Recent papers in Pathophysiology
ContextCastration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) refers to patients who no longer respond to surgical or medical castration. Standard treatment options are limited.
We report the progression of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) with circulating villous lymphocytes to Burkitt lymphoma with the presence of a t(8;14)(q24;q32) followed by a highly aggressive course. While the initial indolent... more
The anatomy and neurophysiology of cough has been reviewed in the preceding section. The objective of this section is to describe how the varied anatomic components of the respiratory system work in concert to produce an effective cough.... more
There is considerable confusion about the effects of prostatitis syndromes
Neuroimaging studies in cluster headache (CH) patients have increased understanding of attack-associated events and provided clues to the pathophysiology of the condition. They have also suggested stimulation of the ipsilateral posterior... more
With our increasing appreciation of the true complexity of diseases and pathophysiologies, it is clear that this knowledge needs to inform the future development of pharmacotherapeutics. For many disorders, the disease mechanism itself is... more
The pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome involves altered glucose and lipid metabolism, and proinflammatory and prothrombotic states. All of these abnormalities appear to be linked to insulin resistance, which is associated with an... more
The etiology of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) as well as the precise role of melatonin in human physiology remains poorly understood. Inspired by a single case observation we performed the presented study in order to obtain first... more
F emale sexual dysfunction is age-related, progressive, and highly prevalent, affecting 30% to 50% of women. 1-3 Based on the National Health and Social Life Survey of 1749 women, 43% experienced sexual dysfunction. 4 U.S. population... more
We investigated plasma-membrane fluidity and heterogeneity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) obtained from seventeen children with trisomy 21. Membrane fluidity and heterogeneity were studied by measuring steady-state anisotropy and... more
The incidence of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) is strongly associated with solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, HIV and human papilloma virus (HPV). Africa has the highest incidence rates in the world. Most lesions occur at the... more
Purpose: After renal parenchymal sparing surgery, residual defects may persist on imaging studies at the sites of resection. These upseudotumorsn may lead to confusion as to whether a lesion was removed or has recurred. We describe the... more
Fibromyalgia W Chronic fatigue syndrome W Functional somatic syndromes W Biopsychosocial model W Stress-related illnesses Abstract Fibromyalgia (FM) is a controversial syndrome, characterised by persistent widespread pain, abnormal pain... more
В работе представлены экспериментальные данные, указывающие на повышенное содержание в стенках атеросклеротических артерий плазмалогенных фосфолипидов. Данный рост, вероятно, способствует развитию атеросклероза благодаря тому, что... more
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), characterized by chamber dilatation and myocardial systolic and diastolic dysfunction, is one of the most common heart diseases in dogs. The aetiology of the myocardial hypokineis is seldom known in the... more
In order to discuss and illustrate the common effects on normal and abnormal enchondral bone at the physes and at all other growth plates of the developing child, the term ''acrophysis'' is proposed. Acrophyses include the growth plates... more
Tacto discriminativo, sentido de la vibración y sensibilidad consciente muscular y articular (fascículo grácil y cuneiforme)
The nose is a very complex organ with multiple functions that include not only olfaction, but also the conditioning (e.g., humidifying, warming, and filtering) of inhaled air. The nose is also a "scrubbing tower" that removes inhaled... more
La prévalence de la dénutrition est proche de 50 % à l'admission à l'hôpital et particulièrement à l'entrée en réanimation. L'état nutritionnel s'aggrave le plus souvent pendant le séjour du fait des différentes agressions subies en... more
Bruxism is a controversial phenomenon. Both its de®nition and the diagnostic procedure contribute to the fact that the literature about the aetiology of this disorder is dif®cult to interpret. There is, however, consensus about the... more
Revues g~n~rales et analyses prospectives A nticorps a ntiphospholipides. " aspects analytiques et physiopathologiques)arnige (revu le 30 mai 2001 ," accept~ le 16juillet 2001) _r~sum~ Les anticorps antiphospholipides repr~sentent un... more
The objective of the present work was to study biochemical alterations in corn plants infected by the maize bushy stunt phytoplasma. A resistant and a susceptible corn hybrid were used and changes in protein, phenolic compounds,... more
The paper deals with two central issues in the philosophy of neuroscience and psychiatry, namely those of the nature and the major kinds and types of psychopathological mechanisms. Contrary to a widespread view, I argue that mechanisms... more
γ-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) causes retrograde amnesia in juveniles and young adults. Earlier, we have reported that in adolescent rat, GHB impairs the hidden platform task performance in the Morris water maze. In the present study, a... more
Pathophysiology of Peptic Ulcer Disease leading to Bacterial Peritonitis
Cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CB-MN) assay and single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) were employed to analyze leukocytes from 14 Fanconi anemia (FA) patients, 30 Down syndrome (DS) patients, and 30 control individuals, to examine the... more
While brachial artery aneurysms are rare and usually of infectious, post-traumatic or iatrogenic etiology, true aneurysms of the brachial artery are even more unusual. We report on a large brachial artery aneurysm complicated by chronic... more
Our understanding of nociceptive processing and of plastic changes after persistent noxious input has increased immensely within the last two decades. It is now clear that long-lasting noxious stimulation or damage to the nervous system... more
Social phobia is a common disorder associated with significant psychosocial impairment, representing a substantial public health problem largely determined by the high prevalence, and the lifelong chronicity. Social phobia starts in early... more
Postoperative ileus (POI) is an abnormal pattern of gastrointestinal motility characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and/or delayed passage of flatus or stool, which may occur following surgery. Postoperative ileus slows... more
BACKGROUND Hypertrophic scars and keloids result from an abnormal fibrous wound healing process in which tissue repair and regeneration-regulating mechanism control is lost. These abnormal fibrous growths present a major therapeutic... more
The Gell and Coombs's classification divides drug allergies into four pathophysiological types, namely anaphylaxis (type I), antibody-mediated cytotoxic reactions (type II), immune complex-mediated reactions (type III), and delayed type... more
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a constellation of symptoms associated with compression of the median nerve at the wrist. The pathophysiology of CTS is not fully understood but mechanical aspects of injury within the carpal tunnel are... more
Kinazlar, onkogenik Transkripsiyon Faktörleridir Kinazlar; Glikoliz,Yağ Sentezi,Protein Sentezini uyararak Hücre metabolizmasını aktifler.Elde edilen ATP'deki P'ı kullanan kinazlar da metabolizmadan faydalanmıĢ olur. Tm.supresor genler... more