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Animal source foods (ASF) are essential for proper human development and function. Livestock in general, and ruminants in particular, are essential components of our sustainable global food systems. Of significant worldwide impact, diets... more
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      Meat ScienceRuminant NutritionObesityDiabetes
Compensatory hyperinsulinemia stemming from peripheral insulin resistance is a well-recognized metabolic disturbance that is at the root cause of diseases and maladies of Syndrome X (hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyFood ScienceNutrition
Animal source foods (ASF) are essential for proper human development and function. Livestock in general, and ruminants in particular, are essential components of our sustainable global food systems. Of significant worldwide impact, diets... more
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      Meat ScienceRuminant NutritionObesityRangeland Management
Metabolism and cancer intersect in multiple ways. Cancer has unique metabolic properties, including an inordinate reliance on anaerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect). From an evolutionary standpoint, increased cancer incidence is... more
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      MetabolismObesityCancerSex Hormones
Numerous studies have documented a strong association between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease (AD). The nature of the relationship, however, has remained a puzzle, in part because of seemingly incongruent findings. For example, some... more
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseParkinson's DiseaseType 2 DiabetesNeurodegenerative Diseases
Insulin resistance (IR) is a complex trait with multiple genetic and environmental components. Confounded by large differences between the sexes, environment, and disease pathology, the genetic basis of IR has been difficult to dissect.... more
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      GeneticsRNAGenome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)Insulin Resistance
It is time we realize that food is a form of healthcare and promote a proper human dietary lifestyle. What is normal for one person may be poison for another. Being and getting healthy should not be predicated by any disease or infection... more
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      Primary CareEpidemiologyMedical MicrobiologyPublic Health
Adrenal incidentalomas are incidentally discovered adrenal masses greater than one centimeter in diameter. An association between insulin resistance and adrenal incidentalomas has been established. However, the pathophysiological link... more
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fact have released the excess by locally un- binding antibody from the abnormal cells. The dilemma will be side-stepped when sarcoidosis is diagnosed earlier.-I am, etc.,
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      British medical historyMetforminHyperinsulinemiaDiabetes mellitus