Islamic revival and reform movements
Recent papers in Islamic revival and reform movements
Parallel to Arab Nahḍah, Ottoman modernization program is associated with the Tanzimat, a period of drastic social, political and institutional transformation. The word tanẓīmāt itself, however, merely means “regulations” or... more
Selefîlik tam anlamıyla bir mezhep olamayacağı halde, birçok çalışmada bir mezhep gibi algılanarak sistematik kurucusunun İbn Teymiyye olduğu söylenmektedir. Halbuki “Halefiyyûn” kavramının zıddı olan “Selefiyye” teriminden farklı olarak... more
The book uses an ethnographic approach to explore why the Tablighi Jamaat movement remains so successful in contemporary times. It shows that this success results from the positive image that it cultivates, and the systematic preaching... more
Modern dönem öncesinde İslam coğrafyasının farklı bölgelerinde ortaya çıkan tecdid hareketleri, diğer İslam ülkelerinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de genelde modern taleplere cevap verme saikiyle ele alınmış ve bu nedenle söz konusu... more
c≠m-bn-c-Øn-]Øv G{]n¬ ]Xnt\gv _pIv tSmIv sI. Aiv d^v \ho\ Ckv em-an-I-hy-h-lm-c-߃ \ho\ Ckv em-anI hyh-lm-c-ßsf s]mXpsh aq∂mbn Xcw-Xn-cn-®p≈ ]T-\-߃ hym]-I-am-Wv . 1. P\-Iob Ckv emw (Popular Islam). 2. cmjv {Sob Ckv emw (Political Islam).... more
Muslim community, they designed a curriculum that focused in particular on the study of hadith and although there was some emphasis on Arabic and Persian, the language of instruction was Urdu. In addition to the emphasis on hadith, all... more
This paper describes the movements, personalities and processes in Thailand’s Malay dominated provinces of Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat that have led to unprecedented diversity within the ummah. Like the rest of Thai/Malay peninsula,... more
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher,... more
Tablighi Jamaat-A faith renewal movement, which was founded in the 1920s in Mewat, India, has emerged today as the most prominent transnational religious movement throughout the Muslim world. Its influence and success have been reported... more
Rooted in the concepts of ‘theodicy’ and ‘alienation’, Peter L. Berger famously anatomised the social mechanics through which religion is projected from human consciousness into the cosmos as a ‘sacred canopy’ protecting against chaos and... more
Cet article tente de comprendre le wahhabisme et de suivre son évolution historique. En quoi Ibn 'Abd al Wahhab a-t-il rompu avec la tradition islamique ? Quelles sont les racines doctrinales du "jihadisme" ? Quelles mutations... more
บทความชิ้นนี้พยายามบันทึกความทรงจำของผู้ที่มีส่วนร่วมในกิจกรรมทางการเมืองครั้งสำคัญในฐานะที่เป็น “ตัวบท” ของประวัติศาสตร์การต่อรองของคนมลายูมุสลิมในจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ (หรือในอีกแง่หนึ่งคือ “ปาตานี” ในนัยทางประวัติศาสตร์)... more
Using the writings of the religious scholar`Abdullahi al-Qutbi, this article examines the 'transregional' nature of Muslim reformist discourse in the early twentieth century and the way in which the trajectories of individuals, objects... more
Annotated edition and translation of letters exchanged between Aḥmad b. Idrīs (1760-1837) and Muḥammad Majdhūb (1796-1831). This is a slightly amended version of Ch. 3 of The Letters of Aḥmad Ibn Idrīs, ed. Einar Thomassen & Bernd Radtke,... more
South Asia’s encounter with Western colonialism preceded that of the Arab world, arguably rendering it more sensitive to the intellectual challenges implicit in political subjugation. Consequently, scholars of South Asian Islam, such as... more
Reconstruire la pensée religieuse de l'Islam est considéré comme l'oeuvre majeure de Mohammed Iqbal. C'est Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch (m. 1999) qui s'est chargée de traduire, du persan au français, et de faire découvrir cette œuvre au... more
De quoi le salafisme est-il le nom ? Si le mot est constamment évoqué, sa réalité historique est souvent mal connue. Il s'agit pourtant de sortir des lectures uniquement géopolitiques du salafisme, pour tenter de rendre la profondeur... more
"In early 20th century Jadidism, an Islamic modernist movement aiming at the development of Islamic education and schooling, social welfare and political development, came into being in Central Asian Turkestan. The forerunners of this... more
If one thing links all Muslim reform in the 19th century it is a new awareness of the need to act on earth in order to be saved, i.e. a new emphasis on jihad broadly understood.
Ahmad Kasravi (1890–1946), one of the most influential Iranian thinkers of the twentieth century, delivers a stinging criticism of Shi0ism and Islam in two works which have been almost completely ignored by secular scholars, despite their... more
Most of the produced works on Somali state collapse are in the form of articles and occasional academic papers. These writings look at the Somali state failure and collapse from different theoretical perspectives, and most of the time, a... more
The Tablighi Jama'at (TJ) is widely regarded as the largest movement of grassroots Islamic revival in the world yet remains significantly under-researched. This thesis examines the British branch of the movement based on sustained... more
Ya Tuhanku, Pengetahuan Engkau mencakup segala yang dapat diketahui. Kesadaran Engkau meliputi batin segala yang dapat dipahami. Engkau tersucikan dalam Keagungan-Mu dari segala yang tercela. Keinginan-keinginan spiritual yang kuat... more
This paper is part of a historical ethnography of sufi orders (turuq) between the Thailand’s Central plains and Malay far-south. In contrast to the modernist, reformist, and revivalist Islamic movements firmly embedded in Thailand’s... more
Exposing Robert Spencer, Osama Bin Laden, David Horowitz, Mullah Omar, Bill Warner, Ali Sina and other Enemies of Peace This book comprises of eight sections: 1. An Invitation to Jews, Christians, Muslims, and All, an excerpt from the... more
This important book is a collection of writings of more then 30 modern writers on Islam that were present at the 2008 conference bearing the same name. From professional Islamic scholars to individuals writers and thinkers, this... more
Over nearly 1,500 years of history, Islam has produced extraordinary intellectual innovation, characterised by limitless curiosity and creativity. It has inspired profound theological and philosophical debate, a rich artistic legacy, and... more
(LC Class No.): JQ1809.A8 R4435 2018 [You may download the introduction and the summary and conclusion sections here, (some 45 pages + bibliography)] [those who need futher information about the subjects may e-mail at me... more
Examines the memory of early Persian Qurʾānic translation in the modern Arabic theological and juridical controversies over translating the Qurʾān.