Late Medieval History
Most cited papers in Late Medieval History
This article investigates the deliberate use and manipulation of chivalric culture and iconography by James IV of Scotland to position the Stewart dynasty's claims to the English throne in contest with the concurrent consolidation of... more
The well-known classical abbreviation SPQR has acquired many spurious expansions over the centuries. One version popular with resentful locals in the early nineteenth century was soli preti qui rregneno, or “only priests reign here” in... more
Although recent work has begun to establish that early modern plagues had selective mortality effects, it was generally accepted that the initial outbreak of Black Death in 1347-52 was a ‘universal killer’. Recent bioarchaeological work,... more
Between April and July 1413, a large group of Parisians led the violent Cabochien Uprising. This revolt has been positioned primarily as an extension of civil war politics between the Burgundians and the Armagnacs. I argue that it was far... more
The root cause of the Burgundian-Armagnac civil war was the brutal assassination of Louis, Duke of Orléans on the orders of John, Duke of Burgundy. From the outset, emotions - specifically grief and anger - were at the centre of the... more
Überlegungen zu Handlungsarten und Handlungsräumen Heinrichs VII. (1308-1313) in Deutschland und Italien Der Zusammenhang zwischen öffentlichem Raum, Verfassung und Beurkundung lässt sich von Seiten der Geschichtswissenschaft aus... more
This article argues that the focus on three drops of milk issuing from the Virgin's breast in The Virgin in Front of a Fire Screen was inspired by contemporary representations of the Lactation of Saint Bernard. This latter iconography... more
One of the most distinctive endowed structures of the Mamluk period, the eponymous madrasa of Umm al-Sulṭān Shaʿbān, was built in the wake of several attempts to remove her son, the 13th Qalāwūnid sultan al-Ashraf Shaʿbān (r. 764–... more
Traditionally it is assumed that "modern" civil society originated in the associations, clubs, and public sphere of the eighteenth century as a result of the "liberation" of the individual from the "shackles" of absolutism, religious... more
FULL PDF HERE. This article examines the expertise and duties of clerks in medieval English towns, particularly their roles in creating custumals, or collections of written customs. Customs could regulate trade, office-holding,... more
The article examines the operations of the property market in late medieval Old Warsaw during a period of economic expansion. Two major professional groups (merchants and craftsmen) are distinguished to indicate fundamental differences in... more
This study presents the reform of the Royal Council of Navarre, which took place during the reign of Catherine of Foix and John of Albret. the different measures carried out established the foundation of a new modernized and efficient... more
This article focuses on the maritime cultural landscape of the former Zuiderzee (AD 1170-1932) in the central part of the Netherlands. Since the large-scale reclamations from the sea (1932-1968), many remains have been discovered,... more
Study of the conflicts developed in the Castilian Mudejar aljamas during the Fifteenth Century, with special emphasis on the analysis of the disputes associated to the presence of privileged groups integrated in clientelar networks which... more
En la política de promoción de las monjas mendicantes que desarrollaron los reyes de Castilla se percibe una tipología de “fundaciones en relación” con mujeres. Alfonso X y Pedro I colaboraron con sus amantes, Mayor Guillén y María de... more
The remittance of the custom duties due on a consignment of Italian military equipment imported into England provides valuable information on the type of equipment used by men-at-arms during the Wars of the Roses. It offers insights into... more
The multiplication of the capacity of the royal power to raise information by means of an increasingly complex judicial apparatus made the writing war of memories very uneven in the second half of the fifteenth century. Princes, however... more
The purpose of this study is to present the ways of multicultural noble community formation on the territory of Podillia (Podillya), and starting from 1434 – of Podolian voivodeship, which was the easternmost province of Polish Kingdom at... more
Little attention has been paid by historians to the production of firearms in the Tower of London in the fifteenth century, before the reign of Henry VII. This is due to the lack of surviving records for the office of the Ordnance prior... more
[Now available through open access from Speculum:] Among those witnesses of John Gower's works that are known to have been produced during his lifetime, the Trentham... more
Serving the state. The regional officers of Holland and Zeeland in the Burgundian period (1425-1482). This is a summary of my phd-thesis, a prosopographical study into the officers of the Council and Chambre des Comptes of Holland and... more
A key strand of research for social and economic historians of the pre-industrial period is the relationship between city and countryside. Sometimes urban and rural environments enjoyed mutually beneficial relationships, though in other... more
Surveys late medieval social inequalities and assesses demographic, Marxist, monetarist and commercialisation accounts of economic change
As a consequence of Flemish tutelage at the end of the thirteenth century the process of transformation from demesne authority into a territorial authority in Guelders accelerated. Moreover, the first signs of the town's involvement in... more
rom the Contents: Acknowledgements; I. Introduction: Objective, Concepts, Method and Literature; II. The General Italian Historical Background; III. The Manifestation of Power, Magnificenza, Reinassance and Humanism; IV. The History of... more
Uno de los rasgos más llamativos de la vida religiosa de la Baja Edad Media fue el espectacular incremento de las mujeres consagradas a Dios, la diversificación de sus formas de vida y el gran peso de lo femenino en la simbología y el... more
Until recently, literary texts produced either in manuscript or printed form between c. 1400 and 1600 were assumed to neglect the interests of children and young people. A selection of didactic texts from this period, however, discusses... more
This article treats the first entry of a new prince as the start of a series of exchanges between the prince and his subjects. On the occasion of an entry, gifts in all kind of forms, subsistence, luxury and symbolic goods, were exchanged... more
Nachtschwärmen, Lärmen, Zechen, Zücken, Raufen und andere deviante Verhaltensmuster spätmittelalterlicher Rostocker Scholaren im Spiegel von Bittschreiben an den Papst Als die Rostocker Universität im November 1419 feierlich eröffnet... more
The House of Mendoza´s relations with religious institutions from the last third of the fourteenth century through the end of the fifteenth, when the lineage ascended politically, in their own lordships as well as in royal... more
This article discusses the medicinal remedies consumed at the court of the Yorkist kings of England in the light of a lawsuit in the court of common pleas (edited in an appendix) between John Clerk, king’s apothecary to Edward IV, and... more
Bauch, Martin, The Day the Sun Turned Blue. A Volcanic Eruption in the Early 1460s and its Possible Climatic Impact – a Natural Disaster Perceived Globally in the Late Middle Ages?, in: Schenk, Gerrit J. (ed.), Historical Disaster... more
This paper is trying to highlight value of quantitative methods in the study of late medieval testaments from city of Gdańsk
While the early Bristol expeditions to North America have always been thought of as a purely English phenomenon, this article demonstrates that they were partly funded by Italian capital. Following the slight leads left behind by a... more
The idea that, from the end of the thirteenth century, Pisa underwent a process of inexorable economic decline and progressive subordination to the interests of the Florentines has already been contested by Federigo Melis, Marco... more
This article discusses the material and spatial features of the tournaments on the Grote Markt, the central market square in Brussels, in the fifteenth and first half of the sixteenth century. It investigates how the tournament acquired... more
Nella tradizione storiografica le ricerche sui radicali mutamenti politico-istituzionali che interessarono le città comunali italiane nel Duecento, e che si manifestarono soprattutto nell'affermazione dei movimenti di Popolo, e quelle sul... more
This is the table of contents of my forthcoming book, Political Theology of International Order, Oxford University Press, 2020. It investigates presuppositions of international order that originate in medieval theology. The main argument... more
La llamada cuestión morisca está íntimamente unida a nuestras grandes polémicas ideológico-políticas. El «ser de España», las luchas entre «reacción» y «progreso» y otras de las más apasionadas controversias que dividieron a nuestros... more
Analysis of justificatory and legitimating elements of the process of promoting royal fiscal sovereignty, as well as the king’s role as a distributor of wealth, through the arguments in preferably Castilian legal, political, religious and... more
From November 1st 1395 up to August 25th 1396, Ermine de Reims, a peasant widow from Northern France, went through one of the most extreme religious experiences of the Late Middle Ages: for about a hundred nights, she was systematically... more
Corrupt or courtly behaviour? Gifts and the political network of a late medieval town in the county of Holland. This article (in Dutch) shows that during the late Middle Ages bribery, one of the types of corrupt behaviour of state... more