isimdir. Üretken ve girişimci bir isim olan Karabet, II. Abdülhamid (1876–1909) döneminin en meşhur yayıncıları... more
This article pays a particular attention to an Arab army physician and scholar from the mid-19th century who placed empirical science at the center of Islamic thought and situated it within Qurʾānic exegetical debates. He is the Egyptian... more
Takıyyüddin Râsıd (ö. 993/1585), Osmanlı riyâzî ilimler geleneğinin en önemli temsilcilerinden biridir. Günümüze ulaşan eserlerinden araştırmalarını astronomi, astronomi aletleri, matematik, optik, mekanik ve fizik konularında... more
The phenomenon of ‘materialism’ in the late Ottoman Empire has long been explained as the vehicle of fully-fledged modernization (i.e., Westernization and secularization) in allegedly essential opposition to tradition and religion. Amid... more
Every culture has its own “world of knowledge”, a way in which it conceives the limits of human knowledge: what one knows, what one can know, and what one cannot know. This study seeks to explore the Ottoman “world of knowledge” and its... more
This is a brief study on why the core of Ottoman modernization was in the navy, why and how Ottoman naval power stood out a little more than land power, and the origins of this situation in the Turkish military tradition to date. It is... more
"I am a Turkish student of [the] History of Science and have been working on the subject within the last six years for the preparation of a History of Science [book] in Turkish." So wrote Adnan Adıvar (1882–1955), the first minister of... more
The Ottomans conserved the fundamental features of Islamic civilization in their scientific institutions as they also did in social and cultural areas. Three of the six Ottoman state scientific institutions dealt with here are in the area... more