Recent papers in Landslides
Besides precipitation triggered landslides, a major thread from landslides is related to earthquake triggered landslides, which account for the majority of catastrophic landslides. This fact is complicated due to the progressive... more
The aim of the research was to monitor and assess landslide hazards by remote sensing data processing and GIS spatial analysis. The automatic classification of remote sensing images provides many useful land use information to combine in... more
Steep slope, steep dips of the lithotypes, presence of clay layering in weathered rock types, events of continuous heavy rains, flooding on the slopes and improper land use practices play a major role in the genesis of landslides in the... more
Early warning systems are becoming one of the main pillars of disaster prevention in natural hazards especially where mitigation strategies are not realizable. Therefore, the call for multi-hazard early warning systems and improvement of... more
Rainfall-triggered landslides are part of a natural process of hillslope erosion that can result in catastrophic loss of life and extensive property damage in mountainous, densely populated areas. As global population expansion on or near... more
Quick clay has been involved in most serious, large clay slides in Sweden, Norway, and Canada. This paper describes geotechnical and geophysical methods that can be used to locate and map the extent of quick clay formations. Surface... more
An 8 Richter Scale (RS) earthquake struck West Sumatra on Wednesday, 30 September 2009, at 17.16 pm which led to huge number of landslides. Hence a comprehensive landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) should be produced in order to reduce... more
Since 1990, we have maintained a database of historical information on landslides and floods in Italy, known as the National Research Council's AVI (Damaged Urban Areas) archive. The database was originally designed to respond to a... more
Capacitación de comunidades en Sistemas de Alertas Tempranas Comunitarios para la gestión local de riesgos por inundaciones y deslizamientos.
An innovative wireless sensor network (WSN) based on Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology for 3D accurate superficial monitoring of ground deformations, as landslides and subsidence, is proposed. The system has been designed and developed as... more
Minor-scale rockfalls (up to 100 m 3 ) are the most frequent type of landslides on steep slopes, such as rock faces, coastal cliffs and the sides of transportation corridors (Guzzetti et al., 2004; Copons and Vilaplana, 2008; Lim et al.,... more
The slope stability evaluation using the generalized Hoek-Brown criterion and regarding the scale effect has been implemented in terms of the Chaarat gold project. Furthermore, the probabilistic assessment and sensitivity analysis are... more
Landslides, including slope failures, are one of the significant natural disasters in Malaysia. Their frequency and impacts, such as injuries, loss of lives and damage to property, have been increasing over the years. However, current... more
Landslides are a major hazard causing human and large economic losses worldwide. However, the quantification of fatalities and casualties is highly underestimated and incomplete, thus, the estimation of landslide risk is rather ambitious.... more
Heyelanların tespiti, izlenmesi, tehlikesi ve riskinin belirlenmesi, olası zararlarından korunulması ile afet durumunda atlatılması-yönetilmesi pek çok karmaşık işlem adımlarını barındırmaktadır. Bu işlem adımları genellikle heyelan... more
Resumen El Terremoto de Limón (Ms = 7.5) se presentó el 22 de abril de 1991 y tuvo su epicentro en las coordenadas 9.685 N y-83.073 W. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la relación de los procesos detonados por el sismo en... more
Before my senior year as a double major in Economics and Portuguese with a concentration in climate change, I spent the summer of 2019 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as an intern working with the NGO Catalytic Communities. A Latin American... more
On December 3, 2013, a large complex landslide was triggered SW of the town of Montescaglioso (Southern Italy), causing the destruction of roads, commercial buildings and private dwellings, as well as several direct and indirect economic... more
The 270 km long National Highway (NH-44) is the only way that connects the Kashmir valley to the rest of India. Stretches of the expressway go through extremely dubious terrains and mountains. Consequently, blockage of NH-44 has turned... more
On the basis of 1,834 landslide data for Hong Kong Island (HKI), landslide susceptibility maps were generated using logistic regression and GIS. Regional bias of the landslide inventory is examined by dividing the whole HKI into a... more
Günümüzde küresel iklim değişikliği ile birlikte, Karadeniz havzasında yağış, sel ve kütle hareketlerinin sıklığı ve şiddetinde artışa bağlı afetlerde bir artış gözlenmektedir. Bunlardan biri de Türkiye'de Batı Karadeniz Bölümü'nde... more
Landslide is a regular geologic hazard in Bangladesh, especially in Chittagong, the South-eastern Part of the country. Landslides in Bangladesh and its associated causes were studied using multidisciplinary approach taking two recent... more
During a severe rainstorm on 7 June 2008, over 2,000 landslides were recorded on Lantau Island, the largest island in Hong Kong. Numerous road links were severed and many landslides impinged on existing villages. As a result of this... more
Southwest Monsoon (Habagat) and Typhoon Luis caused a deep-seated landslide that struck Sitio Kayang, Brgy. Immuli, Pidigan, Abra on August 15, 2018. Rainfall-induced deep-seated landslides displace partially at a time which necessitates... more
"Landslide" denotes downward and outward movement of slope-forming materials composed of natural rock, soils, artificial fills, -or combinations of these materials. The moving mass may proceed by any one of three principal types of... more
El siguiente proyecto está basado en un trabajo de campo de carácter descriptivo, donde se plantea realizar un inventario cartográfico semidetallado de movimientos masa en los sectores Mesa de Aura, Paramo El Zumbador, Queniquea, del... more
RESUMO Este artigo científico tem como objetivo investigar se o poder público está gerenciando corretamente as situações de crise ocasionadas por deslizamentos de terra devido à chuva em Manaus. Para isso foram estabelecidos alguns... more
Modern, so called Ad-Hoc wireless sensor networks (WSN) arec haracterized by as elf organization and self-healing capacity of the system (autonomous systems), without predefined infrastructures . It permits an on hierarchic data exchange... more
Research assessment landslide and sedimentation of Hoa Binh hydropower reservoir by Vietnamese language. This work presents the research results lakeshore landslides and sedimentation Hoa Binh hydropower reservoir by synthetic methods... more
Hydrocarbon transmission pipeline projects are major infrastructure developments that involve numerous technical, environmental, political and social challenges. Pipeline route selection is multidisciplinary task where the construction... more
Los modelos de probabilísticos de fenómenos naturales, se basan en combinaciones lineales de distintas situaciones y características de la variación del fenómeno a estudiar, que se cuantifican de forma booleana, es decir utilizando rangos... more
On 24 January 2012, a fatal landslide with an estimated volume of 3Mm3 hit villagers and infrastructure in the Tagali Valley, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Although a moderate event by PNG standards, the associated... more
Development of hilly areas requiring deforestation and increased human activities has raised many environmental issues in the world. This paper presents the results of investigation to assess the parameters that contribute to the risk to... more
One of the lessons drawn from past disasters is that active involvement of the local people in the affected areas during disasters has been lacking and formed the weakest link in all risk management strategies. Despite the advances in... more
The Guinsaugon rock slide-debris avalanche was the most catastrophic single landslide event in Philippine history, with 14–18 M m3 of debris instantly burying an entire village. Hummocky topography, pressure ridges and other internal... more