Landscape Ecological Planning
Recent papers in Landscape Ecological Planning
It is increasingly recognized that more sustainable approaches are needed for planning and managing landscapes worldwide. New tools are needed to effectively apply sustainable principles to planning and management. The spatial dimension... more
Urban ecological networks are defined differently in ecology, urban planning and landscape ecology, but they all have linearity and linkage in common. Early urban representations evolved from the constraints of deep ecological structure... more
Através de uma compreensão sistêmica da paisagem urbana, a presente dissertação-projeto busca propor estratégias e diretrizes de planejamento paisagístico que fomentem uma ocupação mais integrada entre as dinâmicas urbanas e biofísicas,... more
The original Historic Landscape Characterisation or HLC. Sets out the rationale, aims, principles and method and serves as an introduction to Cornwall's historic landscape and the ways we care for and look after it.
Wetlands are a vital link between land and water in Bangladesh. A majority of the people of Bangladesh are critically dependent on wetlands. In this paper, the values of wetlands, causes and effects of wetlands degradation, as well as the... more
Edited by Gareth Doherty and Charles Waldheim, Is Landscape . . . ? surveys multiple and myriad identities of landscape. Rather than seeking a singular or essential understanding of the term, the collection postulates that landscape might... more
Στην σύγχρονη εποχή κυριαρχεί η άποψη για τη μεταβολή του κλίματος στη γη που δεν οφείλεται μόνο σε φυσικές διεργασίες αλλά και στην ανθρωπογενή δραστηριότητα, όπως η συνεχής χρήση ορυκτών καυσίμων, η αποψήλωση των δασών, η εντατική... more
Table of Contents Editorial: Queering ecopsychology Jamie Heckert, Martin Milton, Meg Barker Queer mad animals Margot Young Eco-queer movement(s): Challenging heteronormative space through (re)imagining nature and food... more
The main goal of the present study is to contribute for the improvement of landscape sustainability of the golf activity, focusing on the Algarve region, Portugal. Although the economical dimension of sustainability is arguably assured... more
Green infrastructure offers a contemporary approach to the conceptualisation and management of landscape resources. It has developed rapidly in the UK, Europe and North America due to the opportunities it provides meeting the ecological,... more
The European Commission and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication started a dialogue on nature-based solutions (NBS) in 2015. In this report, European and Brazilian experts analyse the occurrence and... more
Reviewed the concept of green infrastructure (GI) and five cases of GI-like application in Japan; proposed four general landscape planning and design guidelines of GI from a landscape ecology perspective; and made recommendations of four... more
Biyolojik gölet tasarımlarının temel amacı bölge ekosisteminin ve su rezervlerinin korunmasıdır. Bölge ekolojik değerlerinin korunabilmesi ve geleceğe aktarılabilmesi için doğru kullanımlara yer verilmesi gerekir. Biyolojik gölet... more
Il Piano paesaggistico 'congelato' dell'attesa di 'disgelo'.
It is increasingly recognized that more sustainable approaches are needed for planning and managing landscapes worldwide. New tools are needed to effectively apply sustainable principles to planning and management. The spatial dimension... more
This thesis elaborates on a theoretical, epistemological and design research framework for the possibility of an operative synthesis of, on the one hand, climate-related risk management (primarily, flood exposure from multiple sources,... more
Öz Ulusal yasa ve uluslararası etik kurallar milli park alanının özelliklerinin kaybolmasına veya değiştirilmesine sebep olabilecek işlemleri yasaklamakta, yapılacak faaliyetlerde doğal denge veya ekolojik dengeyi referans olarak... more
Розроблено науково-методологічні і методичні засади конструктивно-географічного дослідження гірничопромислових територій Західного регіону України з метою практичної реалізації заходів, спрямованих на покращення стану гірничопромислових... more
Landscapes - Chapter 8: WORK PROGRAM FOR A PLANNING LABORATORY Experiences and disciplines that investigated landscapes provide a new perspective on which to formulate a research program for land use planning, which will be based on some... more
(Paper in Spanish) This study focuses on considering the landscape as the main criterion for analysis, evaluation and proposals for the framework of territorial and urban planning, to organize and harmonize changes induced by social,... more
"Wars and their aftermaths frequently transform land use and ownership, reshaping ‘post-conflict’ landscapes through new boundaries, population movements, land reforms and conditions of access. Within a global context of controversial... more
Recently, thermal properties of the landscaped rooftops and walls have attracted the interest of researchers because of the potential to minimize energy consumption in urban areas and to aid summer-time thermal control. For this reason... more
The Uzundere district, which is located in NE Turkey, has attractive rural tourism areas with noticeable potentials and rural tourism development activities. This paper concentrates on sustainability development of rural tourism.... more
The 21st century is the time of a deepened ethical awareness of ecology. Among the topics that have been gaining more and more recognition are the ethical issues connected with restoration ecology, sustainability, the importance of... more
La Infografía es una técnica que consiste en recrear la realidad mediante la
Introduction to Phillip B Roos's book, "Regenerative-Adaptive Design for Sustainable Development A Pattern Language Approach".
Bali Island, Indonesia, is undergoing rapid land use changes owing to tourism-related development and urbanization. Consequently, urban green spaces, which provide a myriad of benefits to residents, are disappearing and deteriorating.... more
In the last two decades Portuguese landscapes are changing, in some parts dra-matically, and regional asymmetries have become more profound. The rural land-scapes, mostly in the interior, are subject to either marginalization or... more
Cities are extremely human-modified environments, with few existing original habitats. Local, regional and global studies have indicated scale-dependent patterns of communities in relation to urbanization. In general, species with high... more
Urban ecological networks are defined differently in ecology, urban planning and landscape ecology, but they all have linearity and linkage in common. Early urban representations evolved from the constraints of deep ecological structure... more
El trabajo comprende en una vista general sobre el paisaje de la comuna de Portezuelo y desarrolla una metodología de indicadores para el análisis territorial por cuencas, partiendo como muestra con la Cuenca Cucha Urrejola. El trabajo... more
ÖZET Doğal kaynakların tükenmesinin kendi varlığının da sonu olduğunu anlayan insanoğlunun bu kaynakların devamlılığını sağlama çabaları ancak 20 y.y. dan itibaren başlatabiliriz. Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı ile tüm politikaları yeniden... more
Cultural landscape is a set of values consisting of all the formations, activities, local traditions and customs shaped in due to course as a result of the mutual interaction of the human and the environment. The aim of this study was to... more
The World Resources Institute reported that nearly half of the world population will experience water shortage in 2030; the effects of floods will be tripled globally. Drought and floods threaten several cities all around the country,... more
Non Urbanised Areas (NUAs) are part of agricultural and green infrastructures that provide ecosystem services. Their role is fundamental for the minimization of urban pollution and adaptation to climate change. Like all natural... more
The value of a landscape is an important issue for landscape protection planning, as different rules or land-use limitations can be defined according to the intensity of values that are visible from certain positions. Viewshed analysis is... more