Korean Art History
Recent papers in Korean Art History
An 8 page essay which looks over and analyses the close relationship that the Korean Koryŏ Dynasty had with Medieval China, especially the Song Dynasty. Examples of war alliances, religions, artworks, politics, and education are analyzed... more
Examines the work of the South Korean installation and video artist Lee Bul 이불 (b. 1964), focusing on her cyborg and monster sculptures, and her karaoke-themed exhibitions: Lee Bul: Live Forever, Act One (San Francisco Art Institute, 6... more
Brief history and analysis of South Korean political art of the 1980s and early 1990s, Minjung Art.
외교 선물의 대상은 보통 각국의 토산물이나 희소한 가치를 지는 물건들이나 환금적 가치가 있는 것들로 구성되었는데, 조선의 경우 전시기에 걸쳐 청에 가져가는 공물은 직물류, 가죽류, 席子류, 종이류 위주의 방물로 조공품이라는 의미 외에는 특이한 점이 발견되지 않는다. 이에 비해 청의 조정은 건륭제 시기를 전후하여 각국의 사절단에 하사하는 외교 선물에 큰 변화가 보이는데, 본 연구는 이러한 변화 양상에 주목하여 정조대 후반... more
Presentation on Alice Keller's photograph collection of Occupied Korea for the Second Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology organized by the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology and the Section... more
[By Chang-su Cho Houchins; Introduction by P.M. Taylor. This full book is uploaded here while the Smithsonian website, where it will be published online, is being revised.] The John Baptiste Bernadou Collection of nineteenth-century... more
본 논고는 명작의 탄생과 그 사회 문화적 의미를 조선후기 18세기 서화 애호 풍조 와 僞作의 의미와 상징성을 통해 살펴보는 것을 목표로 한다. 명작은 畵品을 나누어 그림의 우열을 논하고 화가를 品評하는 동양 특유의 畵論의 전통과 그 맥을 같이 하 고 있으며, 위작의 등장은 미술품의 소장과 미술 시장을 전제로 한다. 명말의 尙古主 義적인 경향의 중국 예술 서적의 수입과 중국 골동서화의 수입은 조선후기 고동 서화 수집 및... more
Qiu Ying had an enormous influence on the Korean artworld since both his genuine paintings and copies and forgeries of his originals, were transferred to the Joseon dynasty via multiple routes. This study examines the following questions... more
Сочинение буддийского монаха Ирёна (1206–1289) «Оставшиеся сведения [о] трёх государствах» (Самгук юса) — один из немногих доступных современным историкам фундаментальных письменных источников по истории Кореи с древнейших времён до XIII... more
It is noted that European pictorial technique was introduced during the Chosŏn dynasty via China and that Western objects exchanged through diplomatic activities by Chosŏn envoys played a significant role in the spread of this new... more
Influence of Western Art in Korea from its first encounters by missionaries to the German NS relations, filtered by Japanese cultural policy. A summary of events and entanglements.
The Korea Gallery at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History presents Korea's millennia of history and its distinctive culture through ceramics, paintings, textiles, and sculptures, ranging from the 6th century B.C. to the... more
This paper examines the roles of Suzhou pian (蘇州片 commercial painting produced in the Suzhou area from the late Ming to the mid-Qing) and prints in the spread of Chinese pictorial images and Western painting techniques in court art of... more
Dansaekhwa 1960s-2010s : Primary Documents on Korean Abstract Painting
This study explores the introduction of Western painting and graphic arts, their techniques and aesthetics in the broader historical and intellectual context of modernization, Westernization, and colonial policy. The work highlights the... more
This research examines how visual objects derived from China were represented and manipulated for royal court rites and palaces in Chosŏn Korea. This study investigates the importance of art in understanding cultural transmission and... more
Brush, Ink, and Props: The Birth of Korean Painting - a history of North Korean chosŏnhwa painting.
This essay examines the Japanese reception of the Korean painter Yi Am 李巌(b. 1499), and by extension considers the relationship between ink painting technique and pictorial meaning. In particular, it examines how Yi Am’s unique approach... more
The Beauty of Old Korean Paintings: A History and an Appreciation, by Lee Dongju 이동주 «李東洲» is an extraordinary gem of Korean art history, especially of painterly tradition in Korea and East Asia at large, writes Sajid Rizvi, commissioning... more
Author: Ch'oe Wan-su. Translators/editors: Youngsook Pak and Roderick Whitfield. Commissioning Editor, General Editor: Sajid Rizvi. Published in two lavishly ilustrated editions. ISBN 9781872843711 HB and 9781872843728 PB. This... more
Pyeongsaeng-do (平生圖), the Painting of a Person’s Life, is a series of paintings depicting the ideal life of a yangban aristocrat who enjoyed a successful career as a high official. The painting emerged in the second half of the 18th... more
Landscape depicts a panorama of boats, streams, and figures along the riverbank and mountain ranges. The dynamic composition, stylized texture of repeated short lines, and the unrestrained brushstrokes all attests to the influence of An... more
The examination of three screens commissioned by Kwŏn Taeun, his descendants, and fellow Southerners officials provides pivotal insights into the understanding of the socio-political functions and artistic innovations of commemorative... more
Transmission and Transformation of Knowledge and Iconography: Animal Motifs in Colored Manuscript Copies of Kunyu wanguo quantu and Kunyu quantu in Format of Folding Screen from the Late Joseon Dynasty This essay explores Korean... more
Previously unexamined written, visual, and performative channels of communication between central government officials and local Buddhist monks call for a nuanced understanding of sociopolitical connections between the capital and the... more
The establishment of a museum in the precinct of Ch’anggyŏnggung Palace in 1909 marked an important moment in the historiography of Korean art. Although recent studies have examined the founding, organization, and financing of the first... more