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This album comprises works created by a Latvian photographer Janis Kreicbergs over 45 years (from 1960 to 2005) within a geographically vast area (USA – Europe – Asia) and under various political regimes (the USSR during the Khrushchev... more
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      PhotographsArt HistoryPhotographyFashion Photography
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"The book „The Photograph as Art in Latvia” is the first contemporary study about the recent past of Latvian photographic art. Being artificially separated from Western and global information space by the Soviet regime Latvian culture... more
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      PhotographsArt HistorySoviet HistoryPhotography
Book 1, Part II of the Copeland-Akkadian Dictionary that not only is an English-Akkadian Dictionary but also a Concordance of Akkadian-related languages, including Indo-European, languages. We suspect that those who are of the... more
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      Welsh linguisticsGeorgian LanguagePersian LanguageSanskrit
Книга рассказывает о ста годах совместной жизни русских, латышей и латгалов в Латвии. Подробно описывается, как шла реализация в этой стране «красного», «белого» и «коричневого» проектов общественного развития, какую роль в них играли... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRussian StudiesSocial SciencesHistory of Elites
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      Immigration HistoryLatvian
Only Polish words from Marcin Paszkowski’s “Dictionary” have been published up to now while their Turkish equivalents have never been edited although two scholars (Ananiasz Zajączkowski 1938 and Stanisław Stachowski 1989) intended to do... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguagesGeography
"“In her paper entitled Reportive evidentiality and reported speech: is there a boundary? Evidence of the Latvian oblique Joanna Chojnicka addresses the problem of the relationship between evidentiality and reported discourse by... more
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      Latvian LanguageEvidentialityReported SpeechLatvian
This paper investigates Latvian verbs with causative morphology and their relations to non-causative verbs. Causative morphology comprises vowel alternation and suffixation. The different techniques are largely synonymous, but differ in... more
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      Baltic languagesLatvian LanguageLatvianMorphological Causatives
Klaipėdos universitetas, Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos institutas, Herkaus Manto g. 84, 92294 Klaipėda El. p. Anotacija. Publikacijoje pristatomas 2016-2019 m. surinktas Daunoravos latvių-dundurnie-kų... more
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      Diaspora StudiesHistory of photographyLatvian
This book is fun. It challenges readers to think about why some countries are rich, while others are poor. It explores alternative thinking about important economic, practical and philosophical matters. The variety of ideas will challenge... more
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A research report about fathers in Latvia. The report argues that fathers in Latvia are treated in exclusively supportive role. The actual cognitive scheme of family treats women and their children as default element while men are... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderFamily studiesChildren and Families
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      Anatolian LanguagesLuwianLydianOld Norse Religion
PRATARMĖ Serijai Bibliotheca Salensis pradžią davė nuo 2004 metų Salų dvare (prie Kamajų, Rokiškio rajone) pradėtos rengti kalbotyros vasaros mokyklos. Joje bus leidžiamos specialiai šiai serijai parašytos, daugeliu atvejų Salose... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyBaltic StudiesBaltic languages
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      History of architectureLatvianBaltic GermansEuropean manor houses
Това е първата авторска история на Латвия и на латвийците на български език. Книгата представя историята на днешните латвийски земи от праисторически и предписмени времена до наши дни, като прокарва паралели и сравнения с личности,... more
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      Medieval LivoniaHistory of LatviaLatvianLatvian History
Published in 1881, a Latvian fever charm featuring maidens dancing on ice serves as a source for research into three directions of verbal charm scholarship. It marks the northwestern border of transmission of certain motifs found in the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMagicCharms
Young, tertiary-educated emigrants see themselves, and are seen by their home country's government, as agents of economic and social change, especially if they can be incentivized to return home. In this paper we examine the barriers... more
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      Knowledge sharingEuropean UnionKnowledge TransferDiaspora and transnationalism
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      Languages and LinguisticsBaltic StudiesBaltic languagesLanguage Typology
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      Greek LiteratureIconographyGreek LanguageAncient Indo-European Languages
In this bachelor's work are described existing solutions for auto climate control and monitoring, their components and working principles. In addition it is described how auto cabin climate affects passengers health. Platform and sensors... more
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      Environmental MonitoringArduinoLatvianAir Quality Monitoring and Modelling
Sachsenspiegel und Magdeburger Recht stellen zwei deutschsprachigen Rechtsquellen dar, die mit der Verbreitung der deutschen Rechtspraxis in den slawisch- und baltischsprachigen Gebieten angeeignet wurden. Der vorliegende Beitrag... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesRussianCzech
Su Daunoravos dvaru susijęs Joniškio krašte iki Antrojo pasaulinio karo buvusios didelės latvių tautinės (kartu ir evangelikų liuteronų) bendrijos įsikūrimas. Jos nariai nuo latviško Dundurmuižos dvaro pavadinimo buvo vadinami... more
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      Lithuanian HistoryHistory of LatviaLatvianBaltic Germans
The names of the bilberry with the root Latv. mel- / Lith. mėlare
common in the Latvian and Lithuanian languages but their formation
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      Historical LinguisticsBaltic StudiesBaltic languagesLatvian Language
To be or not to be (a minority)? The case of Kashubian in Poland Bëc czë nié bëc (miészëzna)? Kaszëbizna w Polsce Michael Hornsby, Department of Celtic, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland Tomasz Wicherkiewicz, Department of... more
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      PolandKashubiansRegional LanguagesLatvian
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      Diaspora StudiesHistory of photographyLatvianIstorija
"Afin d'atteindre le niveau le plus lointain [de la reconstruction de la poésie indo-européenne], celui du PIE, il est indispensable que la comparaison comprenne l'anatolien"
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      Indo-European StudiesAnatolian LanguagesHittiteLuwian
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      HistoryEducationBelarusian HistoryLatvian
In article the question of formation in 1917−1924 of the regulating institutes which were engaged in implementation of national policy of the Soviet State in general and rather Latvian ethnic minority in particular is considered. Two... more
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      History of the USSRLatvianHistory of BelarusBSSR
Zum lettischen Komparativ §1 E. Benveniste (1948: 115-143) hat -wic allgcmein bekannt -zwci Typen von Formationen unterschieden, aus dencn Komparative in indogermanischen Sprachen entstanden sind: a) Die Formationen mit dem Suffix... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBaltic StudiesBaltic languagesLinguistics
Le présent article est une tentative de description du système d'expression de la langue lettone (sur un plan phonologique) selon les principes de la théorie glossématique. Sur cette base, des observations sont faites sur quelques aspects... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyBaltic languagesLinguistics
Cities and towns are the socioeconomic growth poles. The purpose of this article is to evaluate socioeconomic development tendencies of major cities and towns (with more than 10 000 inhabitants) in Latvia. To illustrate development in a... more
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      GeographyRegional developmentUrban DevelopmentLatvia
The paper presents a study of focus groups conducted in schools of Latvia involving teachers of grades 1 – 6 (n=76). The first stage of research presents the analyses of teachers' discussion what a contemporary learner is like, while at... more
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      Teachers’ ViewsLatvianPrimary School TeacherFuture Society
Котломанов А.О. Особенности «анатомии интеграции». Рижская квадриеннале скульптуры 2012 года // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2013. Вып. 2. С. 300—305. Kotlomanov A.O. Features of "Anatomy of integration". Riga... more
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      Contemporary ArtPost-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet PoliticsContemporary Arts
Sprachkontakt zählt zu den Topthemen der heutigen Sprachwissenschaft. Obwohl man manchmal den Eindruck hat, dass dies eine Mode ist, ist es dennoch unbestritten, dass Sprachkontakt interessant und unterhaltsam ist und sogar auch lehrreich... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsBaltic StudiesBaltic languages
The names of the red rasbery are attributed to the general lexical layer of the east Baltic languages in both the Lithuanian and Latvian languages. There are two kinds of explanations of their origin, that is, they are derived from the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBaltic StudiesBaltic languagesLatvian Language
The names of this vegetable are old loanwords in both Baltic languages – in the largest part of Latvia (Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Zemgale) these words were borrowed from the Germanic (their indigene – polonism [see further]), and in Lithuania... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBaltic StudiesBaltic languagesLatvian Language
This essay examines a picturebook, Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! [Merry Christmas!], written by two Latvian refugees while displaced during the Second World War. Not only does this book fill in a gap of exile-experience representations, but it... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesLiterary studiesLatvian
An ageing population is a global phenomenon that takes place in Latvia, too. The active ageing policy is a social response to social challenges caused by demographic changes. Growing generational gap is a challenge to all "greying... more
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      SociologyLong Term CareIntergenerational RelationshipsLatvian
Soviet Family Law: Genesis and Evolution from the Perspective of the Latvian SSR Experience The Soviet law, which was created at the beginning of the 20th century in Soviet Russia, had evolved on the basis of the legal tradition of... more
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    • Latvian
The objective of the paper is to illuminate the interpretation of the term „Applied Linguistics” in Latvia and abroad (in Western Europe, the USA and Russia), and thereby identifying possibilities and grounds for the research of Latvian... more
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      Computer ScienceLinguisticsLatvian
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      HistoryEducationBelarusian HistoryLatvian
Šiame žurnalo numeryje tęsiamas fotografijų ci-klas apie Daunoravos latvius 1. Ankstesnėje pub-likacijoje jau buvo apžvelgtas šio ikonografijos rinkinio susiformavimas ir apibūdintas jo turi-nys 2. Šiai publikacijai atrinkta keletas XX a.... more
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