Jouralism and Politics
Recent papers in Jouralism and Politics
Hadi al Abdullah is one of the most famous citizen journalists and activists in the Syrian Uprising. His Facebook page has more than 74,000 followers “like”. He is also known for his endless efforts to help the wounded victims and the... more
Bangladesh, sebuah negara berkembang di Asia Selatan yang dikenal karena berbagai dinamika. Baik dinamika ekononomi maupun politiknya. Menarik untuk diteliti bagaimana sistem politik dan dinamika politik di Bangladesh? Bagaimana pula... more
Red Book kitap ismi, üzerinde doktora yazdığım Amerikalı Psikiyatrist Carl Gustov Jung’ın aynı adlı eserinden ilham alınarak konulmuştur. Kırmızı Kitap. 2011’den itibaren Türkiye’nin nereden nereye sürüklendiğini göstermeyi... more
Envuelto en la confusión, efervescencia social y violencia de la Transición el rápido proceso de creación del Estatuto de Gernika determinaría el futuro del País Vasco. En poco más de dos años, entre las elecciones de junio de 1977 y la... more
Un " patto di infedeltà " Nella stampa anglosassone vige un patto di fedeltà tra cronista e lettore in base al quale si presuppone che il virgolettato corrisponda verbatim alle parole del personaggio-fonte (ingl. news-maker); in quella... more
June 12, 2018.
Co-authored with Andrea Wenzel, Anthony Nadler and Marc Lamont Hill
Co-authored with Andrea Wenzel, Anthony Nadler and Marc Lamont Hill
The paper analyzes the role of focalization, of emphasizing elements of theme-rheme structure, applied to reported words in newspapers, for suggesting the position of the journalist about what is said, a position which influences its... more