Islamic Reformism
Recent papers in Islamic Reformism
Muhammad ‘Abduh (1849-1905) was a prominent scholar, pedagogue, mufti ‘alim, theologian and reformer. Though trained in traditional Islamic knowledge, ‘Abduh, who was influenced by the ideas of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, became... more
La primera traducción al español de al-Islâm wa-uSûl al-7ukm de Ali Abd al-Râziq (Spain 2001)
First Spanish translation of Ali Abd al-.Râziq's al-Islâm wa-uSûl al-7ukm de Ali Abd al-Râziq (Spain 2001)
First Spanish translation of Ali Abd al-.Râziq's al-Islâm wa-uSûl al-7ukm de Ali Abd al-Râziq (Spain 2001)
Modernity is one of the most intriguing concepts in modern scholarship. It means different things to different people. Its exact origins, trajectory and manifestations are often contested even among the members of a similar school of... more
This paper describes the movements, personalities and processes in Thailand’s Malay dominated provinces of Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat that have led to unprecedented diversity within the ummah. Like the rest of Thai/Malay peninsula,... more
Cet article tente de comprendre le wahhabisme et de suivre son évolution historique. En quoi Ibn 'Abd al Wahhab a-t-il rompu avec la tradition islamique ? Quelles sont les racines doctrinales du "jihadisme" ? Quelles mutations... more
Recipient of the Inaugural South Asian Muslim Studies Association Book Award 2021 Centering Pakistan in a story of transnational Islam stretching from South Asia to the Middle East, Simon Wolfgang Fuchs offers the first in-depth... more
Using the writings of the religious scholar`Abdullahi al-Qutbi, this article examines the 'transregional' nature of Muslim reformist discourse in the early twentieth century and the way in which the trajectories of individuals, objects... more
في حوار الملف، تستضيف المجلة الباحث التونسي جمال الدين بن عبد الجليل، الذي يوضح أن أزمة العقل الفقهي ترتبط بالمنهج الذي يحكمه، وبالتالي يدعو إلى تناول الموضوع في «مستويين اثنين يتمظهر من خلالهما ولا ينفك عنهما؛ الأول هو مستوى القواعد... more
Husein Đozo je jedan od najuticajnijih naših savremenih muslimanskih mislilaca. Istovremeno, on je izuzetno značajan predstavnik islamskog reformizma kod nas. Mi ćemo u ovom radu pokušati da analiziramo osnovne spoznajne principe njegovog... more
In this paper I will examine the reformist thought of Fazlur Rahman (1919–1988). The first section will contain a systematic reconstruction of Rahman’s reformist method, while the second attempts a systematic review of the major... more
Salafism has become part of a public discourse in Cape Town since the last decade of the 20th century. Drawing on extensive interviews with a number of such Salafis and anti-Salafis, this article examines how this search was manifested... more
Despite some controversial features, this book offers some timely and powerful lessons for both Muslims and non-Muslims.
What does it mean to be modern? This study regards the concept of ‘society’ as foundational to modern self-understanding. Identifying Arabic conceptualizations of society in the journal al-Manar, the mouthpiece of Islamic reformism, the... more
Reconstruire la pensée religieuse de l'Islam est considéré comme l'oeuvre majeure de Mohammed Iqbal. C'est Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch (m. 1999) qui s'est chargée de traduire, du persan au français, et de faire découvrir cette œuvre au... more
De quoi le salafisme est-il le nom ? Si le mot est constamment évoqué, sa réalité historique est souvent mal connue. Il s'agit pourtant de sortir des lectures uniquement géopolitiques du salafisme, pour tenter de rendre la profondeur... more
Actes de la journée d’étude intitulée "L’humanisme en islam", 4 mai 2016, Université d’Artois (Arras), Artois Presses Université : Il s'agit ici de présenter une tendance particulière du réformisme islamique, sa tendance libérale par... more
Reforming Modernity is a sweeping intellectual history and philosophical reflection built around the work of the Morocco-based philosopher Abdurrahman Taha, one of the most significant philosophers in the Islamic world since the colonial... more
Lothrop Stoddard melihat bahawa munculnya dunia Islam yang baharu bersandarkan gerakan reformis dan modernis dalam Islam sejak abad ke-19.
"In early 20th century Jadidism, an Islamic modernist movement aiming at the development of Islamic education and schooling, social welfare and political development, came into being in Central Asian Turkestan. The forerunners of this... more
This modern study on bid'ah - or heretical innovation - critically explores the boundaries of normative Islam and outlines the legal debate surrounding the subject. It examines the influence of foreign elements in Islamic thought,... more
Edip Yüksel'in otobiyografisi 2 dosya halinde:
1. Otobiyografi: 624 sayfsa
2. Fotoğraflar: 48 sayfa
1. Otobiyografi: 624 sayfsa
2. Fotoğraflar: 48 sayfa
Эдип Юксал, "ИСЛОМИЙ ИСЛОҲОТ МАНИФЕСТИ" Эдип Юксал - бугун дунёда Қуръон марказли ҳаракатнинг энг танилган исмларидан бири. Қуръонни икки тилга (турк ва инглиз тилларига) таржима қилган. Ёзган китоблари Туркияда энг кўп сотилган... more
If one thing links all Muslim reform in the 19th century it is a new awareness of the need to act on earth in order to be saved, i.e. a new emphasis on jihad broadly understood.
The twentieth century witnessed serious interest in the field of ethics, as demonstrated in the number of edited manuscripts, translated works, and newly published studies. These activities moved the field of ethics from the exclusive... more
Murad’s Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions is a rare and profound book. It consists of 100 pithy aphorisms - termed "contentions" - on a diverse array of topics ranging through ethics, cosmology, metaphysics, theology, law and... more
This chapter explores developments in the practice of hadith studies among Muslims in the past two centuries. It does not focus on Muslim debates on questions of authenticity, probity in law and theology, or even as sources of history, as... more
Buku ini al-Manhaj al-Islahi li al-Imam Muhammad Abduh (Manhaj Islah Imam Muhammad Abduh) adalah karya Muhammad Imarah yang telah diterbitkan oleh Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Maktabah al-Iskandariyah), pada tahun 2005. Ia merupakan... more
Bibliographie qui s'enrichira progressivement et qui comprend les sections suivantes : - islam généralités & histoire - courants revivalistes ("islam politique") - réformismes islamiques - production des acteurs réformistes -... more
Entretien de vulgarisation scientifique qui tente de définir le courant du réformisme islamique et ses spécificités vis-à-vis d'autres courants de l'islam contemporain et de questionner son apport potentiel au vu des défis actuels du XXIe... more
This important book is a collection of writings of more then 30 modern writers on Islam that were present at the 2008 conference bearing the same name. From professional Islamic scholars to individuals writers and thinkers, this... more
Article qui traite de la distinction méthodique entre les choses : on associe régulièrement "réforme de l'islam" à des réalités aussi différentes que la restructuration de la gestion du culte, les fondamentalismes et même jusqu'à la... more
Un des points centraux de la pensée islamique contemporaine tourne autour de l’idée qu’il faudrait « rouvrir les portes de l’ijtihâd » (effort de réflexion) progressivement fermées par l’establishment religieux. Partout dans le monde, y... more
Critères distinctifs du courant du "réformisme islamique" et quelques unes de ses tendances (coraniste, conservatrice, libérale) face aux différents revivalismes contemporains,1664,1664
Shaykh Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī was an Egyptian exegete known for having produced a scientific interpretation of the Qurʾān. A pioneering scholar in terms of familiarising the people of his time with many previously neglected matters regarding... more
Over nearly 1,500 years of history, Islam has produced extraordinary intellectual innovation, characterised by limitless curiosity and creativity. It has inspired profound theological and philosophical debate, a rich artistic legacy, and... more
Examines the memory of early Persian Qurʾānic translation in the modern Arabic theological and juridical controversies over translating the Qurʾān.