Late Chalcolithic, Uruk expansion
Recent papers in Late Chalcolithic, Uruk expansion
In the 5 th and 4 th millennia BC, complex societies developed in Eastern Anatolia, Northern (Upper) Mesopotamia, and Southern (Lower) Mesopotamia. This paper examines the available evidence for the emergence of complex societies in Upper... more
A todos quienes de manera más o menos estrecha me han ayudado durante todos estos años y animado ante el desaliento y la confusión. Aunque queden en el anonimato de estas páginas no lo es así en mi corazón. A todos ellos corresponden... more
The Uruk Expansion, which took place during various phases throughout the 4 th millennium BC, also developed in Northern Mesopotamia. In the area of Birecik, in eastern Turkey, on the edge of the Euphrates, various archaeological sites... more
This study discusses the effects of cultural contact between lower and upper Mesopotamia during the so-called ‘Uruk expansion’ in the 4th millennium B.C. 1- The paper argues that the world’s first cities were developed in Southern... more
Graves and settlements of the 5th millennium BC in North Caucasus attest to a material culture that was related to contemporaneous archaeological complexes in the northern and western Black Sea region. Yet it was replaced, suddenly as it... more
The growth of cities in antiquity is paradoxical: before modern health and sanitation standards, early urban dwellers suffered high mortality as a result of epidemics and chronic diseases arising, respectively, from propinquity and poor... more
The semantic context of the cultural patterns of the past is beyond our perception. This fact, regardless of time and space, thus, makes any type of social organizations that existed in the past complex and transitive. Bearing in mind... more
Emergent institutions are considered pivotal in the shift from small-scale to urban, and politically- centralized societies in the ancient Near East. Despite the abundance of evidence on this phenomenon, a detailed definition of the... more
The present study discusses the effects of cross-cultural contact between lower and upper Mesopotamia, during so-called “Uruk expansion” (widespread distribution of southern Uruk-style material culture at sites at the North) in the 4th... more
SUMMARY: Lecture 4 examines the Chalcolithic period in Anatolia, including trends, with more focus on Southeast Anatolia. This lecture is designed mainly as an educational resource for college students (i.e., normally posted only on my... more
With its location on the Upper Tigris Valley and its layers of the Late Chalcolithic period, Başur Höyük, Siirt is an important north Mesopotamian settlement which is being excavated within the scope of the dam project particularly like... more
Located in the Upper Tigris Region, within the borders of Diyarbakır-Bismil,Aşağı Salat is a höyük (mound) situated on the banks of the Tigris River. The cemetery of Aşağı Salat, which was revealed as a result of salvage excavations... more
Maikop might be of Sumerian Uruk origin while the Indo-European component in Sumerian might be of possible Indo-Iranian pre-Maikop Meshoko-Svobodnoye origin or / and possible Hittite-Luwian post-Maikop Novosvobodnaya origin.
The Narmer palette and the Uruk vase are two ideological and artistic manifestations that embrody ideas, realities and concerns that will be present in the cultural memory of Pharaonic Egypt and Mesopotamia for millennia. The purpose of... more
In this chapter, I investigate the socio-cultural meanings of hybrid practices in ritual-architectural spaces from a northern Mesopotamian Late Chalcolithic Period archaeological site. During the fourth millennium B.C. northern... more
The developments of the late prehistoric Mesopotamian phase saw the process of formation of urban societies and ultimately the appearance of writing technologies. These developments are combined with a particularly wide expansion of... more
Regionalized patterns and paths to "complexity": relections about ceramic provinces and organizational modalities in the 6th-4th millennia Northern Mesopotamia Abstract In the last decades, the northern half of the so-called "Greater... more
Since 2012, the French archaeological mission at the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah (dir. J. Giraud) has intensively surveyed a region around the Dukan Lake. Concerning the Chalcolithic phase, significant results provide new information on... more
This study, titled “The Place and Importance of the Early Bronze Age I Cemetery of Aşağı Salat in Northern Mesopotamia”, includes the archaeological analysis of all graves and grave goods. The cemetery has been compared with similar... more
Die spät-chalkolithischen Siedlungsschichten in Giricano vermitteln einen ununterbrochenen Überblick über die kulturelle Entwicklung im Tal des Oberen Tigris von der Obed-Zeit bis in die erste Hälfte des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. Die... more
1ère partie : Les termes du problème
2ème partie : La phase formative du phénomène (4800-3100 av. J.-C.)
3ème partie : La phase classique du phénomène (3100-1800 av. J.-C.)
4ème partie : Les moteurs de l’évolution
2ème partie : La phase formative du phénomène (4800-3100 av. J.-C.)
3ème partie : La phase classique du phénomène (3100-1800 av. J.-C.)
4ème partie : Les moteurs de l’évolution
Paper presented at the PhD Meeting - Free University, Berlin - June, 6th - 2019 (Prof. D. Bonatz) It presents a chrono-stratigraphical reassignment of the Susa Soundings: Acropole I (A. Le Brun), Acropole II (J.M. Steve - H. Gasche),... more
The many complex processes that characterised the Urban Revolution have been variously outlined, but the mental and cultural steps that were combined with the relevant phenomena are rarely discussed, and above all elusive is their... more
This research addresses issue of inter-regional trade for the world’s first colonial trading system, the economic expansion of state societies from southern Mesopotamia into southwest Iran and southeast Anatolia, through the use of stable... more
This paper is the extended abstract version of my MA thesis’ poster (“Continuity and Change: An Annales Approach to the Late Chalcolithic Period in North Mesopotamia”) presented at the IAAS.
The prehistoric clay sealings from Arpachiyah present an important corpus hitherto only partially published by M. Mallowan (Mallowan - Rose, Iraq 2, 1935, 1-178). The corpus consists of sealings of the Halaf and late chalcolithic periods,... more
Out of the Uruk expansion and “pots-equal-people” frameworks, I aim to addresses crucial questions in archaeology in general, and the prehistory and proto-history of Anatolia and South-Western Asia in particular: the multifarious nature... more
Iran Plateau has vast wide, and different environmental landscapes. It is necessary to know about the creation, development and breakup of the related cultures with this period as regional. The eastern edge Central Zagros of Iran... more
This paper attempts to contextualise the preliminary results of a survey (EHAS) and excavation (KUGAMID) projects recently undertaken by a team of the University of Tübingen in the uppermost region of Iraqi Kurdistan as far as the Late... more