Indonesian Economics
Recent papers in Indonesian Economics
ABSTRAK COVID-19 adalah virus yang menyebabkan gangguan ringan pada sistem pernapasan, infeksi paru-paru yang berat, hingga kematian. Di Indonesia pandemic COVID-19 yang saat ini terus mengalami eskalasi, tidak hanya berpotensi... more
sektor pertanian di Indonesia hingga kini masih dihadapkan pada persoalan klasik untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas beras nasional.
Dalam mempelajari sejarah ekonomi Indonesia, kami para mahasiswa memang tidak lepas dari buku-buku yang sifatnya sebagai rujukan utama, atau boleh dibilang sebagai buku “babon”. Baik itu buku-buku yang berasal/merupakan-hasil dari... more
Ekonomi Eropa melambat, Ekonomi USA masih belum pulih, Economic centre of gravity bergerak ke Asia dengan kecepatan Tinggi, Populasi dunia semakin menua terutama negara maju, ASEAN melakukan integrasi ekonomi "AEC 2015" Integrasi ekonomi... more
Alternative energy like Coalbed Methane becomes indispensable. However, many Contractors haven’t glanced at this industry. Researcher makes analysis studies about methods to accelerate the development of CBM in Indonesia. Result from SWOT... more
THE WORLD'S ECONOMIC FUTURE: FROM THE CRISIS TO A GLOBAL BANKRUPTCY ? This financial crisis in serious condition it by world oil price that highly, rise it commodity price, fall consumption, Fed rate that high, production fall, inflation... more
Kebutuhan energi di Indonesia setiap tahun nya selalu mengalami peningkatan, namun jumlah produksi energi di Indonesia tidak mampu mengimbangi hal tersebut. Selama ini, salah satu penyumbang terbesar kebutuhan energi di Indonesia berasal... more
Indonesia’s financial sector is highly dominated by the banking industry than the non-bank. It controlled almost 74% of Indonesia’s financial assets in 2014. After post-crisis restructuration, the banking sector has become stronger, with... more
Joko Widodo’s election in 2014, after a long and harshly contested presidential race, raised great expectations: not beholden to the military and political elites of the Suharto era, Indonesian people considered him a representative of... more
Indonesia has been experiencing huge economic growth in the recent years, it is also expected by some economies magazines and sites such as Business Insider and Forbes to be one of powerful economies country in 2030 together with India... more
Page Header ABOUT THE AUTHORS Lestari Agusalim Trilogi Universityluky Indonesia Dosen Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan, Universitas Trilogi Sekretaris Pusat Studi Ekonomi Pancasila, Universitas Trilogi Editor Jurnal Kesejahteraan... more
Indonesia’s financial sector is highly dominated by the banking industry than the non-bank. It controlled almost 74% of Indonesia’s financial assets in 2014. After post-crisis restructuration, the banking sector has become stronger, with... more
“Peel The OBOR Global Scale Plan Against Its Potential & Challenges of The Indonesian Economy” By connecting China with various parts of the world, Xi Jinping envisions an iron silk road for China and its interests. In more detail, the... more
10 December 2021: Malaysia’s Economic Focus – Challenges in International Trade, Tourism and Investment, a presentation at the “Dialogue with the Ambassador with the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia and Diplomatic Staffs of the... more