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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyAndean RegionAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
Presentación Qhapaq Ñan i, Taller Internacional en torno al Sistema Vial Inkaico Desde el año 2000 en adelante se visualizan en la América andina los lugares donde el Tawantinsuyu dejó sus diversos testimonios y un creciente interés por... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAndean Region
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PREFACIO El Qosqo, la más importante metrópoli precolombina en el continente es repositorio y heredero de una tradición cultural desarrollada en todo el territorio peruano desde 18 mil años A.C. Es un museo vivo donde en su ambiente, su... more
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      Anthropology of PeruIncasInkaCuzco
This publication is based on papers presented in a conference on the Incas, held in 2014 at the Linden-Museum.  30 other authors also have papers published in this volume, and the linked PDF includes all of them.
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    • Inka
El trabajo de tesis es una introducción hacia el entendimiento del Sumak Kawsay desde el enfoque de los pueblos originarios, cuyo fundamento se basa en el Ñawpa Rimay que es la compilación sistemática de la vivencialidad de los pueblos... more
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In the work provides a variety description of religion, mythology, military and political history as the Incas and their ancestors. Author is one of the few Indians of Peru, who included in his book original drawings. The text have the... more
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      Andean RegionBolivian studiesBoliviaPeru
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      EthnohistoryArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Region
In this paper we will realize the new research in the Nevados de Cachi, Salta, Argentina by focusing on the site that we called Uña Tambo, and what was its integration within the network of Inka sites in the region. We’ll concentrate on... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyLandscape ArchaeologyArqueología
En este trabajo se presentan nuevos datos acerca de la extensión que habría tenido originalmente el centro provincial inca de Hatun Xauxa, ubicado en la parte norte del valle del Mantaro y en las inmediaciones de la actual ciudad de... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyPeruAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andes
Se exponen los primeros resultados de la investigación del Sector VIII de Choquequirao, referidos específcamente a las figuras de llamas, halladas en los aparejos de los andenes de este sector.
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      Rock ArtArteIncaRock art research
El objeto del presente trabajo es precisar el momento de origen del registro arqueológico atribuido tradicionalmente a la "Cultura de Viluco" y brindar una nueva interpretación dirigida a la búsqueda de las probables influencias que... more
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      Inca ArchaeologyInkaMendoza
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean RegionAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Inca Archaeology
Se presentan evidencias arqueológicas inca registradas en la sección superior del valle de Ricrán, sierra central del Perú. Tras revisar la información correspondiente al Período Intermedio Tardío, se evalúa el carácter de la ocupación... more
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      Ethnic StudiesArchaeologyPolitical EconomyAndean Archaeology
We present the analysis of archaeological evidence and ethnohistorical texts of the area of the high plateau of Chinchaycocha, from which we propose a reconstruction of the landscape controlled by the Incas. It is also proposed, that the... more
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      AnthropologyAndean ArchaeologyAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimage
 einer der aktivsten und effektivsten Vertreter der Bewegung gegen "götzendienerisches" Verhalten, verfasste detaillierte Anweisungen, wie heilige Objekte und heilige Stätten der Inka zu erfassen und zu zerstören seien. Er betonte... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyAndean Archaeology
"The Inka Empire adopted several means to create, demonstrate and legitimize the power in its conquests over a vast territory. This paper focuses on one of those means: the production and restructuring of socially constructed space. We... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIdeology (Anthropology)Spatial Analysis
The chronology of the Inca conquest of Northwest Argentina has been questioned in recent years since the obtaining of new radiocarbon dates. In the Quebrada de Humahuaca is suggested that the Inca occupation started within the time span... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCultural Landscapes
A zooarchaeological study of the material from the Potrero-Chaquiago site (province of Catamarca) was carried out, with the purpose of contributing to the knowledge of the alimentary habits and the man-animal relationship during the Inca... more
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The impact of expansive incaic policies in northwestern of Argentina have traditionally been evaluated focussing on the potential for economic exploitation in the regions incorporated in to the empire. Thus, the application and testing... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyIdeologyCultural Landscapes
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      ArchaeologyPolitical EconomyAndean ArchaeologyPolitical Ecology
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      Chilean and Andean ArchaeologyUtopian LiteraturePeruvian HistoryUtopianism
In this paper we’ll analyze the location of some of the most important Late Intermediate Period sites in the quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina), trying to fathom if the same is related to significant landscape features, like... more
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      GeomorphologyPerceptionAndean ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
RESUMEN: Dentro de las representaciones figurativas en los queros o vasos de libación inca en tiempos del virreinato del Perú el felino ocupó un lugar preponderante, su presencia se acrecentó al estar asociado a la imagen de otra... more
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      Art HistoryArqueologíaFelinosHistoria del Arte
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This chapter discusses Inca rule over Northern Argentina from a landscape perspective, analyzing the politics of space of Inca imperialism. For the indigenous peoples of this rather large region of the South Andes, this process of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyIdeology
"The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Region
Between 1200 and 1535 AD, the Incas were the rulers of a region that stretched beyond Peru's contemporary borders, extending from the equator to the Pacific coast of what is now Chile. The heart of the Incan Empire was Cusco, the "navel... more
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      Tourism StudiesPeruPeruvian LiteratureArqueologia
Se presenta un sitio de probable filiación Inka identificado como Guayoay Vilca, huaca principal de la etnia Tarama (Albornoz 1967:30) en la montaña de Apohuayhuay, sierra central del Perú. Se revisa el panorama étnico durante el período... more
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      ArchaeologyPolitical EconomyGlobalizationAndean Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Andean ArchaeologyMocheFormative PeriodHorizon
Fragments of a cotton quipu were found in recent excavations in Tarapacá Viejo (Tr-49). This exceptional finding, added to the type of architectonic layout, the ceramics and to other inca weaves, indicates that this site take part of the... more
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      ChileQuipuInkaNorthern Chile
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean RegionFunerary ArchaeologyChilean and Andean Archaeology
El presente artículo describe las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en un depósito de desechos culturales interpretado como un basural del Sector VIII de Choquequirao. Para su propósito los autores revisan los procedimientos de la... more
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At the circumpunean area had been commom Yavi pottery and its presence had consolidated along the time in the regional archaeology. The origins of Yavi style are in the contact point between Meridional Altiplano, the Atacamenian Puna and... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)ArgentinaChileLate Period
En este trabajo presentamos los avances de las investigaciones arqueologicas que permitieron comenzar a reconstruir la historia ocupacional del sitio Moreta (Puna de Jujuy, Argentina) y aproximarnos al conocimiento de los usos del espacio... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyAndean Archaeology
Este artículo trata acerca de la arquitectura monumental del Sector VIII de Choquequirao, un asentamiento arqueológico complejo ubicado en la cuenca del río Apurímac, en el departamento del Cusco. Este sector es uno de los más importantes... more
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      ArchaeologyPolitical EconomyAndean ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)
What color were the favorite by the Incas? The Incas combine colors? Will we be able to decipher the signs tokapu if we know about the color? What colors did not see the Spaniards? Pedro de Cieza de Leon and Pachakuti Yamki Yupanqui... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryBolivian studiesArgentina History
According to the classical chronology of the Inca State, the ascension to power of Pachacuti Inca took place around AD 1438 and the construction of Machu Picchu began by AD 1450–1460. However, the improvement in the accuracy of... more
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      Machu PicchuInkaAMS dating
How resilient (Gotts 2007) is the emerging sinocentric world-system? Mackinder’s (1904) seminal theory on geopolitics is usually summed up by the catchphrase: whoever controls continental Eurasia will master the rest of the world. Really?... more
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      Strategic ForesightGlobal HistoryWorld-Systems AnalysisInka
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryAndean Region
Propone la secuencia de la escritura en la costa central del Perú, desde 3500 aEC hasta 1535. Identifica el sistema de escritura local (yunga) y los sitemas intrusivos (Chavín, Tiwanaku y Cusco).
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      PeruTiwanakuRock ArtArte Rupestre
""The building and resignification of space was a conquest strategy of the Inca Empire deployed throughout its territory. This paper aims to examine the problem by considering the archaeological site of La Huerta (quebrada of... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
This paper reports the results of a zooarchaeological analysis conducted on the occupation layer of a compound structure (Residential Unit 1) of the Pucara de Tilcara archaeological site (Jujuy Province, northwestern Argentina). Its... more
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Este proyecto arqueológico argentino-italiano en la provincia de Salta comenzó en el 2012 en las quebradas altas del Valle Calchaquí medio. La colaboración consistió en ampliar la producción de datos primarios de contextos arqueológicos... more
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      ArqueologíaMetodologiaPeriodo de Desarrollos RegionalesInka
Este proyecto arqueológico argentino-italiano en la provincia de Salta comenzó en el 2012 en las quebradas altas del Valle Calchaquí medio. La colaboración consistió en ampliar la producción de datos primarios de contextos arqueológicos... more
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      ArqueologíaMetodologiaPeriodo de Desarrollos RegionalesInka
espanolEn este trabajo presentamos los avances de las investigaciones arqueologicas que permitieron comenzar a reconstruir la historia ocupacional del sitio Moreta (Puna de Jujuy, Argentina) y aproximarnos al conocimiento de los usos del... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyAndean Archaeology
A systematic exploration of the archaeological site Choquequirao, Cusco, Peru, has in 2004 resulted in the finding of a group of semi-naturalistic and geometric motifs that were created with natural stones in a series of terraces at this... more
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      GeographyPublishingRock ArtArte