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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryEuropean History
The book includes 168 Arab poems of different length, which for the most part had not been published before. They give a wide display of how was the Arab popular poetry in Maghribi dialect composed in the Iberian Peninsula during the last... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsAl-AndalusMoriscos
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
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      FolkloreLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsArabic Literature
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArabic SociolinguisticsTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)
Los documentos parroquiales de localidades habitadas por moriscos ofrecen con cierta frecuencia información sobre las circunstancias en que éstos vivían ^ incluidos algunos aspectos de los usos lingüísticos en su entorno. Más en concreto,... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsIslamic StudiesAl-AndalusMoriscos
This study extracted and analyzed the linguistic speech patterns that characterize Japanese anime or game characters. Conventional morphological analyzers, such as MeCab, segment words with high performance, but they are unable to segment... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsNLPArabic NLP
Halid el-Ezherî’nin (ö. 905/1499) Muvassılu’n-Nebîl ilâ Nahvi’t-Teshîl adlı eseri temel biyografi kaynaklarında zikredilmeyen bir eserdir. İbn Mâlik’in Teshîlu’l-Fevâid ve Tekmîlu’l-Mekâsıd adlı eserinin bir şerhidir. İbn Mâlik (ö. 672)... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsBook Reviews
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic DialectsArabic Dialectology
Maydan è la prima rivista italiana di studi sui mondi arabi, semitici e islamici diretta da dottorande/i e laureate/i, il cui scopo principale è quello di incoraggiare la produzione di primi articoli di ricerca da parte di giovani... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabian/Persian Gulf StudiesArabic and Middle Eastern studies
This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceTeaching and Learning
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsSibawayhiSibawaihArap Dili Ve Edebiyatı
Arapçaya olan ilginin son yıllarda giderek arttığı göz önünde bulundurulduğu takdirde hâli hazırda Arapçanın yabancı dil olarak öğretimi için kullanılan modern kaynakların yanı sıra klasik kaynaklar hakkında da literatür bilgisine sahip... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Ottoman Madrasah
Ce guide été conçu dans le cadre des travaux du Groupement d’intérêt scientifique (GIS) Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans, pour recenser l'ensemble des bibliothèques et médiathèques françaises possédant des fonds utiles pour la recherche... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsIslamic StudiesIslamic History
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsQuranic StudiesSura MaryamArap Dili Ve Belagatı
EKEV AKADEMi DERGİSİ Yıl: 7 Sayı: 16 (Yaz 2 0 0 3)
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicDilbilim
Forensic Linguistics, its definition, scope, and applications
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      Forensic LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsApplied Linguistics
A beginner's course in spoken egyptian arabic 1.

Audio tracks available at:
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Arabic Dialects
In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionComputer ScienceIslamic Law
This study examines spoken Arabic language in Harran with examples. It aims to find out the features of this language of this region and the proverbs used by people. The research has indicated that as in other Arabic dialects in Harran,... more
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      DialectologyArabic Language and LinguisticsŞanlıurfaBedouin
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    • Arabic Language and Linguistics
This paper provides updated digital images of four Qurʾān fragments from Chicago's Oriental Institute Museum (OIM) that appeared in Nabia Abbott’s Rise of the North Arabic Script, and calls attention to features of their paleography and... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicQur'anic StudiesQuranic Studies
English Translation of "Arabe préislamique, arabe coranique, arabe classique : un continuum ?", dans Karl-Heinz Ohlig & Gerd-Rüdiger Puin (Hrsg) Die dunklen Anfänge. Neue Forschungen zur Entstehung und frühen Geschichte des Islam, p.... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic EpigraphyHistory of Arabic LanguagePauses
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
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      Translation StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicTeaching Translation
يتناول البحث أخطاء الطلاب غير الناطقين باللغة العربية في التذكير والتأنيث
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Error Correction Coding
Günlük Arapça Konuşmada Kullanılan Temel Kelimeler -  الكلمات الأساسية المستخدمة في المحادثة اليومية
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Modern Standard Arabic
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)
What does scandal designate? Is it a narrative of moral outrage, a titillating spectacle of shame, or a violation that simultaneously unsettles and consolidates norms and traditions? Scandal as a phenomenon, event, and analytical category... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyArabic LiteratureLiterature
Title in English: "Studies on the the historical and doctrinal genesis of Islam - Bruno Bonnet-Eymard and the French school of scholarly skepticism" ENG. The article presents briefly the scholarly theory on the historical and dogmatic... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryArabic Language and LinguisticsQur'anic Studies
Whether in Melbourne or in Belfast, advances in communication technology are changing the way community interpreting is designed and delivered. Rather than having an interpreter on-site, an increasing number of language service providers... more
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      CommunicationTranslation StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsMachine Translation
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      Islamic LawPersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureTheology
This paper introduces a lexical resource, ARLEX, for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) that explicitly lists ambiguity at the lexical and syntactic levels for each token. Arabic orthography is known for being underspecified for short vowels... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsLexiconCorpus Annotation
With growing texts of electronic documents used in many applications, a fast and accurate text classification method is very important. Arabic text classification is one of the most challenging topics. This is probably caused by the fact... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsText Classification
Slogans of the Southern Movement
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      Languages and LinguisticsMiddle East StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsYemen
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      GlobalizationArabic Language and LinguisticsCultural TheoryCultural Identity
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      Hebrew LanguageSociolinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsComparative Semitic Linguistics
The study aimed to investigate (a) the effect of digital games, songs, and flashcards on vocabulary knowledge of Iranian EFL preschool learners and (b) the young learners" performance on mid-course tests of vocabulary with different... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsEnglish language
Third Group/ Accepted Papers
The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature
Ahwaz, Iran, 1-2 February 2020
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      Programming LanguagesEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation Studies
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsComparative Semitic Linguistics
قائمة المطبوعات العربیة لمجمع الذخائر الاسلامیة، مرفق بالسعر بالدولار- ملف بی دی اف
سنة 2016 - 1437 هـ
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicIranian StudiesManuscript Studies
This study investigates the extent to which phonological characteristics of Farsi speakers of English interfere with their intelligibility when they interact with L1 Australian English speakers. Many students who are learning English... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsUsabilitySociolinguistics
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Arabic Language
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    • Arabic Language and Linguistics
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic SociolinguisticsTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Arabic translation
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      EthicsMedieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryArabic Language and Linguistics
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    • Arabic Language and Linguistics
A partir de los textos de las epístolas denominadas zurzūriyyāt, en este artículo se pretende profundizar en las dos caras del personaje en torno al cual se articulan estas originales y singulares composiciones, exclusivas de la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureArabic LiteratureArabic Prose LiteratureLiterature
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      Translation StudiesHebrew LanguageArabic Language and LinguisticsRare Books and Manuscripts
Morphological analysis is an important step in the process of Arabic language processing which became a must in today's IT development. We present here a new approach for Arabic root extraction. Our algorithm outperforms most other... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsMorphology
هذه ترجمة لبحثي المنشور تحت عنوان

Clausal Subjects in Modern Standard Arabic: A Corpus Analysis

ضمن أبحاث المؤتمر الدولي الخامس لكلية الآداب بجامعة جنوب الوادي، مصر، نوفمبر 2017
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic Corpus Linguistics