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Abstract: Patients and their families are often concerned to find a material cause for suffering rather than to accept the mystery of its ontological necessity. In modern healthcare settings, in which medicine is rightly based upon the... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
This chapter explores three anthropological dimensions of the denial of crimes committed during the François Duvalier regime in Haiti (1957 and 1971): the manner in which social obligations created by kinship and social bonds induce... more
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      Human RightsKinship (Anthropology)HaitiPolitical Violence
This article looks at the question of sin and disease in bioethics with a spiritual-theological analysis from the book of Job. The biblical figure Job is an innocent and just man who suffered horrendously. His dialogues with others—his... more
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      BioethicsPatient Provider CommunicationBook of JobDoctor-patient communication
Resumo: O artigo examina o assim chamado "problema do sentido do sofrimento", formulado no FP 1888, 14 [89] e que trata do antagonismo entre o "sentido cristão" e o "sentido trágico". A caracterização do problema será feita mediante a... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsFriedrich NietzschePhilosophy of Human Suffering
Previous scholarly studies have discussed the use of Zen Buddhism within the person-centred approach of Carl Rogers, demonstrating the feasible influence of Buddhism over Rogers’s theories. The present research delves into the convergence... more
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      BuddhismPsychotherapyPerson-centred TherapyTherapeutic Relationship
Recent discussion of the role of memory in perception has tended to focus on sensory memory and working memory. I present a summary of the psychological evidence for a further form of memory termed Conceptual Short-Term Memory, arguing it... more
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      Philosophy of MindVisual perceptionWorking MemoryConsciousness
One of the best known and most widely accepted premises regarding the experience of pain and suffering is its singular, private nature. Pain’s violence isolates us from everything else, embedding us completely within our own suffering so... more
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      PsychologySympathyElaine ScarrySuffering
This is a paper our research group published together with the Collège des Médecins du Québec (the provincial regulator). We are trying to understand what psychological suffering is exactly and how physicians can access it when they are... more
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      PsychiatryEuthanasiaSufferingMedical Assistance in Dying
This study sought to identify and analyse the relationships between burnout syndrome, occupational stress and pleasure and suffering at work from young Brazilian workers’ perspective. The research was conducted with a probabilistic sample... more
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      ManagementPsychologySupply Chain ManagementHuman Resource Management
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      ChristianityLiturgyNarrativeTrauma Studies
This paper recapitulates two influential JRAI articles to discuss comparison in anthropology. Charles Lindholm's 1995 article criticized the then new, now well-established, trend in Middle East ethnography for its radical emphasis on... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
Suffering is not something merely to be coped with; it holds important transformative power. Yet, it is important that suffering is not idealized or viewed as something that is, in itself, good. While suffering is not something to be... more
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      Theories of MeaningExistential PsychologyHumanistic-ExistentialExistential Therapy
Il vertiginoso progresso della scienza e della tecnica sembra rendere l'umanità impreparata ad affrontare i complicati risvolti di questo progresso, che toccano gli aspetti della vita sociale, educativa, affettiva, emotiva, spirituale,... more
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      EducationHopeForgivenessDialogical Communication
With four waves of women's liberation movements in the twentieth century, the relationship between mothers and daughters has come under increasing, frequent, intense, and passionate examination. Scholars East and West have examined this... more
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There is an opinion as to if Buddha has been said, that life is inevitable suffering for sure. It contradicts the Buddha's teachings in general, which purpose and goal are to get over suffering, to be free of suffering. Birth, aging,... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesSufferingDukkha
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      Dark TourismSuffering
This paper argues for three claims: In the foregoing sketch of my proposal I have made three main claims: i. That to make sense of the puzzles surrounding suffering we should adopt a disruption model on which suffering is constituted by... more
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      Philosophy of Human SufferingSuffering
Hille Haker
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      Medical AnthropologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionBioethics
he study offers an example of the iconization of suffering towards the analysis of the Cult of the "abandoned souls" practiced in the so-called Fontanelle cemetery in Naples. The particularity of the Fontanelle cemetery is the fact that... more
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      AnthropologySufferingCultural History of Naples and CampaniaRebecca Horn
In this article I want to spend time with suffering - how we experience it, the critical role it plays and how we can come to terms with the elements of suffering that we cannot eliminate and still lead fruitful, dignified lives. I have... more
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      Buddhist PhilosophyBuddhist StudiesJurgen HabermasBuddhist Psychology
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      Positive PsychologyPastoral TheologySufferingPsychology and Theology
As a result of European externalization of the politics of migration, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries like Morocco are increasingly co-opted to deter asylum-seekers and other migrants. These latter, criminalized and labelled... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyMobility/MobilitiesHuman Rights
A medium length Bible devotional geared towards encouraging the believer to have in their heart a 'Theology of Suffering', mainly so that the believer can persevere in the faith even during intense times of suffering, pain and trials.
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityHistorical JesusPhilosophy of Human Suffering
研究目的:本研究主要在探討人類共通之受苦經驗,從疾病的科學化與醫療化的發展,以存在哲學與現象學對受苦經驗的本體性探問與對於臨床現場認識論的衝突形成反思性思辨的論述。此外,從Levinas與余德慧的本體論點及本土心理學的研究尋找受苦經驗的臨床方法論述。研究方法:以Levinas所開展的現象學基礎取逕,從人文臨床療癒與本土心理學的現有論述中形成因應遭逢受苦經驗的方法論,以形成對應於現有醫療模式的理解、探問與因應方向。研究結果:本研究認為,受苦經驗所開啟的並非對於疾病的認識,而是對... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPhenomenologyÉmmanuel LévinasSuffering
Unauthorized and uncorrected translation by Paul Holdsworth of the original book 'Nieuwe Levenskunst' by Dr. Gerbert Bakx
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J. R. R. Tolkien, as somebody who experienced a difficult early life as an orphan and then as a World War I soldier, endured enough trauma and suffering in his life for it to become a significant element in almost all of his fictional... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienSuffering
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      Animal WelfareCortisolSufferingAbnormal Behavior
This study, an extended earlier version of a chapter later published in Apostasy in the New Testament Communities (Vol. 3), engages apostasy and restoration in the Epistle of James and engages the book of Job in relation to the themes of... more
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      Catholic EpistlesBook of JobApostasyGeneral Epistles
his article situates Auden’s poem Musée des Beaux Arts in the process of his conversion to Christianity. The author argues for the layered intertextuality of the poem, in which allusions to Bruegel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, The... more
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      TheologyLiteratureSufferingWystan Hugh Auden
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      HistoryIntellectual HistorySociologyPsychology
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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本論文旨於研究《加拉太書》中與基督同死同活實際的經歷是指向什麼,以及其對倫理生活的影響。啟發點是到底加拉太教會如何理解保羅要他們順著聖靈而行的倫理命令。顯然的,保羅與他們有共同的信仰經歷,以致他們在沒有得到任何解釋之下仍可以明白保羅的命令。... more
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One of logotherapy's strengths lies in its openness to integration with other forms of psychotherapy. Logotherapy is often described as humanistic/existential. However, it has elements that are consistent with other paradigms. The purpose... more
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      Positive PsychologyValuesHumanistic psychologyAcceptance and Commitment Therapy
By utilizing real-world “Failed to Death” (FTD) examples of egregious human cruelty against children, the thesis of this chapter is that misotheists (those who scorn god for moral reasons) are justified in their refusal to worship any... more
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      TorturePhilosophy of Human SufferingProblem of EvilThe Problem of Evil
Philosophical interest in vulnerability focusses mainly on normative questions concerning its relevance for moral, political and legal theory. However, beneath these questions there lies another one which is epistemological: How do we... more
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      PainFranz KafkaJudith ButlerSocial Epistemology
In this medical anthropology paper, I offer to the discussion a counter-intuitive hypothesis: “medicalization is a clinical judgment inherited by the functionalist sociology of deviance. In that respect, society is an organism that can be... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisPsychiatryMedical Anthropology
My paper examines the symbolic overload of Antigone figurations in Hegel, Lacan, and Butler to study her strange reincarnations in postcolonial fiction, such as Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire. In exegetical literature, Antigone stands... more
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      TragedyPlagueSufferingKamila Shamsie
The Early Christian narratives often demonstrate the struggle of human beings because of their unique faith. The New Testament writings provide ample evidences concerning the afflictions of Early Christianity in the Jewish and pagan... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentIndiaSuffering
We are all opposed—at least ostensibly—to mindless animal cruelty. Almost no one defended Michael Vick and his cohorts when they tortured and killed dogs for their dog fighting ring. Imagine Michael Vick had been selling a product—say... more
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      EthicsNormative EthicsApplied EthicsPeace and Conflict Studies
Η σύνδεση μιας εκκλησιαστικής ευχής που ανήκει στη μακραίωνη λειτουργική παράδοση της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας με το σύγχρονο και επίκαιρο ζήτημα της ευθανασίας φαίνεται ίσως αδόκιμη, καθώς κατά το χρόνο συγγραφής της ήταν ασφαλώς άγνωστος ο... more
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      BioethicsDeathOrthodox TheologyEuthanasia
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      ReligionTheologyJohn Paul II/Karol WojtylaSuffering
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyGame DesignVideo Games
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      Medical SociologyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      Political SociologyEthnographySuffering
Barth responds to the modern lack of language for talking of evil by developing the concept of das Nichtige (CD III/3, §50). 'Das Nichtige'for which 'nothingness' is an insufficient translation-encompasses not only sin, but also the... more
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      TheodicyDemonologyReformed theologyKarl Barth
This studio/seminar is an arts and art history collaboration, combining theory and praxis by integrating creative work with art theory, criticism and history. Representation of pain and human suffering has always been a vibrant subject of... more
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      EthicsVisual StudiesArt HistoryArt Theory
Both classical and contemporary Jewish texts, surveyed here, articulate a religious opposition to hunting for sport. This essay interprets compassion-based rab-binic opposition to hunting as reflecting a pragmatic concern with cultivating... more
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How should we view the relationship between language and Buddhist enlightenment? Must language be transcended? Is enlightenment experience necessarily ineffable? The purpose of this paper is to argue that language and enlightenment are... more
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