Johns Hopkins University
Recent papers in Johns Hopkins University
This study aimed to build the evidence base around human trafficking (HT) and health in the U.S. by employing a quantitative approach to exploring the notion that health care providers encounter this population. Furthermore, this study... more
This paper proposes to investigate Emily Dickinson’s transatlantic literary connection with William Wordsworth. Her references to and appropriation of Wordsworth inform her critical understanding of the polarized reception of Wordsworth’s... more
Predatory lending of subprime mortgages targeting the most economically vulnerable minority communities helped trigger the current global financial crisis. This special issue of the journal American Quarterly explores the ways in which... more
Aim of the Series The recent surge of interest in affect and emotion has productively crossed disciplinary boundaries within and between the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, but has not often addressed questions of literature... more
This article analyzes the film Spiderman: Homecoming through the lenses of Marxism and "The Culture Industry" as described by social theorists Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer. The film vilifies an exploited member of the working class... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
Abstract: This article explores the way vulnerability gets mapped onto some bodies and not others. It discusses how sociolegal frameworks of vulnerability have both significantly transformative and anti-democratic ramifications for... more
This essay examines vacillating affective responses to pop star Britney Spears. I juxtapose Spears’s career ascent as a teen queen from the rural American South to her career descent into “white trash” rebellious adulthood. I contend that... more
This paper argues that the Hephaisteion was erected on Kolonos Agoraios as the spot identified in Athenian topographic myth with the place of Hephaistos’s pursuit of Athena that led to Erichthonios’s birth. The complex association of... more
in literary romance love operates as a narrative point of access, suspension, and ending: every element works toward its ultimate consummation. However, in the novels of Henry James, including The Golden Bowl, love is not fulfilled... more
Picture yourself on a train in a station. The presence or absence of Plasticine porters with looking-glass ties is irrelevant.1 For some reason, the station is called Entity. Entity Junction, in the county of Anywhere. There are two... more
According to the standard narrative of the outcome of Valens’s First Gothic War, the Goths sued for peace after being subjected to three years of conflict. Yet not only did the Romans fail to engage the Goths in a major battle, but they... more
Abstract:The significance of fr. 134 DK (highlighting the φρὴν ἱερὴ καὶ ἀθέσφατος and its phrontides, the authentic Apollo) and fr. 29 DK (the σφαῖρος, ultimate offspring of Aphrodite/φιλότης) can be discovered by retracing... more
If a stone cannot be read, in the conventional sense, what do we see on, or in, or through stones? And what can we do with them? This essay begins in media res, with reading, writing, and things -- specifically stones – and considers them... more
This paper advances the somewhat unphilosophical thesis that "Trump is gross" to draw attention to the need to take matters of taste seriously in politics. I begin by exploring the slipperiness of distinctions between aesthetics,... more
Book Reviews Each section is broken down into subsections ; thus 'Historiography' consists of 'History of historical writing' and 'Studies of historians'. Book and article titles are grouped separately and individual entries have full... more
Abstract:This article aims to highlight the comic features of the composite attire worn by Menippus and Mithrobarzanes in Lucian’s Necyomantia. First, I discuss the literary tradition that Lucian draws on in order to depict Menippus’... more
Translations into Dutch of the short poems 'Colors' by Wallace Stevens and 'A Time to Talk' by Robert Frost, and a discussion of the choices during the translation process and the similarities and differences of the two poems.
Resumen:Por su atención a diferentes orientaciones de género, carácter descomprometido y estética consumista, la revista CubaNEO provee algunas bases para evaluar repertorios emocionales en un nuevo tipo de comunidad en Cuba cuya... more
Piranesi’s Lost Words by Heather Hyde Minor, and: Speaking Ruins: Piranesi, Architects, and Antiquity in Eighteenth-Century Rome by John A. Pinto (review)
This article discusses the development of Knowledge River, a program at the University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science established through several Institute of Museum and Library Services grants designed to... more
Abstract:L'année 1957 est en France l'occasion de commémorer un Baudelaire récemment réhabilité et définitivement entré dans le canon littéraire. Ce centenaire des Fleurs du mal est cependant aussi l'occasion, pour certains... more
This article reads Ovid's Metamorphoses through the lens of its contemporary art of pantomime dancing. With a focus restricted to narratives of animalization, it argues that the dancer's exquisite bodily expressiveness has been... more
While a substantial amount of work has been done on the metaphors used in bioethics (such as the body as "property" or the ethics consultant as "engineer"), this essay focuses on the manner in which metaphors reside at... more
THIS ARTICLE SUMMARIZES THE ATTEMPTS to define and measure quality and effectiveness in academic libraries, from traditional evaluative studies to Total Quality Management (TQM) and new research on userdefined criteria. Focusing on the... more