Landscape Infrastructure
Recent papers in Landscape Infrastructure
Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозитарії НАУ". Науковий керівник: Буравченко Сергій Григорович, к.арх., професор.Тема дослідження... more
Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure, and is focused on landscape architectonic design of transportation-, green- and water infrastructures. These landscape infrastructures... more
Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure, and is focused on landscape architectonic design of transportation-, green- and water infrastructures. These landscape infrastructures... more
Exploring the potential of drainage basins as backbone for improving
the living environment in Mexico City's Mountain Range.
An approach with the concept Research by Design.
the living environment in Mexico City's Mountain Range.
An approach with the concept Research by Design.
A proposta de rebaixamento do sistema de transporte sobre trilhos propiciou vislumbrar a implantação de áreas livres, numa região degradada, ruidosa e dividida pelos trilhos dos trens da CPTM, formando o Parque Linear Brás-Lapa. Este... more
This paper aims to provide a critical overview of the management of Ankara's streams in the historical context of the city's urbanization process and focuses on one particular example Bentderesi (Bent stream). Prior to Ankara's... more
Looking at the hierarchical-based planning process, the landscape is filled with conservation principles from the rural area to the process of adapting to the city. This undefined task assigned to the landscape turns into planned but... more
The Dam-Lakefront Plaza in Kashar-Tirana/Albania is a research project that proposes not only the re-consideration and reinforcement of the artificial Reservoirs Dams built during Socialism in Albania, but envisions the maintenance of... more
Şekil 4.32 : Los Angeles demiryolu sistemini genişletmek ve metro istasyonlarını bağlayarak bir merkez istasyon oluşturmak için geliştirilen bir proje örneğinde meydan ve istasyon kotu ilişkisi (Url-46).
- by Esma Aksoy
Landscape architecture's fundamental task is to uncover and develop the specificity of a site. SPECIFICS emphasizes the differences of qualities of a location and invites to focus and concentrate on significant strategies for research and... more
The idea of a green belt around London emerged in the 19th century in response in large part to the catastrophic urban health conditions of that period. At a time when cholera was believed to be airborne, providing fresh air for the city... more
De Meulder, B., Shannon, K., (2023) ‘Seven Points of Disrupting Dichotomies’ in Cities and Rivers: aldayjover architecture and landscape, I. Alday, M. Jover, Barcelona: Actar Publishers, pp. 24-29.
The modernization of the suburban railway on the Asian side of Istanbul is part of the ongoing Marmaray Project. The 44.2 km commuter line, composed of twenty-seven stations was opened in 1872, during the period of Ottoman Sultan... more
The modernization of the suburban railway on the Asian side of Istanbul is part of the ongoing Marmaray Project. The 44.2 km commuter line, composed of twenty-seven stations was opened in 1872, during the period of Ottoman Sultan... more
The Dam-Lakefront Plaza in Kashar-Tirana/Albania is a research project that proposes not only the re-consideration and reinforcement of the artificial Reservoirs Dams built during Socialism in Albania, but envisions the maintenance of... more
The landscape architecture undergraduate programme at the University of Technology Sydney introduced landscape infrastructure as a subject into its curriculum in 2016. This subject contained two aims relating to the application of... more
Purpose- Rural areas experience various economic and social tensions such as population instability and limited job opportunities, which place villages at risk. Rural tourism can improve the economic activities that increase the... more
Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure. The hybridization of the two concepts seeks to redefine infrastructure beyond its strictly utilitarian definition while allowing spatial... more
This paper describes the contextual analysis of architecture with landscape methods as both design and teaching methodology. The methodology applies our understanding of research as design and design as research, and involves the... more
Cinquante ans après sa parution, l'ouvrage de Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, vient d'être traduit en français. Sans rien céder aux tentations historicistes qui, vingt ans plus tard, caractériseront le... more
The purpose of this paper is to contextualize as testimonies of the original geomorphological characteristics of the site watercourses of the stream Mandaqui basin, channeled and buffered along the urban consolidation of São Paulo north.... more
Evolution of commuter rail transit systems has always served a tight relationship with the development of urban planning theory and practice. Commuter rail development in Ankara has a peculiar history begun with the pronunciation of... more
Em 2013 o Município de Cascavel/PR firmou contrato com o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) para a execução do Programa de Desenvolvimento Integrado (PDI) que previa várias obras de urbanização. Dentre essas obras foram... more
Since its emergence in 1990s, landscape urbanism provides temporalityindeterminacyand self-organization-based solutions varying from drosscape to suburbanization projects.1 Its theoretical framework syncretizes a position by combining... more
Aims: The following study is aimed to prepare five derivatives of 2-thiobarbituric acid under microwave irradiation (MWI) and conventional heating method and investigate their biological activities. Study Design: A classic white ProLine... more
With the youngest, fastest growing, most diverse population in the UK, the imminent arrival of HS2 and the hosting of City of Culture 2021 and the Commonwealth Games, the West Midlands has a unique opportunity to rediscover a vast, hidden... more
This project explores the landscape potential of Taiwanese river valley in terms of integrating water and river management with urbanism within the context of a dense environment diversity as well as a highly sensitive and dynamic... more
هدف این مقاله درک دامنۀ مفهوم «میدان» در دورۀ قاجاریه و تبیین طیف مصادیق آن در این دوره، مبتنی بر نقشههای تاریخی موجود است. دورۀ قاجاریه دورۀ آغاز نقشهبرداری با فنون مدرن در ایران است که تهیۀ نقشههای مفصل از شهرهای ایران با دقت... more
A mobilidade urbana concentrada em torno do automovel particular vem se consolidando como perfil da cidade de Natal. Solucoes voltadas ao carro e motocicleta em resposta ao crescimento populacional e de renda na cidade estao conduzindo um... more
Buscando novas soluções para os problemas de mobilidade urbana, a Prefeitura Municipal de Passo Fundo/RS recentemente implementou o sistema de compartilhamento de bicicletas denominado “Passo Fundo Vai de Bici”. Este artigo objetiva... more
Com o intuito de compreender as principais relações entre uso da bicicleta na cidade de São Paulo, o cicloativismo paulistano, e as novas políticas cicloviárias, a pesquisa expõe o estudo de três itens determinantes para análise: a... more
Kent içi ulaşım hatları, ağırlıklı olarak, mühendislik alanı ve ulaşım planlaması dâhilinde ele alınmış; kendilerini tarif eden ve kimi zaman sınırlandıran kent peyzajı ile kurdukları ilişkiler üzerinden kavramsallaştırılmamışlardır.... more
Já não é aceitável construir edificações de alto desempenho em uma área não urbanizada, em um contexto dependente de automóveis, e certificá-la como sustentável". Douglas Farr (2013) Atualmente vemos o movimento pela sustentabilidade... more
A partir da proposta da disciplina de Projeto Sustentável para um Parque Linear Brás-Lapa, analisamos o distrito da Barra Funda (município de São Paulo), sua formação histórica, e a proposta do Plano Diretor Estratégico Regional da Lapa... more
Durante o desenvolvimento urbano da cidade de São Paulo, tem se atribuído um papel dominante ao automóvel como modal prioritário no sistema de mobilidade urbana, fato que acarretou prejuízos ao meio ambiente, a desqualificação do espaço... more
Diante do desafio da mobilidade urbana, pesquisas acadêmicas atentas à temática têm buscado elementos explicativos para a compreensão desse fenômeno. Sob o enfoque dos estudos pessoa-ambiente, este artigo busca identificar, por meio da... more
In its material dimension, the land receives both the positive and negative externalities of human life. Trash, for instance, is a negative externality that also reaches the ground, but that is conveniently placed 'out of sight'. This... more
The Green Infrastructure research occurs mainly through the landscape design and the reconstitution of the urban forest. This important emphasis guides changes to face the current environmental challenges. In this conceptual and practical... more
- by Zeca Lotufo
Abstract: The idea of a green belt around London emerged in the 19th century in response in large part to the catastrophic urban health conditions of that period. At a time when cholera was believed to be airborne, providing fresh air for... more