Landscape Infrastructure
Recent papers in Landscape Infrastructure
l progetto persegue la costituzione di un sistema di collegamenti tra centro storico e fascia costiera, mirando all’integrazione dei diversi comparti che rappresentano la molteplice e mutevole realtà della città e del suo intorno. Centro... more
Environmental, social and economic benefits derived from the construction of Randall Children's Hospital. (Portland, OR). A case study for the Landscape Architecture Foundation's Landscape Performance Series.
In De Natura Deorum (The Nature of the Gods, ca. 45 BC, which Voltaire called “perhaps the best book of all antiquity”) Cicero wrote: …we sow cereals and plant trees; we irrigate our lands to fertilize them. We fortify river-banks, and... more
Відповідно до останніх досліджень і аналізу проектної практики було встановлено, що в містобудуванні та архітектурі існують актуальні тенденції, що характеризують сталий розвиток на даному етапі, а саме: помірність – концепція достатнього... more
Edited by Gareth Doherty and Charles Waldheim, Is Landscape . . . ? surveys multiple and myriad identities of landscape. Rather than seeking a singular or essential understanding of the term, the collection postulates that landscape might... more
Authors: Nijhuis, Steffen. · Jauslin, Daniel. · De Vries, Christopher. Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure, and is focused on landscape architectonic design of... more
The newly established Flowscapes studio addresses relevant sociocultural, ecological and technological issues from the perspective of spatial planning and design. Urbanization, ecological crisis and climate change are complex problems... more
Creating spaces that have many concurrent purposes -- social, ecological, and infrastructural-- is a challenge in the urban realm where large infrastructural systems have been inherited and typically serve a single purpose. This study... more
Published in Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes
‘Landscape boom’, evident during the last decade in many disciplines, defined the prospects for landscape architecture bringing landscape as a concept and a useful instrument for urban planning. One of the persistent trends in landscape... more
This thesis elaborates on a theoretical, epistemological and design research framework for the possibility of an operative synthesis of, on the one hand, climate-related risk management (primarily, flood exposure from multiple sources,... more
Focused on the relationship between architecture and the broader forces that contextualise it, Re¬sidual Operations has introduced students to the idea of context in an etymological sense: that is, the weaving together of different... more
Infrastructures are considered both by the general public and the technical experts a not-to-be-challenged issue. Distancing themselves from the idea of the ‘public work’, their scope and design are obvious results of the dominant... more
This project explores the landscape potential of Taiwanese river valley in terms of integrating water and river management with urbanism within the context of a dense environment diversity as well as a highly sensitive and dynamic... more
During the urban development of the City of São Paulo, it has been assigned a dominant role to the car as a priority in modal urban mobility system, a fact that caused damages to the environment, disqualification of public spaces and... more
Published in Landscape Architecture Frontiers, No 12, vol 2, issue 6
As an urban theory built on the criticism of city/non-city duality, Planetary Urbanization advocates for the study of non-city territories and proposes operational landscape in a global scale, demonstrating its close relationship with the... more
This project explores the landscape potential of Taiwanese river valley in terms of integrating water and river management with urbanism within the context of a dense environment diversity as well as a highly sensitive and dynamic... more
An understanding of human and non-human agency is essential to fully capture the nature and configurations of resource circulations and “metabolic” dynamics in cities. Since their inception, urban political ecology and more-than-human... more
The proposition of this paper is to examine the agency of landscape in subverting, energizing and reinvigorating a specific kind of deserted space in cities-Urban Under Space. The term Urban Under Space refers to residual infrastructural... more
Environmental, social and economic benefits derived from the construction of Director Park. (Portland, OR). A case study for the Landscape Architecture Foundation's Landscape Performance Series.
The project unveils how the rail infrastructure network of North Peloponnese, redundant for more than a decade, can act as a synergetic field for multi-sectoral development with the mobilization of landscape infrastructures through the... more
This essay in the recent book "Toward an Urban Ecology" by Scape and Kate Orff argues that publics are not timeless, homogeneous blocks but are always coming into existence and passing away, and that landscape is the primary contemporary... more
L’actuelle multiplication des propositions architecturales et urbaines en faveur de l’autonomie énergétique remet en cause le modèle historique des grands réseaux pensé pour la consommation de masse et la croissance. Les réseaux de... more
The various cities in the table-land of Iran, considering their context and the natural and geographical conditions, benefited from the water resources in various ways. Among all these cities, Bukhara has owned one of the most advanced... more
During the urban development of the City of São Paulo, it has been assigned a dominant role to the car as a priority in modal urban mobility system, a fact that caused damages to the environment, disqualification of public spaces and... more
Throughout the centuries, cities of the Iranian plateau shaped, developed and sustained with deep and mutual connection with the water resources and networks. today, readout the multifaceted and multi functional connection of these... more
The layout of river systems, as we observe them nowadays, is only a phase of an unstable process where modifcations happen according to different spatial and time scales due to climate and geological changes, human landscape alterations... more
Un progetto di ricerca svolto da Sealine (UniFe) in collaborazione con lo studio Metropolis e la POLIS University di Tirana in Albania, ulteriormente approfondito tramite lo sviluppo di una serie di tesi di laurea nell’ambito del... more
Infrastructures must be designed to favour rapid movements of resources and people, to redistribute services, to order urbanscapes and suburban and rural areas. Roads must be devised to design a landscape, to protect unique features and... more