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      Book of PsalmsPsalms studiesBook of EzekielInner-Biblical Exegesis
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      Primeval HistoryInnerbiblical InterpretationHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Die assyrische Belagerung Jerusalems gehört zu den entscheidenden historischen Ereignissen in der Geschichte des Alten Israels. Die Erinnerung daran wurde in der biblischen und ausserbiblischen Literatur entsprechend oft bewahrt. Allein... more
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      MonotheismInnerbiblical InterpretationHezekiahIsaiah 36-39
Around the turn of the eras, the dominating view of what a prophet should be is a penitential preacher. This image can scarcely be derived from the „critical potential“ (Nissinen) of Ancient Near East prophecy but rather stems from... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBiblical TheologyIntertestamental LiteratureBook of Isaiah
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      Hebrew BibleDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Biblical StudiesBiblical Law
The purpose of this paper was to re-examine the question of dependence between the Song of Moses (SM) and the Asaph Psalms (APss). Our own studies led to the assumption: The SM (Deut 32) is an essential reference text of the APss (50;... more
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      IntertextualityBook of DeuteronomyMosesBiblical Intertextuality
Vom Pathos zur Patina. Das Neue im Alten Testament und die Innovation der Tradition, in: W. Damberg/M. Sellmann (Hg.), Die Theologie und »das Neue«. Perspektiven zum kreativen Zusammenhang von Innovation und Tradition, Freiburg 2015, 29-54.
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      Hebrew BibleOld TestamentBiblical ExegesisTradition
Die Erzählungen über die Einsetzung der Aaroniden ins Priesteramt in Lev 8-10 sind ein wichtiger Dreh-und Angelpunkt in der Diskussion um das Ende und den Umfang der Priesterschrift und die diachrone Schichtung der sekundär-und... more
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      LeviticusPriestly WritingsInnerbiblical Interpretation
This book focuses on the way the biblical writers used allusive soundplay to construct theological discourse, that is, in service of their efforts to describe the nature of God and God's relationship to humanity. By showing that a variety... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleBiblical InterpretationBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Gospel of JohnThe Use of the Old Testament in the NewKing Saul (Hebrew Bible)Innerbiblical Interpretation
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      The book of JeremiahInnerbiblical InterpretationJehoiakim King of Judah