Judges 19
Recent papers in Judges 19
When we encounter a text, whether ancient or modern, we typically start at the beginning and work our way toward the end. In Tracking the Master Scribe, Sara J. Milstein demonstrates that for biblical and Mesopotamian literature, this... more
There are many texts which, are to use M. Bakhtin's term, "in dialogue" with the "text of terror" that comprises Judges 19. There are many allusions to other texts in this story and it seems clear that the author was influenced by them.... more
El libro presenta la construcción del Sistema de Medición del Desempeño Jurisdiccional en el Poder Judicial Peruano. Se presenta el contexto en el cual se desarrollo este sistema, se explican las métricas así como los principios... more
An examination of the actions of the Levite in Judges 19 & 20 juxtaposed with other leaders of the faith (and without the faith); and the comment the narrative is making on the spiritual decline of Israel.
This paper offers a hermeneutics of meaning developed for victim/survivors of sexual violence in the parish context, focused primarily on Judges 19 and its ramifications in Judges 20-21. I construct this hermeneutic through an exegesis of... more
In this study the intertextual relations between the Sodom and the Saul narratives are studied: Genesis 19, Judges 19-21, and 1 Samuel 11.
For centuries, the story of Lot’s daughters in Genesis is one which has both abhorred and intrigued countless readers. Utilizing the hermeneutical lenses of Narrative and Feminist Criticism, this paper draws attention to overlooked... more
President Barack Obama’s nomination and the United States Senate’s confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court in the summer of 2009 had important implications for Latina and Latino identity and the meaning... more
In order to maintain the newfound independence and power the judiciary enjoys in Pakistan, it must take self-correcting measure to ensure that the Court breaks its historical subservience to the military, makes the judicial appointment... more
Request Review copies fRom: sBL press Heather mcmurray, sales manager 825 Houston mill Road, suite 350, Atlanta, GA 30329 usA phone: 404-727-3096 / fax: 404-727-3101 email: heather.mcmurray@sbl-site.org puRcHAse fRom: sBL press customer... more
PRAXIS - The Official Peer-Reviewed Journal of the Alumni for International Human Rights Law. This is the official version of the inaugural issue of PRAXIS. This official version supersedes and/or modifies accordingly any and all... more
Churches need to engage with men in order to transform dangerous ideas about manhood in Africa. The HIV epidemic calls for the immediate action on attitudes to sex and sexual violence (Chitando 2007: 46). In the age of HIV and AIDS,... more
È opinione comune, presso gli studiosi moderni, che i giudici privati del processo civile romano (giudici monocratici o recuperatores) appartenessero alle classi sociali più elevate e più colte e che mantenessero, nel ricoprire il loro... more
The Masoretic Text of Hag 2:15-19 is one of the most philologically challenging passages in the Hebrew Bible. As such, it has been subjected to frequent emendation (see the Biblia Hebraica Quinta). The present article focuses on two... more
This study argues that the verb מוׁש is used intransitively in Zech 3:9 with the sense of "to depart" and that the particle את is best interpreted as the preposition "with" rather than as the nota accusativi.
The gruesome biblical narrative of the gang rape of the Levite's concubine in Judges 19-21 is interpreted through the death bed confession/ diary of the Jewish ghetto police man Calel Perechodnik who guarded the assembly and transport of... more
Author: Chuck Pitts Publisher: CBE International Judges 19 contains a seldom read, let alone studied or discussed, story of misogyny, subjugation, rape, murder, and dismemberment. Determining how to handle such atrocities in the Bible... more
This essay is a compilation of research concerning Hebrew lament as a part of Jewish history. Written for a Christian audience, it seeks to define lament within a Hebrew context, explore lament via study of the Hebrew Bible, and attempt... more
This paper examines the ways in which judges write opinions, the ways experienced and inexperienced legal readers conceptualize judges as authors, and the effect these conceptions have on the way they read those opinions. The paper... more
Author: Evelyn Sweerts-Vermeulen
Publisher: CBE International
The church cannot be trusted by those who are suffering to listen well until it has shown that it can speak well, addressing the issues in preaching and in the community.
Publisher: CBE International
The church cannot be trusted by those who are suffering to listen well until it has shown that it can speak well, addressing the issues in preaching and in the community.
The artistic production of several contemporary authors in the context of Hebrew literature manifests a privileged interest in the body and its expressive capacities. These literary works can be approached by two complementary... more
Of all the horrors told in Judges, it is chapter 19 and the rape and murder of an innocent woman while her husband sleeps soundly inside that raises perhaps the most unsettling questions for interpreters. Genre-wise, there are many ways... more
A paper presented at the 2020 national meeting of the American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). In the scope of this paper is Josephine Butler's multiple interpretive renditions of the... more
The paper focuses on a series of confrontations between the colonial judiciary and the colonial state in India in 1942 and 1944. By the summer of 1942, the Japanese were advancing towards British possessions in India, the Indian... more
The thesis article presented is a class paper I worked on Fall 2018. In it I discuss the story of the Levite's Concubine, how she is presented, and what implications might there be towards the oppression of the earth. The supremacy over... more
Samson as God’s Adulterous Wife reveals striking parallels between the depiction of Samson in the Book of Judges and the prophetic literature’s metaphorical representations of Israel as an adulterous woman. This book endeavors to... more
It presents an ethnographic analysis of criminal justice social workers writing presentence reports for the Scottish courts. Social workers' report writing for judges brought into relief issues of relative professional status. Social... more
This is the second volume, in two parts, of a six-volume set of the complete Vulgate Bible. Compiled and translated in large part by Saint Jerome at the turn of the fifth century CE, the Vulgate Bible was used from the early medieval... more
The second half of the third/ninth and the fourth/tenth centuries are of particular importance for the development of the judiciary in the central lands of the Abbasid caliphate. At the end of the mihna period and the victory of Sunnism... more
The list of “women in refrigerators” is all too familiar to comic book fans: a woman’s body becomes the site of gruesome violence, merely for the sake of furthering a man’s character arc. Judges 19 exemplifies this pattern, positioning... more
Με το παρόν άρθρο, επιχειρείται μία χρήσιμη για την κατανόηση της προβληματικής, δικαιοσυγκριτική παρουσίαση των όσων ισχύουν θεσμικά και σε επίπεδο αποδοχών των δικαστικών λειτουργών σε ορισμένες έννομες τάξεις.
Steeped in the Darwinian imagination, the exponents of fin-de-siècle literary artistry painted the New Woman of the era a lascivious man-eating beast. She was a purveyor of gender confusion whose emasculating initiatives would check... more
Analysis of the importance of a single woman in the final judgement of Israel as written in Judges 19 & 20.
Entre 1999 y 2003, la primera integración del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) emitió diversos criterios relevantes, mediante los cuales incrementó —paulatinamente— su capacidad para conocer de litigios... more