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1. Creation ex nihilo ………………………………………. 1
2. The deities Apsú and Tiamat …………………… 2
3. Heaven (An) and Earth (KI ………………………. 3
4. Negative Theology …………...…………….………… 4
5. The Past and the Future …………………..…..…. 4
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      Negative TheologyPrimeval HistoryCreation mythsEnlil
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      StylisticsBook of GenesisPrimeval HistoryBlessing
One of the most important goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development concerns life on land (SDG15). It seems that among the issues mentioned in SDG15, soil degradation and preservation is the matter which is least... more
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      Environmental LawEuropean and International LawNormativityGlobal Ethics
For a number of years, the ABR staff has been endeavoring to conduct research on the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11. As we worked toward the launching of this important project, Pastor Jeremy Sexton was independently working on a paper,... more
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryBible chronology
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      Primeval HistoryInnerbiblical InterpretationHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Steinmann needed to show that the chronogenealogical formula throughout Genesis 5 and 11 ("When A had lived X years, he brought forth B") indicates not when B was born but rather when A performed the causing action that initiated the... more
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      Ancient HistorySemitic languagesHebrew LanguageHebrew Bible
"Evangelical scholars are disposed to use hermeneutical procedures originally developed on the basis of non-Christian presuppositions. They make minimal changes to these procedures, of course, to avoid directly denying the possibility of... more
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      Book of GenesisGenesis 1-11Primeval HistoryBiblical Chronology
In this thesis for a Masters in Theology at Åbo Akademi written in swedish  I compare the cosmogony and the overall purpose in Gen 1:1-2:3 and  Enuma Elish. The result is very clear Gen 1:1-2:3 show no dependance from Enuma Elish.
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryCreationEnuma Elish
This article demonstrates that even if the genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 contain genealogical gaps, they do not contain chronological gaps. The assumption of the last 125 years that genealogical gaps entail chronological gaps is a non... more
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      Ancient HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsSemitic languagesHebrew Language
The nature and function of the Cain genealogy (Gen. 4:17-24) are here reconsidered. Instead of a general overview of the fundaments of civilisation, it is shown, through a re-examination of Jabal's specialty, that the Cain genealogy... more
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      Biblical StudiesBook of GenesisPrimeval HistoryAncient Metallurgy
The question of Kainan’s inclusion in Luke 3:36, Genesis 10:24, 11:13–14 and 1 Chronicles 1:18, 24 has been the subject of debate for many centuries. This article will survey “new” evidence for Kainan in manuscripts (MSS) of Luke and the... more
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      SeptuagintPrimeval HistoryNew Testament Textual CriticismBiblical Chronology
Exegetical issues in Gen 1:1-2:3 are discussed in ten theses that invite interdisciplinary dialogue. The genre of the passage is understood to be a „report“ of a „poetic narrative“ (thesis 1). The theological creation-word bārā’ „to... more
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryCreationThe Creation Story
In several articles, I have argued that the internal, external and historical evidence supports the originality of the longer primeval chronology found (mostly) in the LXX. Thus far, the research has led to the conclusion that the MT’s... more
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryBiblical Chronology
Que l’humanité ait eu un ancêtre commun, tout le monde en convient, mais depuis l’arrivée de Darwin l’identité de ce premier homme a été bouleversée, le Noé du déluge universel devant être remplacé par le Néandertal de la dernière période... more
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      Book of GenesisPrimeval HistoryNeandertalsChronology
Kainan, the son of Arpachshad in Luke 3:36, is considered original to Luke’s messianic genealogy by the editors of Novum Testamentum Graece 28 (NA28) and UBS 5. A few scholars have argued instead that his name originated as a scribal... more
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      Book of GenesisGenesis 1-11Primeval HistoryGospel of Luke
Historians consider the biblical account of the Deluge as a myth. However, this famous event occurred at the earliest times of recorded history (Sumerian King List). Today scientists believe in the last ice age called Pleistocene ending... more
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      Book of GenesisPrimeval HistoryChronologyBible chronology
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      Biblical StudiesBook of GenesisPentateuchal TheoryPrimeval History
In September of 2018, Lita Cosner and Dr. Robert Carter of Creation Ministries International wrote a critique of two articles I published under the auspices of the Genesis 5 and 11 Research Project. Their article, “Is the Septuagint a... more
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      GenealogyBook of GenesisGenesis 1-11Primeval History
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      Genesis 1-11Biblical ExegesisPatristic ExegesisPrimeval History
Most conservative scholars who view the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 as yielding a continuous chronology from the creation of Adam to the birth of Abraham claim that the Hebrew Masoretic Text (MT) preserves the original begetting ages... more
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryGenesisBiblical Chronology
For the last three centuries, Children’s Bibles have often been the first encounter children have with the Bible, and text and pictures together have been instrumental in forming lasting impressions. Used as tools in families, religious... more
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      Christian EducationEnlightenmentBiblical StudiesPedagogy
The individual numbers in Gen 5 do not derive from any of the Pentateuchal sources, but were purposefully composed by the (Priestly) redactor of the Pentateuch to combine together data from the different sources and traditions in the... more
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryRedaction CriticismMasoretic Text
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      AssyriologyAncient Near EastAncient myth and religionPrimeval History
The goal of this article is to update the ABR community of supporters and other interested readers on the present state of the Genesis 5 and 11 Research Project. The project officially began in 2016 (with its unofficial roots extending... more
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryBiblical Chronology
The key to interpreting גִּבּוֹר צַיִד לִפִנֵי יְהוָה in Gen 10:9 lies not so much in לִפְנֵי , but יְהוָה , which posits a relation between Nimrod and YHWH that expresses the superlative with regard to the strength of Nimrod’s... more
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      AssyriologyHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesAssyria
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      Genesis 1-11Torah/PentateuchPrimeval HistoryInterpretations of Genesis 1-3
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesSecond Temple JudaismPentateuchal Theory
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      Greek LiteratureGenesis 1-11Primeval HistoryFallen Angels and Giants Genesis 6:1-4 (DSD 2000)
This article sheds historical light on William Henry Green's influential article "Primeval Chronology" (1890), establishes the meaning of the hiphil of ‫ילד‬ (translated "begat" in the AV) throughout Genesis 5 and 11, and analyzes Andrew... more
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      Ancient HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsSemitic languagesHebrew Language
Robots and the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been the subject of science fiction for decades. With the increasing role of AI in society, some are predicting that AI will make humanity obsolete, if not extinct. Isaac... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceTheologyScience FictionBiblical Theology
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      Genesis 1-11Torah/PentateuchPrimeval HistoryTorah Study
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesBooks of SamuelBook of Genesis
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      Book of GenesisGenesis 1-11Primeval HistoryInterpretations of Genesis 1-3
This article argues that a ‘prophetic’ redaction of Yhwh's successive dealings with Saul and David in 1 Samuel 15–16 and 2 Samuel 7 provides a meaningful structural parallel with the ‘epic’ (or non-P) portion of the Primeval History,... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyBiblical StudiesBooks of Samuel
One of the most important goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development concerns life on land (SDG15). It seems that among the issues mentioned in SDG15, soil degradation and preservation is the matter which is least... more
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      Environmental LawEuropean and International LawNormativityGlobal Ethics
One of the most important goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development concerns life on land (SDG15). It seems that among the issues mentioned in SDG15, soil degradation and preservation is the matter which is least... more
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      Environmental LawEuropean and International LawNormativityGlobal Ethics
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      Book of GenesisDoctrine of CreationGenesis 1-11Primeval History
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      Hebrew BibleOld TestamentPrimeval HistoryHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Book of GenesisGenesis 1-11Primeval HistoryInterpretations of Genesis 1-3