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Ellen Widder: Herzog Gian Galeazzo Visconti (1378-1402). Die Machtentfaltung Mailands gegen die italienischen Signorien, in: Nur eine finstere Krisenzeit? „Das dramatische 14. Jahrhundert“ – Ereignisse und Trends, hg. v. Florian Schuller,... more
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      Renaissance HistoryLate Medieval HistoryItalian HistorySpätmittelalter
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      Late Middle AgesLanded NobilityNobilityMedieval France
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      Medieval HistorySigillographyLate Medieval HistoryHistory of Navarre
This is a digital offfprint for restricted use only |
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesLombardy (Late Middle Ages)Early Modern Italy
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryHoly Roman EmpireLate Medieval History
LAND AND PEASANTS IN MEDIEVAL CRETE. XIIIth – XIVth c. The conquest of Crete by the Venetians and the new state of affairs imposed by Venice soon led to a new social and economic order for the island. If, on a social level, the changes... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFeudalism and LordshipBastard Feudalism
Abordamos algunas de las relaciones entabladas por las aragonesas y aragoneses bajomedievales con sus vivos, sus muertos, sus intercesores más apreciados e incluso con la divinidad en los diversos momentos que engloban lo que Alejo de... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval
М 6 9 Еластична спільнота. Подільська шляхта в другій половині X IV -70 -х роках X V I ст. -К .: Темпора, 2 0 1 2 . -ххіі + 4 5 0 с., іл. ISBN 9 7 8 -6 1 7 -5 6 9 -0 6 0 -4 У дослідженні представлено історію подільської шляхти від... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPolish HistorySocial HistoryLate Medieval History
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      Archival StudiesMedieval HistoryRenaissance StudiesPaleography
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesScottish History
Throughout its existence, the inhabitants of the Holy Roman Empire frequently evoked concepts of peace in legal, governmental, and moral affairs. In particular, the term Landfrieden can be found in sources from the thirteenth to the... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Prosopographical Apparatus, in: Robert Gramsch, Erfurter Juristen im Spätmittelalter. Die Karrieremuster und Tätigkeitsfelder einer gelehrten Elite des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesProsopography
The present paper will investigate pardon letters or “lettres de rémission” granted to soldiers by the Valois dukes of Burgundy from 1386 to 1482. During this period, the chancery records contain 885 remission letters by which the prince... more
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      HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Self and IdentityMedieval History
Profilo biografico di Piero Vespucci (Firenze, 1432 - Alessandria, 1485), uomo politico fiorentino.
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      Italy (History)Luigi PulciLate Medieval HistoryThe Medici Effect, Florence, Renaissance Florence
Breve messa a punto cocettuale perché la svolta dal 200 al 300 provocò molti interventi normativi e al tempo stesso il riuso di categorie precedenti o il loro uso pkurimo, provocando equivoci nelle letture storiografiche.
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryLegal HistoryGames
In 1448 the inhabitants of the Widmer Quarter-one of the four districts of late medieval Vienna and including areas within and without the city walls-were listed for tax purposes. Unusually, this list, now in the Austrian National... more
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      Late Medieval ArchaeologyLate Medieval HistoryGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Tax Registers
Introduction to the mentioned editions [see sources]; focusing for example: the description of the sources’ provenance and the way they were recorded.
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      Late Middle AgesDiplomatics (Medieval)Jewish - Christian RelationsCritical Edition (Medieval History)
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      Medieval HistoryGenealogyMedieval StudiesHistorical Auxiliary Sciences
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      History of SwitzerlandLate Medieval HistorySpätmittelalterHistory of Towns
Der Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Tagung, die im Oktober 2008 an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt stattfand und sich exemplarisch dem Literaturbetrieb der Reichsstadt in der Zeit des Umbruchs zwischen... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEarly Modern HistoryLocal HistoryEarly Modern Literature
The subject of the study is the analysis of the manuscript with genealogical notes on the family of Podiebrad dukes, the descendants of king George of Poděbrady. The manuscript is held in the National Archive in Třeboň and contains the... more
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      Medieval ChroniclesLate Medieval HistoryHistory of Silesia
W artykule analizuję walory rozrywkowe kronik. Okazuje się bowiem, że średniowieczne piśmiennictwo historyczne ma uczyć i bawić zarazem.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Latin LiteratureLate Medieval History
Три военные хроники Позднего Средневековья (пер. с лат. А. Маслова) // Давыдов А.Г., Карабед И.К., Маслов А.Н. Воинские традиции швейцарского Средневековья. Н. Новгород: Поволжье, 2012. С. 269-285.
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      Medieval HistorySwiss HistoryMedieval LatinLate Medieval History
When Holland and Zeeland were integrated in the Burgundian personal union, the court of the count disappeared in these counties . Instead. a regional administrative machinery was set up. in which the govemor,later called stadholder; was... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
This roll, taken from King’s Bench 27 (KB27) at the National Archives, Kew, records a case of a counterfeiter of Torrington, Exeter, who, in 1421, turned King’s Approver but failed in this duty of bringing his appellees to justice. The... more
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      Medieval HistoryLegal HistoryMedieval Latin LiteratureLate Medieval English History
In his study, the author focuses on the activity of the Hussite military garrisons in the Silesian duchies in 1428–1435. After a synopsis of the basic stages of the Hussite raids in Silesia, he pays attention to the presence of garrisons... more
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      Military HistoryLate Medieval HistoryHistory of SilesiaHussite revolution (Bohemia)
The aim of this article is to analyse the natural plant population of the southwest of Cordoba and how it was affected by human action. To achieve this goal, several archives were searched and various species of trees, bushes, and other... more
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      HistoryLandscape EcologyLate Middle AgesMedieval History
The aim of this study is to do a first approximation on the organisation and structure of the military defence during the Catalan Civil war (1462-1472) of the town of Igualada. This military and political conict faced the King John II of... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSocial History
Co-authored with Anne Curry, Peter Hoskins and Thom Richardson The Battle of Agincourt on October, 25, 1415, remains one of the most glorious victories in British history, with a legacy that endures today. A pivotal moment in the Hundred... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLate Medieval English HistoryThe Hundred Years War
Η μελέτη εξετάζει το σύνθετο πλέγμα σχέσεων και αλληλεξαρτήσεων που αναπτύχθηκε στη διάρκεια του πρώτου αιώνα της λατινικής κυριαρχίας στο Αιγαίο μεταξύ κατακτητών, εποίκων και εγχωρίων καθώς και με τον υπόλοιπο λατινοκρατούμενο χώρο... more
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      History of the Eastern MediterraneanVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanLate Medieval History
Syfte med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka färgens och gestikens påverkan på altarskåpets iscensättning av berättelserna och därmed även budskapet. Uppsatsen har ett bildsemiotiskt perspektiv som en utgångspunkt. Materialet för... more
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      SemioticsIconographyLate Medieval HistoryFlemish Altarpiece
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      Medieval TownsLate Medieval HistoryHistory of SilesiaMedieval Cities and Urbanism
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      Economic HistoryRenaissance HistoryItalian (European History)Renaissance Studies
Serving the state. The regional officers of Holland and Zeeland in the Burgundian period (1425-1482). This is a summary of my phd-thesis, a prosopographical study into the officers of the Council and Chambre des Comptes of Holland and... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryProsopographyPolitical Elites
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      PhilologyCultural StudiesFrench HistoryLate Middle Ages
In medieval Italy the practice of revenge as criminal justice was still popular amongst members of all social classes, yet crime was also increasingly perceived as a public matter that needed to be dealt with by the government rather than... more
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      Criminal JusticeMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLegal History
Zaporizhzhia Historical Review. Запоріжжя, 2019. Вип. 1 (52). С. 9–16
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryUrban StudiesUkrainian History
Disponible de forma abierta en la web de Openedition [] La historia de la diplomacia medieval es una temática en proceso de renovación metodológica. Por ello pretendemos realizar un estado de la... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryHistory of Diplomacy
Naturalmente divisi. Storia e autonomia delle antiche comunità alpine Vol. 2 | ISBN: 9788891111708 | Anno 2013 Nelle Alpi sono numerosi gli esempi di insiemi di comunità che, tramite privilegi e diplomi, sottolineano la propria... more
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      Modern HistoryPolitical PhilosophySocial SciencesMedieval History
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      Medieval LiteratureMiddle EnglishInterdisciplinarityEnglish History
Hans Baldung Grien, the most famous apprentice and close friend of German artist Albrecht Dürer, was known for his unique and highly eroticised images of witches. In paintings and woodcut prints, he gave powerful visual expression to late... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist TheoryRenaissance History
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      European HistoryFrench HistoryMedieval HistoryGerman History
This is the table of contents of my forthcoming book, Political Theology of International Order, Oxford University Press, 2020. It investigates presuppositions of international order that originate in medieval theology. The main argument... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasPolitical TheoryMedieval Theology
The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond, Volume 3: Displaced Persons, edited by Kevin Ingram and Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano. Leiden: Brill, 2015. The Sixteenth Century Journal 49.2 (2018) 533–35.
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      Early Modern HistoryIberian StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryVenetian History
: Humbert III entre quête monastique, stratégies lignagères et obligations politiques. Si l'on suit les chroniqueurs savoyards du XV e siècle 1 , le comte Humbert III souffrait d'accidia, d'une mélancolie physique et religieuse issue d'un... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
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      German StudiesSocial NetworksHistory of ElitesSocial History
Vorstellung meines laufenden Dissertationsprojekts bei Manfred Groten, Bonn.

Presentation of my dissertation project (supervised by Manfred Groten, Bonn).
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryLanded NobilityHistory of Elites
Abstract for my doctoral thesis, which was submitted and passed at the University of Oxford in 2015.
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      Cultural HistoryDiplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGerman History