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design work involves international collaboration. This requires cross-cultural understandings with one's co-collaborators. There are few opportunities for this to occur in a pedagogical setting. This paper outlines a... more
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      Information Communication TechnologyCase StudyAdvanced distributed learningWork Practice
România ca ţară membră a Uniunii Europene trebuie să se conformeze directivelor şi reglementărilor UE privind colectarea, transportul, şi depozitarea deşeurilor. Articolul prezintă o metodă de pre-tratare a deşeurilor municipale înaintea... more
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      European UnionMunicipal Solid WasteRefuse derived fuelCase Study
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have played a significant role in supporting the safe arrival of the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars Express... more
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      Orbit DeterminationNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationSpace MissionsInternational Collaboration
To allow more rapid and internationally standardized assessment of the spread of noroviruses (previously called Norwalk-like viruses [NLVs]) as important food-borne pathogens, harmonization of methods for their detection is needed.... more
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      International CooperationWestern blottingHIVClinical Microbiology
The clinical course of polycythemia vera is often complicated by thrombosis as well as by the possible transition to myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis or acute myeloid leukemia. The aim of this study was to assess the rate of these... more
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      Survival AnalysisLeukemiaAcute Myeloid LeukemiaProspective studies
The purpose of this article is to review the research status of illicit drug use and its data sources in Latin America, with particular attention to the research that has been produced in the past 15 years in epidemiology of illicit drug... more
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      EpidemiologyEvidence Based MedicinePeer ReviewMedicine
The colloid and radionuclide retardation experiments performed at NAGRA's Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland are part of an international collaboration program designed to collect in situ data on the impacts of colloids on radionuclide... more
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      EngineeringKineticsPorous MediaPhysical sciences
Using a large cohort of patients from the International Collaboration on Endocarditis Merged Database, we compared coagulase-negative staphylococcal (CoNS) native-valve endocarditis (NVE) to NVE caused by more common pathogens. Rates of... more
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      ElectrocardiographyBiological SciencesVancomycinStaphylococcus epidermidis
Corporate risk management governance and management frameworks, approaches and practices face a variety of challenges and in many cases need to be reviewed and revised to copy with multiple uncertainties, disruptive technologies, new... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceRisk GovernanceCorporate GovernanceGovernance
Background Premature mortality from cardiovascular diseases could be prevented by the effective control of hypertension. Nationwide data for the status of hypertension in the adult Greek population are not available.
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      NursingStatisticsEpidemiologyPrimary Health Care
AIM Research funds for cerebral palsy are scarce and competition for them is strong. This study aimed to identify questions for future research that were agreed to be a high priority. METHOD An expert panel of consumers, researchers, and... more
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      GeneticsQuality of lifeCerebral PalsyCommunity Participation
At present, part of the forward RPC muon system of the CMS detector at the CERN LHC remains uninstrumented in the high-η region. An international collaboration is investigating the possibility of covering the 1.6 < |η| < 2.4 region of the... more
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      InstrumentationFeasibility StudyX RaysLarge Hadron Collider
This paper examines the effects of systematic and random errors in recall and of selection bias in case-control studies of mobile phone use and cancer. These sensitivity analyses are based on Monte-Carlo computer simulations and were... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloCell PhonesEnvironmental Sciences
Background The adverse health and environmental effects of poor housing quality are well established. A central requirement for evidence-based policies and programmes to improve housing standards is a valid, reliable and practical way of... more
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      Human GeographyHousingRisk assessmentEnvironmental Pollution
This paper attempts to highlight quantitatively the growth and development of research work in this field on Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) in terms of publication output as per Science Citation Index (1982-2005). During 1982–2005 a... more
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      High FrequencyGrowth and developmentLow TemperatureInternational Collaboration
Nurs Outlook 2005;53:15-20.
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      NursingGraduate EducationDeveloping CountriesInternational Cooperation
ABSTRACT The Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) is a revolutionary large telescope of 9.2 meter aperture, located in West Texas at McDonald Observatory. The Low Resolution Spectrograph (LRS, an international collaboration between the University... more
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      Mechanism DesignOptical DesignProceedingsAstronomical instrumentation
In low and middle income countries, health workers are essential for the delivery of health interventions. However, inadequate health-worker performance is a very widespread problem. We present an overview of issues and evidence about the... more
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      PovertyBehaviorQuality of Mental Health CarePerformance
The CO 2 Capture Project (CCP) is an international collaboration among energy companies supporting advancement of technology in the field of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The main technical results of Phase II of CCP in the... more
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      Natural GasPower GenerationCarbon Capture and StorageScaling up
There is significant interest amongst neuroscientists in sharing neuroscience data and analytical tools.
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      EngineeringComputational BiologyData SharingInternet Access
This paper focuses on ways in which space is being used to build capacity in science and technology in order to:
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringHuman Resource DevelopmentClimate Change
In this research, we examine the hypothesis that gender disparities in international research collaboration differ by collaboration intensity, academic position, age, and academic discipline. The following are the major findings: (1)... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsEconometricsHigher Education
This article reviews some of the ethical aspects of collaborative research. Scientific collaboration has known potential benefits but it's a challenging task to successfully accomplish a collaborative venture on ethically sound grounds.... more
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      CommunicationApplied EthicsDeveloping CountriesCollaborative Research
Space requirements for accommodating wheeled mobility devices and their users in the built environment are key components of standards for accessible design. These requirements typically include dimensions for clear floor area,... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMobile TechnologyAnthropometryAssistive Technology
This research was designed to explore the impact of a wiki-based international collaboration project on preservice teachers' 1) cultural competencies, 2) comfort using technology, including Web 2.0 tools, to interact and collaborate with... more
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      Cultural CompetencePre Service Teacher EducationInternational Collaboration
In this chapter, we present data collection activities and preliminary research findings from the real-world database collected with ''UYANIK,'' a passenger car instrumented with several sensors, CAN-Bus data logger, cameras, microphones,... more
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      Signal ProcessingData CollectionDriver BehaviorData Logger
This article explores how five international colleagues from the USA, Canada, China, and Japan use self-study methodologies and online journaling to systematically examine the tensions surrounding the lived experiences of feminist... more
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      Feminist TheoryTeacher EducationQualitative methodologyQualitative Research
" …for the cultures of the " Global Village " to flourish in a tolerant, mutually beneficial fashion, it is imperative that there be real sharing of ideas, knowledge, and values. " – Charles Quist-Adade (2008) Abstract " …the course was... more
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      GlobalizationSocial JusticeGhanaVirtual Learning
plans. Unfortunately, many recovery plans are limited in effectiveness because they suffer from various limitations; one of which is the lack of scientific data. Because recovery plans for endangered species are inherently plagued by lack... more
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      GeneticsEndangered SpeciesBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      High Energy PhysicsInternational Collaboration
A collaboration guide for early career researchers co-produced by 50+ doctoral students from 23 leading research-intensive universities across Europe during the 2019 LERU Doctoral Summer School held at The University of Edinburgh.
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      SociologyInterdisciplinarityEducational ResearchCommunity Engagement & Participation
This article argues that the dominant and still vivid tradition of journalism that places the reporter as a mere observer to events, power relations and global hierarchies is unfit as a working model for cross-border collaboration teams.... more
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      JournalismDiversity and InclusionInnovation journalismInternational Collaboration
Objective To conduct a systematic review of the literature on risk factors for dental caries in deciduous teeth of children aged six years and under, to give a scientific framework for the international collaborative studies on... more
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      DentistryDietChildDental Caries
Yam (Dioscorea sp.) is a major source of food for millions of people in tropical and sub-tropical regions, especially in West and Central Africa where at least 60 million people depend on it. It is also a major source of income and an... more
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      West AfricaFood SecurityCollaborative ResearchResearch and Development
The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the... more
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      Research DesignCentromere BiologyMultidisciplinaryNature
With increasing reliance on outsourcing, cross-cultural teams, distributed knowledge workers, and other international collaborations distance learning (DL) has become a key agent of strategic competitive advantage and organisational... more
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      Distance LearningCompetitive advantageAsynchronous CommunicationCultural difference
The following recommendations forEducation for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Early Childhood Education were the product of an extended international collaboration that was supported by a number of bodies including the Centre for... more
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      Early Childhood EducationSustainable DevelopmentPedagogyEarly Childhood
Background: Shared decision-making is not widely implemented in healthcare. We aimed to set a research agenda about promoting shared decision-making through continuing professional development. Methods: Thirty-six participants met for two... more
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      EducationDecision MakingImplementation ScienceInternational Cooperation
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) organises a summer school each year at one of the member universities on a different theme, inviting PhD students from Europe&#39;s top research-intensive universities. This year&#39;s... more
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      SociologyInterdisciplinarityEducational ResearchCommunity Engagement & Participation
Multiple systems have been developed for grading the adverse effects (AEs) of cancer treatment. The National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) system has substantially evolved since its inception in 1983. The most recent... more
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      RadiotherapyCancer treatmentInformation ServicesAdverse Event
Pilot studies for phase III trials -which are comparative randomized trials designed to provide preliminary evidence on the clinical efficacy of a drug or intervention -are routinely performed in many clinical areas. Also commonly know as... more
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      Research DesignRandomized TrialPilot studyPublic health systems and services research
The United States (US) and Russia are among the main contributors to Climate Change (as the 2nd and 4th largest emitters of greenhouse gases worldwide, accordingly), and have vast territories impacted environmentally and economically by... more
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      Coastal ErosionClimate Change ImpactsRussiaUS-Russian relations
Bioactive compound is secondary plant metabolites eliciting pharmacological or toxicological effects in man and animals. Legumes are valuable source of proteins and nutrients for the majority of the world population. Vigna mungo is one of... more
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      SociologyFeminist TheoryTeacher EducationQualitative methodology
In this paper, we present data collection activities and preliminary research findings from the real-world database collected with "UYANIK," a passenger car instrumented with various sensors, CAN-Bus data logger, cameras, microphones,... more
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      Signal ProcessingData CollectionDriver BehaviorData Logger
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      Educational LeadershipComplexity TheoryGifted EducationKnowledge building
Ethics and risk management are interrelated. They represent the essence of responsible and sustainable business which is based upon trust, the building of mutually beneficial relationships with shareholders, an understanding of risk and... more
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      Business EthicsDisaster risk managementRisk GovernanceCorporate Governance
Ethiopia is one of the countries well endowed with various species of Acacia, Boswellia and Commiphora that are known to produce gum arabic, frankincense and myrrh, respectively. Over 60 gum and resin bearing species are found in the... more
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      Natural ProductResearch and DevelopmentTextile industryInternational Collaboration
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      Early Childhood EducationSustainable DevelopmentEarly ChildhoodEducation Systems
Resumo: No presente trabalho pretendemos fundamentar que a Educação Global articula e sustenta metodologias culturais transversais e inovadoras para o alcance de uma aprendizagem significativa e uma conscientização fenomenológica da... more
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      Educational LeadershipComplexity TheoryGifted EducationKnowledge building
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      Childhood ObesityMicronutrientsBody CompositionPhenylketonuria