World-Systems Theory
Recent papers in World-Systems Theory
In light of the recent passing of the neoliberal geostrategic tactician, Zbigniew Brzezinski, I felt it was time to revisit his 1997 text "Grand Chessboard". Within this book, US Foreign policy objectives were so succinctly explained as... more
"Bowen’s Court has most commonly been confronted through methodological paradigms stressing its affinity to traditional Irish generic and historiographical conventions. In contrast, this essay reassesses Anglo-Ireland’s contribution to... more
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os fatores que levaram ao fracasso do nacional desenvolvimentismo adotado no Brasil e no mundo e mostrar como resgatá-lo na era contemporânea. Entende-se por nacional desenvolvimentismo o esforço... more
While I. Wallerstein’s world-system theory (W-ST) is frequently referred to in literary studies (see: Moretti; Casanova; and Liu, Robbins & Tanoukhi) and cultural studies (King), A.G. Frank’s notion of world system (without hyphen) is not... more
Авторы теории последовательности человеческого развития Р. Инглхарт и К. Вельцель утверждают, что модернизация является одним из основных процессов, формирующих ценностные установки населения. В статье исследуется соотношение ценностей и... more
China is an important country that takes different roles in the different times of World System Theory. From the year 1978, the position of China in the World System Analysis as whether a core, semi-peripheral or peripheral state has... more
This paper considers the interplay between human adaptation and political economy in the context of the Okhotsk culture of Hokkaido (c. AD 550–1200). Although it flourished at a time of great change and expansion in the East Asian world... more
Предисловие переводчика 23 апреля 2005 г. умер выдающийся социолог и экономист Андре Гундер Франк. Безусловно, это огромная потеря для современной прогрессивной мысли, ведь не стало не только замечательного ученого, но и пламенного... more
The text presents a new interpretation of the Old Rus’ Primary Chronicle through the lens of I. Wallerstein’s and A.G. Frank’s World(-)System Theories, combined with social constructivism and historical anthropology, which will allow the... more
Hogyan képzeljük el a magyar társadalom osztályszerkezetét? Terhes babapiskótaként? Piramisként vagy körteként? Az összetett és elvont jelenségek megértését megkönnyíti, ha már ismert dolgokhoz hasonlítjuk. A metaforák egy határig... more
Человеческое общество – это сложная неравновесная система, постоянно развивающаяся и изменяющаяся. Мнение о том, что в истории развития общества не может быть простых общих законов, крепко укоренилось в научных воззрениях, особенно среди... more
The authors suggest to view the origins of Islam against the background of the 6th century AD Arabian socio-ecological crisis whose model is specified in the paper through the study of cli-matological, seismological, volcanological and... more
It is now widely understood that neoliberalism came to be entrenched in the legal systems of many states after the effective collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary order in the early 1970s. What is not widely understood, though, are the... more
Link: Studies on the pattern according to which national power is allocated between nation states have historically focused on the great powers and the emerging powers. However, these powers... more
This article elucidates the relevance, significance and importance of the eight major inquiry domains in the practice of humanity nurturance. These domains were derived using the generativist systems theory of apithology, which examines... more
A kötet, amelyet az olvasó a kezében tart, az ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar szociológia alapképzésén Társadalmi szerkezetek, társadalmi folyamatok I. címmel meghirdetett kurzus jegyzeteit tartalmazza. A tizenhárom órára bontott tanmenet... more
20. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde düşünce hayatımızda Türkçülük, Garbçılık, İslamcılık şeklinde üç görüş egemen olmuştur. Bunlara bir siyasal akım olarak Osmanlıcılığı da eklemek mümkündür. Bunlardan ilk üçünün Cumhuriyet dönemi politik... more
The paper explores the doctrine of the free flow of information as it relates to development theories. I will start by reviewing the history, assumptive basis and theoretical underpinnings of the debates about information flow. In the... more
The Kingdom of Kush flourished in northern Sudan between 2000 and 1500 BCE. During this period, the capital Kerma emerged as a major economic and political centre in the Nile Valley. After a short review of the application of world system... more
The paper discusses modernisation and dependency theories as classical approaches to development studies, and illustrates their continuing relevance by discussing some contemporary applications.
May I be assisted with the marking of this paper, this is the first assignment of the module, the only module standing between me and my graduation. For some reason(apparent non in-text referencing) my lecture gave me a zero. Help please,... more
Source: Актуальные проблемы глобальных исследований: ценности глобального мира / под ред. И.В. Ильина. – М., МООСИПНН Н.Д. Кондратьева, 2018. C. 92-118. Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel, the authors of the Human Development Sequence... more
In this study, I aim to address a long-standing question in Southeast Asian historiography, namely: Why did two seemingly irrelevant edibles, pepper and sea cucumbers, feature so prominently in Southeast Asian exports to China in the... more
Since the revolution emerged in North and East Syria (NES) in 2012, there has been much scholarly attention on democratic confederalism and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES, Rojava). Much of this literature has... more
Roughly classified as social science. General list of master functions.
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictoriness of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or... more
This Cambridge Element inaugurates the Cambridge Elements series in the Global Middle Ages: 40 titles over 5 years, with an open-ended remit, edited by Geraldine Heng and Susan Noakes. The Global Middle Ages: An Introduction discusses... more
Assignment: Essay; The intention of this assessment is that you develop a case study of an example of state-corporate crime or harm in South East Asia. The portfolio asks students' to develop a series of short explanations of the core... more
This book provides an in-depth analysis of public opinion patterns among Muslims, particularly in the Arab world. On the basis of data from the World Values Survey, the Arab Barometer Project and the Arab Opinion Index, it compares the... more
The 20th century revolutionary process had a big impact on the World System and significantly changed its entire configuration. However, there are essential gaps in terms of theoretical approaches, in particular, in terms of the typology... more
Анализ длинных экономических циклов помогает понять долго-срочную динамику развития Мир-Системы, позволяет строить прогнозы, но также очень многое проясняет в понимании прошлых кризисов и современного глобального экономического кризиса. В... more
This article considers the emergence of world environmental history as a rapidly growing but undertheorized research field. Taking as its central problematic the gap between the fertile theorizations of environmentally-oriented social... more
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictoriness of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or... more
What is the relevance of dependency theory today? In 13 interviews, we asked leading scholars whether dependency theory still holds, how it has influenced their work and what parts of the theory needs updating.