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COVID-19 has had an extreme effect on older people. Now more than ever we need collaborative approaches to address complex issues within research on aging. However, the pandemic has dramatically changed the way we conduct, interact, and... more
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      Collaborative DesignAgeing and HealthInterdisciplinary StudiesInterdisiplinarity
Engineering and architecture is aimed at improving the life of humans by designing and building products and services to the needs of civilizations. In real life settings, designing and building a product/service is a multidisciplinary... more
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Avrupa’da teknolojik ve siyasi alandaki gelişmeler dünyada batı merkezli toplumsal bir dönüşüme yol açmıştır. Bunun sonucunda toplumun araştırılması gibi çalışmalar hız kazanmış ve sosyal bilimlerin mevcut yöntem ve bakış açısının... more
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      Translation StudiesDisiplinlerarasılıkInterdisiplinarityParadigm