Most cited papers in Inka
""The building and resignification of space was a conquest strategy of the Inca Empire deployed throughout its territory. This paper aims to examine the problem by considering the archaeological site of La Huerta (quebrada of... more
A zooarchaeological study of the material from the Potrero-Chaquiago site (province of Catamarca) was carried out, with the purpose of contributing to the knowledge of the alimentary habits and the man-animal relationship during the Inca... more
"The Inka Empire adopted several means to create, demonstrate and legitimize the power in its conquests over a vast territory. This paper focuses on one of those means: the production and restructuring of socially constructed space. We... more
Se presenta un sitio de probable filiación Inka identificado como Guayoay Vilca, huaca principal de la etnia Tarama (Albornoz 1967:30) en la montaña de Apohuayhuay, sierra central del Perú. Se revisa el panorama étnico durante el período... more
"The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular... more
El trabajo de tesis es una introducción hacia el entendimiento del Sumak Kawsay desde el enfoque de los pueblos originarios, cuyo fundamento se basa en el Ñawpa Rimay que es la compilación sistemática de la vivencialidad de los pueblos... more
Between 1200 and 1535 AD, the Incas were the rulers of a region that stretched beyond Peru's contemporary borders, extending from the equator to the Pacific coast of what is now Chile. The heart of the Incan Empire was Cusco, the "navel... more
Se exponen los primeros resultados de la investigación del Sector VIII de Choquequirao, referidos específcamente a las figuras de llamas, halladas en los aparejos de los andenes de este sector.
Este artículo trata acerca de la arquitectura monumental del Sector VIII de Choquequirao, un asentamiento arqueológico complejo ubicado en la cuenca del río Apurímac, en el departamento del Cusco. Este sector es uno de los más importantes... more